Damn I used all my good stuff on my ten "free teddy" posts last night ...which were deleted btw... I'm out of material. Maybe Hunter was the influence of narcotic pain medicine when he made that statement. He did have a pretty serious injury. I think he has to work that angle. Go for the sympathy vote. Free Hunter!
I am sure that if it was not for his medical issues, then in the "heat of the moment" Hunter would have been more eloquent in his response. Surely you can understand that Wil
do I dare ask why all of these bannoreds are going on?
From what I've seen here, nothing is sacred.You donks post all kinds of offensive funny crap..Seriously, what does one do to get banned?
Yeah, let Hunter back, Wil. He got over excited. Things were said. I'm sure he is sorry and cooled down now. He only posts in CR chat and RR anyway. Whatcha say big guy?