KFC Riot Updates
Queen of the USA Oprah
gave out coupons to the whole world for a free
KFC lunch today. And guess what: As we speak, there are Riots and Sit-Ins and Furor at KFC. BREAKING: Reports are pouring in from the scene of the melee:
I just returned from my lunch break hoping to use the attached coupon
to score some free KFC grilled chicken at the mid town location 47 E.
42nd Street. Well I guess around 200 people also had the same idea
with coupons in hand.
When I finally gave up (after 30 minutes of aguing with other
customers) a small RIOT started going on outside the store with people
screaming at the manager while he wont let them use their free KFC
coupons (issued by OPRAH)
Another tipster warns of possible RACIAL VIOLENCE:
I went over to our nearest KFC a few minutes ago (this was around 42nd and Park)and chaos ensued. Despite the very visible grilled chicken behind the register, the manager told everyone with coupons to leave and that the promotion was over for the day. The people there are currently holding a sit-in and refusing to leave until they get their free chicken...or the cops are called. Racial epithets were being spewed, people who actually wanted to pay for chicken were facing a potential beatdown, and the manager ran from the screaming horde. Oprah, what have ye wrought?
Great Oprah, just great. Look what you've done. We will continue to cover this breaking potential race riot and/ or political uprising, at KFC. We beg you: If you are on the scene,
send us photos and reports at once.
And This From The Black Voices...
KFC patrons report they can't use Oprah coupons
Louisville, we have a problem. A commenter says:
Unfortunately for those who worked on or near 42nd St., in NYC are not able to use the coupons. A KFC employee was literally screaming in front of the KFC stating, "NO MORE COUPONS" and turned people away. Thanks for nothing!!!!
And another:
I went to use my coupon today and there was a notice on the door stating that if your last 4 numbers in the bar code are 1234, the coupon is no good! Came home to try to print again and the site would not let me print another coupon.
Jay here. ALL the pdf versions of the coupons (see post below) have the 1234 UPC number. I have a call into KFC public relations about this and about whether they're going to be swamped by all the demand. Will report back when I hear.
UPDATE: More reports of KFC customers unable to redeem grilled chicken coupons. Metro New York customers do not seem to be having good KFC experiences today:
If the coupon doesn't print, consider it a blessing! the portchestoer NY store sort of honored a few before noon (2 wings, mash & no biscuit) and then told the remaining coupon holders (that were shunned into a separate line) that the chicken was gone. I eat atr this KFC regularly and was treated like a vagrant because I had a coupon; that they issued!
well we went to kfc in brooklyn center off brooklyn blvd and they also said that if any of us had the same numbers they weren't going to take them.everyones coupons end with 1234'so we went to another one got served went back and talked with the 1st place.they were only serving one per car.
I just came back from the North Lake KFC in Pasadena California, where the sign on the door read "We are not accepting internet coupons".
UPUPDATE: Scott in San Antonio says he & friends successfully redeemed PDF-based coupons. Since he says all coupons' barcodes were the same, I assume they all ended in 1234, which seems to be all you get from the PDF version.
I was able to print it no problem with FireFox. I also saved the PDF. Others who went to get it got the same coupon code. We all went to lunch together and joined the long line of other people waiting for their free chicken. We were politely served and while it took about 10 minutes for our food to be ready, we did get it and in no way felt slighted. I guess I know what I will be eating for the next two weeks!
(BTW, this was in San Antonio)
reported sit-in over grilled-chicken denials at a New York KFC.