Fraud at BETUS!


New member
Mar 7, 2009
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Do you know it for a fact or just by rumor?

Maybe you have an account with or you had one.
Do you remember me?
I'm the account manager you knew as "Sal". The only American
in the whole company.

Well let me give you a taste of the Real

Remember when your deposit through Western Union or Money Gram
never got deposited? Then you had to fight for days or weeks to get it fixed, if it got
fixed at all. The money you lost on a bet because the money wasn't put into
your account.
Well Ladies and Germs, here it is.
It's because your deposit was stolen by an account manager. That's right!
Stolen by an account manager who had you send the money in their name or
a relatives name in Panama, Belize, Costa Rica or the Phillipines. Then you got
offered a cock-eyed deal on some "Freeplay" bonus that cost you more money
in the long run.
Ahhhhh! Now that makes a light go off in your head doesn't it.

Account managers plugging in USB's into computers and
copying everything. Everything from your bank info, Credit Card info the
whole nine yards. Using their cellphone to text your credit card info
to their second cellphone to buy stuff later.
Remember that cash advance you sent through Western Union or
Money Gram to someone you don't even know?
Remember when you bought that stereo, teleivision, camcorder or
digital camera online. But you never got it or even remember buying any
such thing. Then you had to fight with the bank and credit card company
to get your money back; if you got it back at all.

That's right boys and girls,

Oh! I almost forgot! Remember when there was a mixup in you getting your
payout? agents said it was a snafu and it took them awhile to fix
it, if at all.
That's because an account manager went into your acct., changed they info long
enough to issue a payout to a relative or friend they have in the U.S..
Then after the payout was issued and confirmed, they go back in your account
and put back to normal.

Would you like to know more about how the account managers feel
about you the customer?
How about, how some account managers broker drug deals in the USA
using phones and active accounts?

It was a pain in the ass when BETUS wouldn't admit that someone else
accessed your account, made payouts to someone else or made bets that
you didn't make.
Hmmm, wonder who that could have been?

Maybe you'd like to know the real deal on why your credit card didn't work
or got double or triple charged. Then you got offered a cock-eyed deal on
some "Freeplay" bonus that cost you more money in the long run.

How bout that BETUS doesn't EVER pay the commissions to the account
managers on time. Then they're rarely correct.
So the majority of the account managers figure, "What the Hell,
BETUS isn't treating me right, so why should I give a damn".

Do you remember when All those account managers you knew in Panama
suddenly dissappeared? LOL!
Thats because they shut down two weeks before Christmas. Thats right, 2 weeks
before Santa Day. Then didn't pay!
Pay attention to the info I'm giving you.
They didn't pay until after Christmas; then when they paid, they didn't pay all
they owed.
Now they are getting ready to open back up in Panama and they are even re-hiring
some of the same account managers they screwed over, begging them to come back.
The same supervisors who have allowed so much fraud and theft to occur, are being
brought back in to run Panama all over again.

Why do you think that BETUS requires their account managers to change their name?
Thats right, BETUS requires them to have a "Phone Name" in place of their real one.

Do You Think You Know The Real Deal About

You Don't!

I do because I worked there. If you want to know more you ask me at

I'll tell you anything you want to know and I won't lie to you.

BTW! My real name is Tom not "Sal". I'm an American, not Canadian, Panamanian,
Costa Rican or otherwise.
I worked for BETUS for 7 months.
The only thing I learned from them if I actually wanted to steal from people.
Now I know how with no consequences.
After all, who's coming to Costa Rica or Panama to get me.
Hell! The customer doesn't even know my real name.

Just so we're clear! I've never stolen from anyone. Never will.
Even if they doubled my salary I wouldn't go back to work for BETUS.


New member
Nov 28, 2008
Fraud at BetUS

Fraud at BETUS!




*I believe I know you and you know me, I worked for the email department and also worked very closely with the fraud intervention department. I was not a supervisor in either department but might as well have been since I felt I did my job and did not need instruction on common sense issues and worked very closely with the customers and was a very good producer.

*Like you I am an American and no longer employed by BetUS, a personal choice I made.

*My reason for writing this email is because I feel you quoted many untruthful statements. Look BetUS has issues there is no denying this, so I will go into your letter and make the corrections as I know them to be, and like you I’m very honest and I have never stole from a customer.

How much do you really know about
Do you know it for a fact or just by rumor?

Maybe you have an account with or you had one.
Do you remember me?
I'm the account manager you knew as "Sal". The only American
in the whole company.

*I hold an American PassPort and worked there the same time you did, enough said on that.

Well let me give you a taste of the Real

Remember when your deposit through Western Union or Money Gram
never got deposited? Then you had to fight for days or weeks to get it fixed, if it got
fixed at all. The money you lost on a bet because the money wasn't put into
your account.
Well Ladies and Germs, here it is.
It's because your deposit was stolen by an account manager. That's right!
Stolen by an account manager who had you send the money in their name or
a relatives name in Panama, Belize, Costa Rica or the Phillipines. Then you got
offered a cock-eyed deal on some "Freeplay" bonus that cost you more money
in the long run.
Ahhhhh! Now that makes a light go off in your head doesn't it.

*If taken in your context then you have made the point that you where trying to make. If explained the way that this issue really took place then there was a lot left out. At the time of you accusations BetUS had 3 offices Canada, Costa Rica, Panama.

*Once the Fraud Dept had suspension that dishonest activity was going on in Panama, within 1 hr upper management had booked a flight and was in Panama in less then 2 hrs and by the next morning there was a house cleaning and the office was closed. To go even further many good honest people lost there job, those good people where offered to come to Costa Rica so they would not lose the means of supporting there families. This was a very embarrassing thing to say the least and all means where taken to resolve this issue between BetUS customers.

Account managers plugging in USB's into computers and
copying everything. Everything from your bank info, Credit Card info the
whole nine yards. Using their cellphone to text your credit card info
to their second cellphone to buy stuff later.
Remember that cash advance you sent through Western Union or
Money Gram to someone you don't even know?
Remember when you bought that stereo, teleivision, camcorder or
digital camera online. But you never got it or even remember buying any
such thing. Then you had to fight with the bank and credit card company
to get your money back; if you got it back at all.

That's right boys and girls,

*The way that security is set up on each Account Managers computer, it is not possible for employees to plug in USB’s period, the plug is there but trying to command the computer to download just is not possible, and if it where breached then the tech department would have a record that transaction took place. You know that Account Managers have very limited access to advanced programs

Oh! I almost forgot! Remember when there was a mixup in you getting your
payout? agents said it was a snafu and it took them awhile to fix
it, if at all.
That's because an account manager went into your acct., changed they info long
enough to issue a payout to a relative or friend they have in the U.S..
Then after the payout was issued and confirmed, they go back in your account
and put back to normal.

*If an account Manager made numerous changes in the system like a complete name change and an address change at the same time, it would still be reflected in the account history and would send a flag up in the accounting department, which would land an Account Manager in the Managers office with questions to answer. How would they explain a complete change of an account like that?

Would you like to know more about how the account managers feel
about you the customer?
How about, how some account managers broker drug deals in the USA
using phones and active accounts?

*BetUS has an IT Dept that listens to tapes 24-7, true there are a lot of employees, but drug deals over BetUS lines would never happen and would be caught and reported to authorities immediately.

It was a pain in the ass when BETUS wouldn't admit that someone else
accessed your account, made payouts to someone else or made bets that
you didn't make.
Hmmm, wonder who that could have been?

*Only the wagering Dept would have access to make false wagers on a customers account, and even that is recorded with the employees ID number, so that could very easily be traced back to see if the customer called the wager in. if not then it would be traced to see if the wager was placed in the customers account from the wager program, which is different then an employee logging into the customers account personally which can be tracked by the fraud department in less the 15 minutes and they would be jobless, cause that is not tolerated by BetUS.

Maybe you'd like to know the real deal on why your credit card didn't work
or got double or triple charged. Then you got offered a cock-eyed deal on
some "Freeplay" bonus that cost you more money in the long run.

*Cards have been double and triple charged,. In this situation there are many reasons why this occurred. Customers trying to fund their account, over and over again during system troubles. An Error on the processors part. Etc

How bout that BETUS doesn't EVER pay the commissions to the account
managers on time. Then they're rarely correct.
So the majority of the account managers figure, "What the Hell,
BETUS isn't treating me right, so why should I give a damn".

*There is no denying that issues have occurred during pay or commissions, but the company always paid there employees.

Do you remember when All those account managers you knew in Panama
suddenly dissappeared? LOL!
Thats because they shut down two weeks before Christmas. Thats right, 2 weeks
before Santa Day. Then didn't pay!
Pay attention to the info I'm giving you.
They didn't pay until after Christmas; then when they paid, they didn't pay all
they owed.
Now they are getting ready to open back up in Panama and they are even re-hiring
some of the same account managers they screwed over, begging them to come back.
The same supervisors who have allowed so much fraud and theft to occur, are being
brought back in to run Panama all over again.

*I answered this above

Why do you think that BETUS requires their account managers to change their name?
Thats right, BETUS requires them to have a "Phone Name" in place of their real one.

*I used my real name; Betus don’t require you to use a fake name. It is the employee’s choice.

Do You Think You Know The Real Deal About

You Don't!

I do because I worked there. If you want to know more you ask me at

I'll tell you anything you want to know and I won't lie to you.

BTW! My real name is Tom not "Sal". I'm an American, not Canadian, Panamanian,
Costa Rican or otherwise.
I worked for BETUS for 7 months.
The only thing I learned from them if I actually wanted to steal from people.
Now I know how with no consequences.
After all, who's coming to Costa Rica or Panama to get me.
Hell! The customer doesn't even know my real name.

Just so we're clear! I've never stolen from anyone. Never will.
Even if they doubled my salary I wouldn't go back to work for BETUS.

*I won’t say that Betus is a perfect company because they are not. I will say that I have the opportunity to work for the part of the company where tempers flair and people are pissed.

What I have learned is I tried to treat every customer the way I wanted to be treated. Customer service was a key to me and when I extended that to the people I did business with they appreciated it.

As far as BetUS being a scam I don’t find that to be true, I would like to see a few managers and supervisors get fired for their lazy attitudes, but over all BetUS is a company that is trying to improve themselves daily.


The other American that worked for BetUS

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
Theyve robbed and slow payed countless people including poker players where the money they won didnt even come from BetUS but from the poker network. If they havent screwed u yet its just a matter of time

Sep 28, 2009
I won $500 bucks from them and its taking them nearly 3 weeks to cut me a check, theyve been saying it was on the way. dont recommend that at all

New member
Sep 19, 2009
I cashed out $500 on a Monday and rcv'd it that Friday. No problems here so far...

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
I won $500 bucks from them and its taking them nearly 3 weeks to cut me a check, theyve been saying it was on the way. dont recommend that at all

That's horrible to hear.

Darn glad I use the Greek! They FedEx my check the next day after I request a payout.

I think we can all learn from your misfortunate experience with this outfit.

RX Senior
Sep 6, 2009
I used to have to Greek. They were very reliable. In fact I'd probably still be with them but their baseball lines are brutal.

Sep 28, 2009
That's horrible to hear.

Darn glad I use the Greek! They FedEx my check the next day after I request a payout.

I think we can all learn from your misfortunate experience with this outfit.

they just fixed it. but it took too long to get the money. dont recommend betus. i got lucky getting the money. i heard some dont even get theirs.:ohno:

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