Jan 28, 2009 - 12:22PM, GMoney82 wrote:
There would be no hip-hop without white people. White people accepted DMC, Beasties, and the Fat Boys back in the early 80's. White people made it acceptable, therefor, it took off.
Fuck you and the bitch that birthed you fa99it.
First off HIPHOP is more than just rap music, and Blacks and Latinos NEVER needed white people to accept shit.
We didnt start DJing parties with two turn-tables and a microphone M.C.ing to be accepted by some cracker that wasnt invited to the party anyway.
We didnt start spinning on our heads Breakin' to be accepted by some cracker who aint have rythmn anyway.
We didnt start Graffitti writing on walls to be accepted by some cracker that dont understand our slanguage anyway.
If the Sun decided to roast every cracker on the planet tomorrow there would still be HIPHOP, our cultures rise to the TOP because its Dominate.
Think I struck a nerve