Former top presidential adviser says Obama LIED about his support for gay marriage for years so he could get elected


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Former top presidential adviser says Obama LIED about his support for gay marriage for years so he could get elected[/h]
  • President told a newspaper in 1996 when he first ran for statewide office that he supported gay marriage
  • Two years later he wrote 'undecided' on the same paper's candidate questionnaire about the topic
  • By 2008, as a presidential candidate, he was firmly in the 'traditional marriage' camp
  • But Obama returned to his 1996 leanings in 2010, telling the country that his position had 'evolved'
  • Former Obama advisor David Axelrod claims in a book Obama lamented to him that 'I'm just not very good at bulls***ing' – but another of his stories from the same book has already been labeled as fiction

Longtime Barack Obama adviser David Axelrod writes in his new memoir that Barack Obama lied about his position on gay marriage so he could get elected president in 2008.

And documents reveal that Obama responded to a questionnaire in 1996 from the Chicago-based Outlines newspaper, as he was making his first run for the state Senate in Illinois, that he strongly favored legalizing same-sex unions.

'I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages,' Obama wrote then.

Two years later, though, as his political future began to take shape, he told the same newspaper that he was 'undecided.'

In 2008, under the glare of a presidential campaign and the weight of history, his public rhetoric swung to a position that America's Bible belt could embrace – support for only a traditional definition of marriage.

But as president in 2010 he returned publicly to his original position 14 years after he first articulated it.


New member
Nov 10, 2010


HE LIED: Obama misled the public about his views on gay marriage in order to get to the White House, according to his longtime close adviser David Axelrod (center, pictured in the Oval Office in 2010)



By the year 2000, as an Illinois state senator, Obama already been through a flip-flop on same-sex marriage, one that wouldn't come full circle for more than another decade

Axelrod writes in 'Believer: My Forty Years in Politics' that he told the future president in 2008 that he should hide the ball and deceive the American public for political purposes.

'Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church,' the former Obama insider writes, 'and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a "sacred union".'

That duplicity reached its apex during a 2008 appearance at Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, a wellspring of American evangelical Christian thought.

'I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman,' he said then. 'Now, for me as a Christian – for me – for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God's in the mix.'


New member
Nov 10, 2010


In 1996 when Barack Obama ran for statewide office in Illinois for the first time, he told a Chicago newspaper called Outlines that 'I favor legalizing same-sex marriages'


By 1998 Obama's transformation into a more cautious – and electable – politician had begun; he told the same paper that he was 'undecided' about marriage rights for gays and lesbians


New member
Nov 10, 2010
And just two days before he would be elected president, he told an interview on MTV that 'I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.'

Six months into his first term as president, Obama would ask Congress to repeal the Defense Of Marriage Act, an anti-gay-unions law. THe following year he told a group of liberal bloggers that he was having a change of heart.

'Attitudes evolve, including mine,' Obama said then.

If he was having a change of heart, Axelrod writes, it was in the process of returning to his true feelings.

'If Obama's views were "evolving" publicly, they were fully evolved behind closed doors,' he relates in his book.

'The president was champing at the bit to announce his support for the right of gay and lesbian couples to wed – and having watched him struggle with this issue for years, I was ready, too.'



HIDE THE BALL: Two days before his first presidential election, he told an MTV audience that 'I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.'



FULL CIRCLE: Obama publicly said in 2012 what he had believed for years – that he backed marriage rights for homosexuals


New member
Nov 10, 2010


BELIEVABLE? Axelrod's book has already stirred controversy with a story about Mitt Romney that the former Republican nominee's closest personal aide says is a 'lie'


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Time magazine got the first sneak peek at the section of the book, released Tuesday, that deals with Obama's on-again, off-again relationship with the gay marriage issue.

Axelrod's recollections pair a picture of Obama as a tortured soul, unable to square his self-image as a tgruth teller with the reality of his political lie.

'Having prided himself on forthrightness, though, Obama never felt comfortable with his compromise and, no doubt, compromised position,' he writes. 'He routinely stumbled over the question when it came up in debates or interviews.'

Axelrod writes that he recalls Obama telling him: 'I'm just not very good at bullshitting' – a claim that Republicans would dispute.

Ultimately it was Vice President Joe Biden who flushed his boss out, saying on the Sunday morning 'Meet the Press' talk show that he was 'absolutely comfortable' with the idea of gay marriage.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
WIth that, Obama had to come forward.
'Every single American – gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender – every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of our society,' he said at an annual dinner of the Human Rights Campaign, America's leading gay-rights group.

And on May 9, 2012 in an interview with ABC News, he said: 'I've just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.'

Last month during an interview with a YouTube celebrity, the president said he hopes the U.S. Supreme Court will issue a ruling this year that would prevent states from banning gay marriage.

'I'm hopeful the Supreme Court comes to the right decision,' he said.

Axelrod's recollections might be taken with a grain of salt, since the first published excerpt from his book focused on a story that was later labeled 'ridiculous' and a 'lie.'

He claimed that during a post-election concession phone call in 2012, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney hinted to Obama that he won primarily on the strength of black voter turnout in inner cities.

'You really did a great job of getting the vote out in places like Cleveland and Milwaukee,' Romney told the president, according to Axelrod's version of events.

But Romney's personal aide Garrett Jackson said he was in the room, listening to Romney's end of the conversation, and nothing like that conversation ever occurred.

The revelation appeared timed to affect the public standing of Romney if he had decided to run for president again in 2016. Ultimately, the former Massachusetts governor opted to stay on the sidelines.

'I just hope this lie is the work of David Axelrod and not the president,' Jackson told CBS. 'It's ridiculous. I was very disappointed they would make that up.'


New member
Oct 29, 2010
We already have a thread on this so spare us the 10 consecutive long articles and pictures that come with all your threads. Thanks

Aug 6, 2006
Please don't encourage right wing spam threads.

Don't start......

Seriously, can you blame SB for not going through all the BS here before he posts something?

SB is an awesome poster. He brings CONTENT to this site, not RANCOR. Certainly not SPAM either.

It's not required reading for you, so just click 'Next Thread' if you don't like it, or bump something from 2008.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Don't start......

Seriously, can you blame SB for not going through all the BS here before he posts something?

SB is an awesome poster. He brings CONTENT to this site, not RANCOR. Certainly not SPAM either.

It's not required reading for you, so just click 'Next Thread' if you don't like it, or bump something from 2008.

Maybe if he could ever offer his own opinion on anything. But every thread is just cut and pasted articles. If I want nonstop news I will turn on the tv or go to a website to read it. One or two articles ok but jeez this guys post more consecutive bullshit to himself than acebb...and acebb is a known psychopath.

A bumped thread from 2008 will get more views than this nonsense

New member
Oct 29, 2010
SB is indeed an awesome poster.

Of course you do. If it was a liberal poster that posted nonstop consecutive articles you would be calling him a vile shit stained sewar rat.

Sheriif Joe finds his a valuable poster....any more questions? If that isn't a black mark, nothing is.

Aug 6, 2006
Maybe if he could ever offer his own opinion on anything. But every thread is just cut and pasted articles. I want nonstop news I will turn on the tv or go to a website to read it. One or two articles ok but jeez this guys post more consecutive bullshit to himself than acebb...and acebb is a know pychopath.

A bumped thread from 2008 will get more views than this nonsense

We KNOW his opinion. We also know YOUR opinion. On everything.

SB just doesn't choose to repeat his ad nauseum, and brawl here all day. He posts news and opinion articles, adding content and sparking debate. Unlike many of us he's smart enough to know not to engage in the same arguments over the same tired topics.
I've learned this as well. And that's the reason I won't refute for the 12th time your ridiculous and repetitive 'War For Oil' claim in another thread. At some point we all have to accept that others feel differently than us on certain issues. Such as this topic, on which Zit and I will never agree. And that's OK!

Aug 6, 2006
I once saw AceeBB playing tennis. He hit a booming serve. Than he ran across the net and returned it. This turned into a volley that lasted about 10 minutes, with one spectacular return after another. How could I not be impressed by that?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
We KNOW his opinion. We also know YOUR opinion. On everything.

SB just doesn't choose to repeat his ad nauseum, and brawl here all day. He posts news and opinion articles, adding content and sparking debate. Unlike many of us he's smart enough to know not to engage in the same arguments over the same tired topics.
I've learned this as well. And that's the reason I won't refute for the 12th time your ridiculous and repetitive 'War For Oil' claim in another thread. At some point we all have to accept that others feel differently than us on certain issues. Such as this topic, on which Zit and I will never agree. And that's OK!

So I should just accept his way and move on. Tell ya what, why don't we just post other peoples opinions and articles from other websites and have zero dialougue?

He often repeats news that have been already discussed here several times. But his repetitive threads are ok by you. Do we need another right wing thread about david axelrods book? I mean according ot the usual twits axelrod was a bafoon for he is critical of obama and all the sudden he is an important voice. Complete horseshit stuff

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