Foreclosure parties


New member
Jun 25, 2005
Foreclosure parties nationwide cause demolition and destruction

Foreclosure frustrations are boiling over with distressed homeowners taking their angst out on repossessed homes, causing destruction and damages prior to eviction that are causing lenders fits.
The local Sheriffs aren’t too pleased, either.
Rather than go quietly, some homeowners in default are getting payback by thrashing their former residences. And some of these disgruntled folks are even inviting their friends over to join the “demolition parties.”
Here’s one message board response from an eager participant:
“Great idea dude! Where’s the party? Invite me. Greedy banks never loses money anyways. Giving them as less profit as possible is a great idea! Can I bring my RPG?”

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i'm looking to buy a house. i've seen a couple foreclosures.
one house, owner thrashed the carpet in every room..
another house, guy took faucets, cabinet handles, etc...

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
well usually thse houses would be remodeled anyway so hey why not have these people do the demo work for you? save urself a few grand?

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
They bought houses they knew they couldnt afford, would never have been able to buy if it were not for our first black president. So im not surprised that they destroy it when they leave because THEY CANT LIVE UP TO THEIR CONTRACT. In fact id expect nothing less from people who are given something instead of earning it. Id even wager a lot of this damage was done while they were still living there anyway. Had a rent house once, the people couldnt afford heat AND crack so they took down all the doors in the house and burnt them in the fireplace for heat..

Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser
Jun 22, 2005
want to hear a classic. Last year in Ft Lauderdale a couple bought a foreclosed home and closed. The house had wall damage and was trashed but nothing outrageous until...they noticed sheet rock patches and areas where holes were punched all around the ceiling. The contractor ripped down the sheetrock and found the original homeowners took a concrete cutter and cut all the tie beams. UNFIXABLE!! Talk about pissed off huh

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002

That's the risk you take when trying to take advantage of someone's misfortune...

New member
Nov 2, 2006

That's the risk you take when trying to take advantage of someone's misfortune...

Your first post made me think it, and this one confirms it: you're a fucking idiot and a piece of trash if you believe that. The only people that tried to take advantage of anything are the ones that bought the houses. Fuck them and fuck you.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Your first post made me think it, and this one confirms it: you're a fucking idiot and a piece of trash if you believe that. The only people that tried to take advantage of anything are the ones that bought the houses. Fuck them and fuck you.

agree. They knew that their budget was being stretched. Too many people live too high on the hog.

New member
Sep 29, 2006
If you can't pay your mortgage, its your own damn fault. Most of these people didn't even lose their jobs, they're just to stupid to buy a house they can afford in the first place. The banks should be able to directly doc your pay like alimony.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
If you can't pay your mortgage, its your own damn fault. Most of these people didn't even lose their jobs, they're just to stupid to buy a house they can afford in the first place. The banks should be able to directly doc your pay like alimony.

Amen to that but don't know about that last statement though. I'm tired of hearing people who bought houses out of their price range whining about they can't afford them while working at McDonalds. Well no shit but the banks are scumbags to since they knew most people couldn't afford these houses and still approve the loan. Who suffers in the end? People who save and don't live beyond their means when it comes time for them to purchase a home. They don't deserve a bailout just like the banks don't

New member
Jul 21, 2006
actually if you know you were about to be foreclosed on, got the notice, saying you would lose the house on this date, you could technically do whatever you wanted since its still your home.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
actually if you know you were about to be foreclosed on, got the notice, saying you would lose the house on this date, you could technically do whatever you wanted since its still your home.

GTC that's screwed up logic. That's like me taking a piss and a shit in a car I'm financing that's about to be repo'ed. Be a man or woman and take accountability for your actions. I can't comprehend how anyone can condone these actions by a responsible adult. There are people who really came into tough times and are struggling to make it because they lost their jobs & etc. Those 10-20% are getting mixed in with these fucktards who are/were living beyond their means.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
i didnt say i would do it, i said theres nothing anyone can do about it

New member
Jun 25, 2005
The anger comes from the banks not trying to work some thing out to help get through the tough times.

Meaning waiving the adjustable extend current loan a year and so forth.

But to thrash the house seems to me they should be billed for the damage to be put on the lien of their bankruptcy.

Mar 7, 2005
The anger comes from the banks not trying to work some thing out to help get through the tough times.

Meaning waiving the adjustable extend current loan a year and so forth.

But to thrash the house seems to me they should be billed for the damage to be put on the lien of their bankruptcy.

A forclosure isn't a bankruptcy...but you are right...the bank can still get you for a short sale...and you are on the hook for the difference between the auction price and the outstanding loan.

So its really a stupid thing to do.

What will end up happening is foreclosure laws will get tightened because of this foolishness. You can now live in your home for nearly a year without having to pay rent or housepayments while the foreclosure process takes place.

That is a nice way for people to get back on their feet.

Trashing homes will end up having this only hurts the little guy.

And banks will factor it into their costs of future loans....just hurts the little guy again.

But you have retards here cheering them on...stick it to the man.

Yeah right idiots.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
Your first post made me think it, and this one confirms it: you're a fucking idiot and a piece of trash if you believe that. The only people that tried to take advantage of anything are the ones that bought the houses. Fuck them and fuck you.

lol. I was just fawking around dumbass... But I have my own take on it... I blame both owners and everyone involved. (Banks and mort brokers...)

Buying a foreclosed house is a risk.

When you buy foreclosed place you can't look at the property and it usually involves bad blood or a person who don't give a shit about the house so it’s a risk.

When you buy a house from a regular person they are happy to sell it to you and will not fuck it up. Common sense.

BTW, many people lost there house b/c of idiotic banking and mortgage brokers. These idiots should never have been approved for there loans. Mort brokers were getting rich shoving idiotic loans around... When your rate changes and you can’t afford a place anymore b/c you were told BS what are you going to do? Banks are just as much as fault as the owner… I don't give a shit about either of them...

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I think a bank could try to sue you, if you intentionally wrecked the house on a structural level, to the point that house needs to be knocked down. They may never collect, though.

Criminal charges of some sort may also result, it is somewhat similar to arson... the property is totally destroyed. If you burnt the house down out of spite, it is insured, but you go to prison.

If you put sugar or something in your gas tank on the repo car, and ruined the motor, I think the bank would go after you with a suit.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
i didnt say i would do it, i said theres nothing anyone can do about it

Yes there is something they can do. It's called being accountable for your own actions and having dignity about yourself. No one wants to take accountability for their actions these days. I've made mistakes before but you live and learn. Chalk it up as a loss and move on don't do dumb shit like trash a place because you're gonna lose it. I'm a strong believer in karma.

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