You Know You Live in New Orleans When ... :
Your glasses fog up when you step outside.
-Yes if you wear glasses-- I don't
No matter where else you go in the world, you are always disappointed in the food.
-YES!!!! (well I like NY)
You get up in the morning and start a pot of rice to cooking before you give any thought to what you'll fix for dinner.
-Most people- I am on a diet and haven't had rice in about a month
Your loved one dies and you book a jazz band before you call the coroner.
Your accent sounds nothing like Harry Connick Jr's.
- I have a bad accent.. but not a New Orleans one
You can sing these jingles by heart: "Rosenberg's, Rosenberg's, 1825 Tulane," "At the beach, at the beach, at Ponchartrain Beach...," Ooh,ooh Leidenheimer's, that's French for bread...."
-Never heard it before
You were a high school graduate before you realized that Catholic and Public were not two major religions.
-LMAO sorta.. I went to Catholic School and yes all private schools are catholic
Your baby's first words are "long beads." It's first sentence was, "Throw me somethin', Mister !"
-2nd part yes! LMAO
You ask, "How dey runnin' ?" and "Are dey fat?", and you're inquiring about boiled crabs.
When a hurricane is imminent, you have a lot more faith in Nash Roberts's black crayon than the Radar Super Doppler 6000.
Nothing shocks you. Period. Ever - not politics, hurricanes, red lights, parking tickets, the Saints, Mardi Gras, ten inches of rain in an hour ....
Being in a jam at Tulane and Broad isn't the same as being stuck in traffic.
You never eat the toast on the bottom of your jumbo seafood platter. You know it's just for decoration.
You have to take your coffee and favorite coffeemaker with you on a three-day trip.
- I am not a coffee drinker but most people do yes
You have snowball stains on your mouth, hands, and shoes.
-LMAO I worked at a snowball stand once.. they called me sweet fingers
You always ask for spaghetti with red gravy.
You save all your old newspaper to cover your table in case you have a big crab, shrimp or crawfish boil.
You are going through Customs and when the agent asks you where you're from, you answer, "Chalmette." .
You eat snowballs instead of throwing them.
You watch out that little old ladies don't stomp on your fingers when you're retrieving beads and doubloons from the crowded street during a Mardi Gras parade.
You look forward to your next hurricane at Pat O'Brien's.
- YES!!!
To catch crabs, you only need some smelt and a string.
-YES! and it is fun
You know how that the proper way to open a conversation is to say, "Let me axe you sumpin."
You know how to identify K&B purple even though the drugstore chain is long gone.
- hahaha
You know how to pronounce street names correctly. Like Burgundy, Calliope, Melpomene, Terpsichore, and Chartres. [Burr- gunn- dee, Kall-ee-ope, Mell-poh-meen, Terp-see-kore, and Chart-errs.]
- yup!
You know that Tchoupitoulas is a street and that it runs along the river.
You always wear black to eat beignets so everyone will know you been to Morning Call or Café du Monde by the powdered sugar all over your front.
You wear sweaters in October because it ought to be cold, and you always take a sweater with you in the summertime to go to a restaurant or a movie show.
- yes! I am always cold
Someone asks you "Where Y'at?" you say, "J'est fine, Dahlin'! How’s yomomanddem?"
You think of potholes as a naturally occurring obstacle course for sharpening your driving skills.
You suck the heads, eat the tails, sing the blues and you actually know where you got them shoes.
You save the dishes after drying them, and you make groceries at Schwegmann's.
_ I don't but Jenny does.. I put the dishes away
You know where the Old Beach is and how to enter the water from the seawall.
You cringe every time you hear an actor with a Southern or Cajun accent in a "New Orleans-based" movie or TV show. (You know that ain't the way we talk!)
- I have a cajun/southern accent not New Orleans one
You have to reset your electric clocks after every thunderstorm. If your VCR is blinking, you know there was one.
You never waste time sitting in traffic like the out-of-towners when you can navigate the back streets.
You know that the real name of the Fairmont Hotel is the the Roosevelt.
You know what Heavenly Hash and Goldbricks Eggs are and who makes them, and you know that Easter would be empty without them. You have actually eaten a Goldbrick or two as a child before they made egg-shaped ones around eastertime.
-Yes only because of my mother.
You consider garbage cans a legal step to protecting your parking space on a public street.
You like to fall asleep to the soothing sound of your large attic fan.
-HEll NO!
You ignore cockroaches and mosquitos because they don't bother you and you know that they repel unworthy visitors back to their home states.
_Mosquitos Yes.. roaches HELL NO! GROSS
You know that Uptown is below Downtown and can distinguish the Garden District from the rest of Uptown.
You know that Canal Street divided the French Quarter from the English side of town and the only safe place to meet someone from the other side in the old days was on the neutral ground of Canal Street.