2003-04 Hockey Contest Standings
***************** cmogly wins! *****************
Congratulations to cmogly on his easy victory. Congrats also to the 4 runners-up, CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 2nd, chach 3rd, giorg0s 4th and MT_Pockets who snuck in for 5th. It's unfortunate we had the controversies at the end, but for the most part, this was a fabulous contest and we extend our thanks to V-Wager for their sponsorship. Let me also thank Wilheim and The General for their help in posting lines throughout the year and also to gambl0r, who kept us updated scorewise in the beginning. I hope I scored this contest as accurate as was humanly possible and apologize to anyone who felt offended by any rulings I made along the way. Deep down, I feel I followed the rules and was as fair as I could be. See ya next year.
***************** Final Standings!!!*****************
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">dq'd Rank Player $ YTD Wed 31 -> -> -> Plays
1 cmogly 3782 0 159
2 CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 2816 363 103 160 100 190
3 chach 2677 0 194
4 giorg0s 2043 300 100 100 100 263
5 MT_Pockets 1583 200 100 100 166
6 Jack of Hearts 1449 -200 -100 -100 303
7 scripter 1410 -300 -100 -100 -100 341
8 blkjk 985 0 202
9 Rosemary 743 0 171
10 vycka 564 0 139
11 Augustus 459 0 171
12 neilm 411 0 106
13 gambl0r 386 0 149
14 Zen 385 0 116
15 manly 344 0 163
16 jam 218 0 247
17 Burner 1 168 0 142
18 ThreeUnits 151 48 100 -152 100 289
19 sakras 135 0 316
20 sick gambler 129 0 110
21 Allstar 44 0 212
22 driver8 -27 129 142 -113 100 250
23 bucsfan67 -49 0 157
24 Oracle -55 0 304
25 grover -92 0 131
26 Rude -128 0 147
27 Uncle Moneybags -162 0 111
28 G. MONEY -176 0 217
29 LogansRun -253 0 212
30 iceman2002 -274 0 214
31 Payback2 -314 0 109
32 HABSMAN -360 0 194
33 Silver Pegasus -368 -224 -111 -113 167
34 Oorang -588 0 127
35 weebs -601 0 173
36 playersonly69 -625 0 125
37 SSI -651 0 129
38 gamblman -716 0 127
39 Cooper -733 0 104
40 mrgas41 -838 0 101
41 Rattler -931 -40 -100 160 -100 305
42 HateTheRiverCard -935 0 213
43 The MD Kid -990 0 138
44 guysmiley -1069 0 276
45 No locks here -1137 0 110
46 SLUGGO -1176 0 101
47 Faceless -1211 0 102
48 chriscol -1465 0 113
49 eltonio -1553 0 139
50 EveryGamblersDream -1793 -387 -113 -174 -100 173
51 Bron -1885 300 100 100 100 231
52 green monster -1984 0 138
53 Brown sugar -2203 0 159
54 BOONE -2205 0 176
55 Egis -3020 0 333
56 joel2002 -3265 0 179
57 Darryl Parsons -3503 0 202
--> 58 60feetheat -1136 0 30
--> 59 Axelp -1274 0 34
--> 60 Big Jesss 100 0 1
--> 61 Blacklab 129 0 42
--> 62 Blaze -627 0 54
--> 63 Bloodhound -730 0 15
--> 64 Blown Head Gasket -128 0 9
--> 65 blue edwards 80 0 8
--> 66 BlueBombers2003 100 0 1
--> 67 bobk -770 0 98
--> 68 bookiebuster -318 0 38
--> 69 briguy -754 0 33
--> 70 Budman -151 0 12
--> 71 BuzzRavanaugh 10 0 15
--> 72 Canadian Underdawg -612 0 50
--> 73 CD155 -60 0 29
--> 74 CINCI_HUGG -44 0 12
--> 75 collegegambler -274 0 26
--> 76 dennistheman -730 0 32
--> 77 Dr. Gambler -648 0 31
--> 78 droc -442 0 17
--> 79 Eagles Win Bowl -1329 0 43
--> 80 Edko -406 0 28
--> 81 eh? -520 0 32
--> 82 EYO's Chadman 207 0 6
--> 83 FISHHEAD -306 0 10
--> 84 GamBleHolic -308 0 26
--> 85 GottaWinToday 100 0 3
--> 86 Green Doberman -871 0 58
--> 87 hockeyguru -335 0 10
--> 88 Ice King 302 0 18
--> 89 Iwannawin 206 0 6
--> 90 J Money -522 0 14
--> 91 jesss -401 0 13
--> 92 jofl -684 0 50
--> 93 Kiss1 -637 0 78
--> 94 Korn -229 0 94
--> 95 Kris1 -32 0 61
--> 96 lander -80 0 3
--> 97 laxer 390 0 24
--> 98 MadCapper -586 0 63
--> 99 maskoutain -1202 0 59
--> 100 mdrams 2 0 7
--> 101 MPriorCanKu 83 0 19
--> 102 mr Floppy -570 0 26
--> 103 mr. obvious -700 0 20
--> 104 nidman -148 0 13
--> 105 No Cred 527 0 27
--> 106 oilman -602 0 16
--> 107 padres12 187 0 34
--> 108 Patrick McIrish 113 0 5
--> 109 Peebs -303 0 6
--> 110 pete54 -703 0 69
--> 111 pmck -649 0 74
--> 112 raiders72001 102 0 3
--> 113 RobFunk -606 0 97
--> 114 RPM 0 0 3
--> 115 ScoobySnacks 5 0 2
--> 116 shawn555 -1169 0 53
--> 117 sidingman -158 0 9
--> 118 SLIM- -375 0 19
--> 119 smoothie 300 0 31
--> 120 spidermonkey 775 0 88
--> 121 sportsbet 49 0 20
--> 122 Teddy kgb -237 0 6
--> 123 Texas Triangle -409 0 28
--> 124 The General -725 0 14
--> 125 The Quiet Man -100 0 2
--> 126 theD -1183 0 49
--> 127 themanowesme -284 0 19
--> 128 Thunder 40 0 5
--> 129 tiger74 -633 0 9
--> 130 TIME TO MAKE $$$ 38 0 27
--> 131 tootired 297 0 40
--> 132 trytrytry -202 0 12
--> 133 usmcmp -1268 0 73
--> 134 vegasguy39 222 0 13
--> 135 vinividivinci -184 0 5
--> 136 wagara 110 0 9
--> 137 waymac 100 0 2
--> 138 youngman -545 0 9
***************** Alphabetically *****************
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">Rank Player W L T $ YTD Plays
60 60feetheat 7 22 1 -1136 30
21 Allstar 112 94 6 44 212
11 Augustus 93 67 11 459 171
61 Axelp 12 20 2 -1274 34
62 Big Jesss 1 0 0 100 1
63 Blacklab 24 17 1 129 42
64 Blaze 22 29 3 -627 54
8 blkjk 87 97 18 985 202
65 Bloodhound 4 10 1 -730 15
66 Blown Head Gasket 4 5 0 -128 9
67 blue edwards 4 3 1 80 8
68 BlueBombers2003 1 0 0 100 1
41 bobk 45 46 7 -770 98
69 bookiebuster 17 19 2 -318 38
56 BOONE 80 89 7 -2205 176
70 briguy 14 17 2 -754 33
54 Bron 111 104 16 -1885 231
55 Brown sugar 61 86 12 -2203 159
22 bucsfan67 81 58 18 -49 157
71 Budman 6 5 1 -151 12
17 Burner 1 87 48 7 168 142
72 BuzzRavanaugh 7 6 2 10 15
73 Canadian Underdawg 23 24 3 -612 50
74 CD155 15 11 3 -60 29
2 chach 113 63 18 2677 194
51 chriscol 51 59 3 -1465 113
75 CINCI_HUGG 6 6 0 -44 12
1 cmogly 93 51 15 3782 159
76 collegegambler 12 13 1 -274 26
40 Cooper 40 52 12 -733 104
3 CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 94 79 17 2816 190
59 Darryl Parsons 77 107 18 -3503 202
77 dennistheman 12 18 2 -730 32
78 Dr. Gambler 12 16 3 -648 31
27 driver8 114 123 13 -27 250
79 droc 5 8 4 -442 17
80 Eagles Win Bowl 15 23 5 -1329 43
81 Edko 12 14 2 -406 28
57 Egis 176 137 20 -3020 333
82 eh? 15 17 0 -520 32
52 eltonio 51 71 17 -1553 139
50 EveryGamblersDream 59 92 22 -1793 173
83 EYO's Chadman 3 1 2 207 6
49 Faceless 45 45 12 -1211 102
84 FISHHEAD 3 6 1 -306 10
29 G. MONEY 109 104 4 -176 217
13 gambl0r 73 67 9 386 149
85 GamBleHolic 15 11 0 -308 26
39 gamblman 68 48 11 -716 127
4 giorg0s 131 111 21 2043 263
86 GottaWinToday 2 1 0 100 3
87 Green Doberman 21 29 8 -871 58
53 green monster 55 75 8 -1984 138
24 grover 61 64 6 -92 131
46 guysmiley 138 116 22 -1069 276
33 HABSMAN 93 95 6 -360 194
44 HateTheRiverCard 102 98 13 -935 213
88 hockeyguru 4 6 0 -335 10
89 Ice King 10 8 0 302 18
31 iceman2002 102 94 18 -274 214
90 Iwannawin 4 2 0 206 6
91 J Money 4 9 1 -522 14
6 Jack of Hearts 144 131 28 1449 303
16 jam 126 103 18 218 247
92 jesss 5 8 0 -401 13
58 joel2002 77 91 11 -3265 179
93 jofl 18 28 4 -684 50
94 Kiss1 37 39 2 -637 78
95 Korn 48 43 3 -229 94
96 Kris1 33 24 4 -32 61
97 lander 1 2 0 -80 3
98 laxer 15 9 0 390 24
30 LogansRun 97 104 11 -253 212
99 MadCapper 21 36 6 -586 63
15 manly 81 65 17 344 163
100 maskoutain 25 31 3 -1202 59
101 mdrams 3 3 1 2 7
102 MPriorCanKu 10 8 1 83 19
103 mr Floppy 10 16 0 -570 26
104 mr. obvious 8 11 1 -700 20
42 mrgas41 42 49 10 -838 101
7 MT_Pockets 101 60 5 1583 166
12 neilm 51 44 11 411 106
105 nidman 6 7 0 -148 13
106 No Cred 16 10 1 527 27
47 No locks here 49 56 5 -1137 110
107 oilman 4 10 2 -602 16
34 Oorang 58 54 15 -588 127
23 Oracle 171 121 12 -55 304
108 padres12 17 14 3 187 34
109 Patrick McIrish 3 2 0 113 5
32 Payback2 53 47 9 -314 109
110 Peebs 1 4 1 -303 6
111 pete54 32 33 4 -703 69
37 playersonly69 60 54 11 -625 125
112 pmck 28 38 8 -649 74
113 raiders72001 2 1 0 102 3
43 Rattler 140 146 19 -931 305
36 RobFunk 32 56 9 -606 97
9 Rosemary 94 67 10 743 171
114 RPM 1 1 1 0 3
25 Rude 67 71 9 -128 147
18 sakras 145 152 19 135 316
115 ScoobySnacks 1 1 0 5 2
5 scripter 139 180 22 1410 341
116 shawn555 19 31 3 -1169 53
19 sick gambler 54 46 10 129 110
117 sidingman 5 4 0 -158 9
26 Silver Pegasus 90 70 7 -368 167
118 SLIM- 6 10 3 -375 19
48 SLUGGO 43 55 3 -1176 101
119 smoothie 15 13 3 300 31
120 spidermonkey 41 39 8 775 88
121 sportsbet 9 8 3 49 20
38 SSI 57 58 14 -651 129
122 Teddy kgb 2 4 0 -237 6
123 Texas Triangle 14 14 0 -409 28
124 The General 4 10 0 -725 14
45 The MD Kid 51 72 15 -990 138
125 The Quiet Man 0 1 1 -100 2
126 theD 18 28 3 -1183 49
127 themanowesme 8 10 1 -284 19
20 ThreeUnits 156 112 21 151 289
128 Thunder 3 2 0 40 5
129 tiger74 2 7 0 -633 9
130 TIME TO MAKE $$$ 15 12 0 38 27
131 tootired 18 18 4 297 40
132 trytrytry 5 7 0 -202 12
28 Uncle Moneybags 43 61 7 -162 111
133 usmcmp 28 38 7 -1268 73
134 vegasguy39 7 4 2 222 13
135 vinividivinci 2 3 0 -184 5
10 vycka 60 65 14 564 139
136 wagara 4 3 2 110 9
137 waymac 1 0 1 100 2
35 weebs 88 77 8 -601 173
138 youngman 2 6 1 -545 9
14 Zen 51 55 10 385 116
***************** cmogly wins! *****************
Congratulations to cmogly on his easy victory. Congrats also to the 4 runners-up, CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 2nd, chach 3rd, giorg0s 4th and MT_Pockets who snuck in for 5th. It's unfortunate we had the controversies at the end, but for the most part, this was a fabulous contest and we extend our thanks to V-Wager for their sponsorship. Let me also thank Wilheim and The General for their help in posting lines throughout the year and also to gambl0r, who kept us updated scorewise in the beginning. I hope I scored this contest as accurate as was humanly possible and apologize to anyone who felt offended by any rulings I made along the way. Deep down, I feel I followed the rules and was as fair as I could be. See ya next year.
***************** Final Standings!!!*****************
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">dq'd Rank Player $ YTD Wed 31 -> -> -> Plays
1 cmogly 3782 0 159
2 CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 2816 363 103 160 100 190
3 chach 2677 0 194
4 giorg0s 2043 300 100 100 100 263
5 MT_Pockets 1583 200 100 100 166
6 Jack of Hearts 1449 -200 -100 -100 303
7 scripter 1410 -300 -100 -100 -100 341
8 blkjk 985 0 202
9 Rosemary 743 0 171
10 vycka 564 0 139
11 Augustus 459 0 171
12 neilm 411 0 106
13 gambl0r 386 0 149
14 Zen 385 0 116
15 manly 344 0 163
16 jam 218 0 247
17 Burner 1 168 0 142
18 ThreeUnits 151 48 100 -152 100 289
19 sakras 135 0 316
20 sick gambler 129 0 110
21 Allstar 44 0 212
22 driver8 -27 129 142 -113 100 250
23 bucsfan67 -49 0 157
24 Oracle -55 0 304
25 grover -92 0 131
26 Rude -128 0 147
27 Uncle Moneybags -162 0 111
28 G. MONEY -176 0 217
29 LogansRun -253 0 212
30 iceman2002 -274 0 214
31 Payback2 -314 0 109
32 HABSMAN -360 0 194
33 Silver Pegasus -368 -224 -111 -113 167
34 Oorang -588 0 127
35 weebs -601 0 173
36 playersonly69 -625 0 125
37 SSI -651 0 129
38 gamblman -716 0 127
39 Cooper -733 0 104
40 mrgas41 -838 0 101
41 Rattler -931 -40 -100 160 -100 305
42 HateTheRiverCard -935 0 213
43 The MD Kid -990 0 138
44 guysmiley -1069 0 276
45 No locks here -1137 0 110
46 SLUGGO -1176 0 101
47 Faceless -1211 0 102
48 chriscol -1465 0 113
49 eltonio -1553 0 139
50 EveryGamblersDream -1793 -387 -113 -174 -100 173
51 Bron -1885 300 100 100 100 231
52 green monster -1984 0 138
53 Brown sugar -2203 0 159
54 BOONE -2205 0 176
55 Egis -3020 0 333
56 joel2002 -3265 0 179
57 Darryl Parsons -3503 0 202
--> 58 60feetheat -1136 0 30
--> 59 Axelp -1274 0 34
--> 60 Big Jesss 100 0 1
--> 61 Blacklab 129 0 42
--> 62 Blaze -627 0 54
--> 63 Bloodhound -730 0 15
--> 64 Blown Head Gasket -128 0 9
--> 65 blue edwards 80 0 8
--> 66 BlueBombers2003 100 0 1
--> 67 bobk -770 0 98
--> 68 bookiebuster -318 0 38
--> 69 briguy -754 0 33
--> 70 Budman -151 0 12
--> 71 BuzzRavanaugh 10 0 15
--> 72 Canadian Underdawg -612 0 50
--> 73 CD155 -60 0 29
--> 74 CINCI_HUGG -44 0 12
--> 75 collegegambler -274 0 26
--> 76 dennistheman -730 0 32
--> 77 Dr. Gambler -648 0 31
--> 78 droc -442 0 17
--> 79 Eagles Win Bowl -1329 0 43
--> 80 Edko -406 0 28
--> 81 eh? -520 0 32
--> 82 EYO's Chadman 207 0 6
--> 83 FISHHEAD -306 0 10
--> 84 GamBleHolic -308 0 26
--> 85 GottaWinToday 100 0 3
--> 86 Green Doberman -871 0 58
--> 87 hockeyguru -335 0 10
--> 88 Ice King 302 0 18
--> 89 Iwannawin 206 0 6
--> 90 J Money -522 0 14
--> 91 jesss -401 0 13
--> 92 jofl -684 0 50
--> 93 Kiss1 -637 0 78
--> 94 Korn -229 0 94
--> 95 Kris1 -32 0 61
--> 96 lander -80 0 3
--> 97 laxer 390 0 24
--> 98 MadCapper -586 0 63
--> 99 maskoutain -1202 0 59
--> 100 mdrams 2 0 7
--> 101 MPriorCanKu 83 0 19
--> 102 mr Floppy -570 0 26
--> 103 mr. obvious -700 0 20
--> 104 nidman -148 0 13
--> 105 No Cred 527 0 27
--> 106 oilman -602 0 16
--> 107 padres12 187 0 34
--> 108 Patrick McIrish 113 0 5
--> 109 Peebs -303 0 6
--> 110 pete54 -703 0 69
--> 111 pmck -649 0 74
--> 112 raiders72001 102 0 3
--> 113 RobFunk -606 0 97
--> 114 RPM 0 0 3
--> 115 ScoobySnacks 5 0 2
--> 116 shawn555 -1169 0 53
--> 117 sidingman -158 0 9
--> 118 SLIM- -375 0 19
--> 119 smoothie 300 0 31
--> 120 spidermonkey 775 0 88
--> 121 sportsbet 49 0 20
--> 122 Teddy kgb -237 0 6
--> 123 Texas Triangle -409 0 28
--> 124 The General -725 0 14
--> 125 The Quiet Man -100 0 2
--> 126 theD -1183 0 49
--> 127 themanowesme -284 0 19
--> 128 Thunder 40 0 5
--> 129 tiger74 -633 0 9
--> 130 TIME TO MAKE $$$ 38 0 27
--> 131 tootired 297 0 40
--> 132 trytrytry -202 0 12
--> 133 usmcmp -1268 0 73
--> 134 vegasguy39 222 0 13
--> 135 vinividivinci -184 0 5
--> 136 wagara 110 0 9
--> 137 waymac 100 0 2
--> 138 youngman -545 0 9
***************** Alphabetically *****************
<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">Rank Player W L T $ YTD Plays
60 60feetheat 7 22 1 -1136 30
21 Allstar 112 94 6 44 212
11 Augustus 93 67 11 459 171
61 Axelp 12 20 2 -1274 34
62 Big Jesss 1 0 0 100 1
63 Blacklab 24 17 1 129 42
64 Blaze 22 29 3 -627 54
8 blkjk 87 97 18 985 202
65 Bloodhound 4 10 1 -730 15
66 Blown Head Gasket 4 5 0 -128 9
67 blue edwards 4 3 1 80 8
68 BlueBombers2003 1 0 0 100 1
41 bobk 45 46 7 -770 98
69 bookiebuster 17 19 2 -318 38
56 BOONE 80 89 7 -2205 176
70 briguy 14 17 2 -754 33
54 Bron 111 104 16 -1885 231
55 Brown sugar 61 86 12 -2203 159
22 bucsfan67 81 58 18 -49 157
71 Budman 6 5 1 -151 12
17 Burner 1 87 48 7 168 142
72 BuzzRavanaugh 7 6 2 10 15
73 Canadian Underdawg 23 24 3 -612 50
74 CD155 15 11 3 -60 29
2 chach 113 63 18 2677 194
51 chriscol 51 59 3 -1465 113
75 CINCI_HUGG 6 6 0 -44 12
1 cmogly 93 51 15 3782 159
76 collegegambler 12 13 1 -274 26
40 Cooper 40 52 12 -733 104
3 CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 94 79 17 2816 190
59 Darryl Parsons 77 107 18 -3503 202
77 dennistheman 12 18 2 -730 32
78 Dr. Gambler 12 16 3 -648 31
27 driver8 114 123 13 -27 250
79 droc 5 8 4 -442 17
80 Eagles Win Bowl 15 23 5 -1329 43
81 Edko 12 14 2 -406 28
57 Egis 176 137 20 -3020 333
82 eh? 15 17 0 -520 32
52 eltonio 51 71 17 -1553 139
50 EveryGamblersDream 59 92 22 -1793 173
83 EYO's Chadman 3 1 2 207 6
49 Faceless 45 45 12 -1211 102
84 FISHHEAD 3 6 1 -306 10
29 G. MONEY 109 104 4 -176 217
13 gambl0r 73 67 9 386 149
85 GamBleHolic 15 11 0 -308 26
39 gamblman 68 48 11 -716 127
4 giorg0s 131 111 21 2043 263
86 GottaWinToday 2 1 0 100 3
87 Green Doberman 21 29 8 -871 58
53 green monster 55 75 8 -1984 138
24 grover 61 64 6 -92 131
46 guysmiley 138 116 22 -1069 276
33 HABSMAN 93 95 6 -360 194
44 HateTheRiverCard 102 98 13 -935 213
88 hockeyguru 4 6 0 -335 10
89 Ice King 10 8 0 302 18
31 iceman2002 102 94 18 -274 214
90 Iwannawin 4 2 0 206 6
91 J Money 4 9 1 -522 14
6 Jack of Hearts 144 131 28 1449 303
16 jam 126 103 18 218 247
92 jesss 5 8 0 -401 13
58 joel2002 77 91 11 -3265 179
93 jofl 18 28 4 -684 50
94 Kiss1 37 39 2 -637 78
95 Korn 48 43 3 -229 94
96 Kris1 33 24 4 -32 61
97 lander 1 2 0 -80 3
98 laxer 15 9 0 390 24
30 LogansRun 97 104 11 -253 212
99 MadCapper 21 36 6 -586 63
15 manly 81 65 17 344 163
100 maskoutain 25 31 3 -1202 59
101 mdrams 3 3 1 2 7
102 MPriorCanKu 10 8 1 83 19
103 mr Floppy 10 16 0 -570 26
104 mr. obvious 8 11 1 -700 20
42 mrgas41 42 49 10 -838 101
7 MT_Pockets 101 60 5 1583 166
12 neilm 51 44 11 411 106
105 nidman 6 7 0 -148 13
106 No Cred 16 10 1 527 27
47 No locks here 49 56 5 -1137 110
107 oilman 4 10 2 -602 16
34 Oorang 58 54 15 -588 127
23 Oracle 171 121 12 -55 304
108 padres12 17 14 3 187 34
109 Patrick McIrish 3 2 0 113 5
32 Payback2 53 47 9 -314 109
110 Peebs 1 4 1 -303 6
111 pete54 32 33 4 -703 69
37 playersonly69 60 54 11 -625 125
112 pmck 28 38 8 -649 74
113 raiders72001 2 1 0 102 3
43 Rattler 140 146 19 -931 305
36 RobFunk 32 56 9 -606 97
9 Rosemary 94 67 10 743 171
114 RPM 1 1 1 0 3
25 Rude 67 71 9 -128 147
18 sakras 145 152 19 135 316
115 ScoobySnacks 1 1 0 5 2
5 scripter 139 180 22 1410 341
116 shawn555 19 31 3 -1169 53
19 sick gambler 54 46 10 129 110
117 sidingman 5 4 0 -158 9
26 Silver Pegasus 90 70 7 -368 167
118 SLIM- 6 10 3 -375 19
48 SLUGGO 43 55 3 -1176 101
119 smoothie 15 13 3 300 31
120 spidermonkey 41 39 8 775 88
121 sportsbet 9 8 3 49 20
38 SSI 57 58 14 -651 129
122 Teddy kgb 2 4 0 -237 6
123 Texas Triangle 14 14 0 -409 28
124 The General 4 10 0 -725 14
45 The MD Kid 51 72 15 -990 138
125 The Quiet Man 0 1 1 -100 2
126 theD 18 28 3 -1183 49
127 themanowesme 8 10 1 -284 19
20 ThreeUnits 156 112 21 151 289
128 Thunder 3 2 0 40 5
129 tiger74 2 7 0 -633 9
130 TIME TO MAKE $$$ 15 12 0 38 27
131 tootired 18 18 4 297 40
132 trytrytry 5 7 0 -202 12
28 Uncle Moneybags 43 61 7 -162 111
133 usmcmp 28 38 7 -1268 73
134 vegasguy39 7 4 2 222 13
135 vinividivinci 2 3 0 -184 5
10 vycka 60 65 14 564 139
136 wagara 4 3 2 110 9
137 waymac 1 0 1 100 2
35 weebs 88 77 8 -601 173
138 youngman 2 6 1 -545 9
14 Zen 51 55 10 385 116