Final Standings For Head2Head Round of 64 Thru June 22



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 64 Matchups[/size]
[size=+1]Final Results![/size]
Low man from each matchup is eliminated.
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Seed[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Low[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Margin[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Sun22[/u][/color][/size]
1	Don Melchor    	10	2	0	784		461	0
64	canes2001      	9	7	1	323	<--out	x	-300
2	seamanspilot   	4	6	0	-304	<--out	x	0
63	Italianole     	5	5	0	-27		277	-100
3	woodog22       	8	7	0	3	<--out	x	-36
62	CalvinTy       	11	5	2	677		674	217
4	brandonhop33   	9	10	1	-112	<--out	x	9
61	msmith2179     	11	9	0	161		273	86
5	Ganasa         	7	8	1	-81	<--out	x	-89
60	soli           	9	8	1	246		327	0
6	MIKEY.1TIME    	11	6	0	468		349	209
59	cjv_11         	6	6	0	119	<--out	x	0
7	Mr.Cover123    	8	11	0	-85		243	109
58	PO69           	8	9	0	-328	<--out	x	318
8	Wrigley        	2	11	0	-806	<--out	x	0
57	ChuteBoxe      	7	5	0	259		1065	-100
9	McCabe         	6	9	0	-481	<--out	x	0
56	cmoney17       	8	2	0	641		1122	0
10	BigMike56      	8	9	2	-57		372	211
55	Puckhandler   	9	11	0	-429	<--out	x	100
11	bigmoney247    	9	5	0	407		890	0
54	mrhognuts2     	5	11	1	-483	<--out	x	100
12	wsox           	5	10	0	-543	<--out	x	0
53	djefferis      	8	2	0	614		1157	0
13	FairWarning    	6	9	0	-339	<--out	x	0
52	quinnsft34     	9	7	0	385		724	-65
14	schlep66       	11	5	0	773		773	324
51	maxdemo        	4	5	0	dq'd	<--out	x	0
15	ScreaminPain   	9	5	0	452		348	0
50	Tapa rosca     	10	11	0	104	<--out	x	-46
16	jpr24628       	6	8	0	-149		46	170
49	MoRich300      	9	10	1	-195	<--out	x	-3
17	THE POSTMAN!   	10	3	0	613		1174	300
48	DrunknHorseplayer	2	8	0	-561	<--out	x	0
18	wayne1         	8	8	0	407		405	-89
47	bluebirdsbaby  	8	11	1	2	<--out	x	-318
19	Warriorsfan    	10	5	0	440		509	0
46	baca8          	6	5	0	-69	<--out	x	52
20	terpsmd        	12	4	0	786		247	0
45	powerz         	11	7	0	539	<--out	x	187
21	Tomorrow's News	6	14	0	-583	<--out	x	-6
44	bailey         	8	7	0	135		718	0
22	jdigae01       	8	4	0	343		618	211
43	greatful ted   	8	13	0	-275	<--out	x	-6
23	alense         	7	4	0	375	<--out	x	170
42	Big 5 Sniper   	10	7	0	550		175	-100
24	Mesa Chaser    	9	12	0	-266	<--out	x	-67
41	jed4176        	9	7	1	123		389	200
25	diogee         	8	2	0	590		286	0
40	restarea       	10	10	0	304	<--out	x	189
26	Donnybasbl     	2	9	0	-735	<--out	x	0
39	Greenbacks     	10	0	0	1085		1820	0
27	woody1_7       	1	1	0	dq'd	<--out	x	0
38	leprechaun7    	8	7	0	2		2	0
28	rocky2         	8	13	0	-579	<--out	x	-300
37	Boss Hog       	9	5	0	344		923	0
29	Gravy          	13	7	0	1086		966	289
36	JOH™           	8	8	0	120	<--out	x	-6
30	bill2266       	3	6	0	dq'd	<--out	x	0
35	VegasVic       	7	4	0	512		512	0
31	dabuffman      	6	6	0	2		267	-100
34	jimmyk         	6	10	0	-265	<--out	x	-100
32	FearTheRaven   	8	5	0	544		313	-100
33	Pace           	10	9	0	231	<--out	x	-48


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 64[/size]
[size=+1]Breakdown Of Yesterday's Plays[/size]<BR>
Post=Post #   R=Result   P=Rot Play   m=Moneyline   r=Runline   o=Over   u=Under
[font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Poster[/u]         	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][i][color=red][u]Post[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=green][u]R1[/u]	[u]R2[/u]	[u]R3[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=2][i][color=blue][u]P1[/u]	[u]P2[/u]	[u]P3[/u][/color][/i][/size]
Don Melchor    	784							
canes2001      	323	28	-100	-100	-100	72u	75m	79m
seamanspilot   	-304							
Italianole     	-27	26	-100			74m		
woodog22       	3	2	164	-100	-100	59m	78r	79m
CalvinTy       	677	38	109	108		56r	57o	
brandonhop33   	-112	24	push	109	-100	74u	56r	66r
msmith2179     	161	29	100	100	-114	68m	60u	71m
Ganasa         	-81	13	-100	111	-100	53o	62r	66r
soli           	246							
MIKEY.1TIME    	468	9	100	109		54u	56r	
cjv_11         	119							
Mr.Cover123    	-85	36	109	-100	100	56r	60r	80m
PO69           	-328	37	164	154		59m	63r	
Wrigley        	-806							
ChuteBoxe      	259	31	100	-100	-100	54u	79m	74m
McCabe         	-481							
cmoney17       	641							
BigMike56      	-57	6	100	push	111	80m	73o	62r
Puckhandler    	-429	16	100	100	-100	59r	72r	72u
bigmoney247    	407							
mrhognuts2     	-483	53	100			80m		
wsox           	-543							
djefferis      	614							
FairWarning    	-339							
quinnsft34     	385	7	-100	-100	135	66r	71r	76r
schlep66       	773	21	104	109	111	54r	56r	62r
maxdemo        	dq'd							
ScreaminPain   	452							
Tapa rosca     	104	33	-100	154	-100	52r	63r	75m
jpr24628       	-149	39	164	106	-100	59m	72m	77m
MoRich300      	-195	34	111	-114		62r	71m	
THE POSTMAN!   	613	25	100	100	100	63m	68m	76m
DrunknHorseplayr	-561							
wayne1         	407	17	-100	111	-100	58m	62r	71r
bluebirdsbaby  	2	10	-118	-100	-100	58u	71r	77m
Warriorsfan    	440							
baca8          	-69	27	100	-212	164	56m	66m	59m
terpsmd        	786							
powerz         	539	35	-100	152	135	61m	68r	76r
Tomorrow's News	-583	5	-100	-100	194	53m	61m	65m
bailey         	135							
jdigae01       	343	18	100	111		68m	62r	
greatful ted   	-275	22	-100	194	-100	52r	65m	77m
alense         	375	8	-100	164	106	55m	59m	72m
Big 5 Sniper   	550	52	-100			79m		
Mesa Chaser    	-266	12	-102	135	-100	64m	70m	74m
jed4176        	123	15	100	100	push	63m	71o	73o
diogee         	590							
restarea       	304	4	152	-100	137	68r	75m	73r
Donnybasbl     	-735							
Greenbacks     	1085							
woody1_7       	dq'd							
leprechaun7    	2							
rocky2         	-579	19	-100	-100	-100	53m	75m	77m
Boss Hog       	344							
Gravy          	1086	23	154	135		63r	76r	
JOH™           	120	11	-100	-100	194	53m	61m	65m
bill2266       	dq'd							
VegasVic       	512							
dabuffman      	2	20	-100			65o		
jimmyk         	-265	14	100	-100	-100	56m	71r	79m
FearTheRaven   	544	32	-100	100	-100	60r	71o	78r
Pace           	231	3	-100	152	-100	52r	68r	71r


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 64[/size]
[size=+1]YTD / Weekly / Daily Composite[/size]
YTD Used For Re-Seeding Purposes
[indent][font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]YTD[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]	[size=2][color=blue][u]Sun22[/u][/color][/size]
1	Don Melchor    	33	12	0	1921	784	0
2	schlep66       	29	17	0	1290	773	324
3	MIKEY.1TIME    	32	17	0	1151	468	209
4	terpsmd        	38	23	0	1130	786	0
5	Gravy          	32	32	0	1094	1086	289
6	THE POSTMAN!   	25	13	0	1045	613	300
7	bigmoney247    	31	19	0	1027	407	0
8	ScreaminPain   	27	17	0	911	452	0
9	wayne1         	22	19	0	838	407	-89
10	Warriorsfan    	25	16	0	833	440	0
11	Greenbacks     	27	20	0	826	1085	0
12	diogee         	28	20	0	776	590	0
13	jdigae01       	23	15	0	627	343	211
14	BigMike56      	29	24	3	570	-57	211
15	Mr.Cover123    	28	27	0	555	-85	109
16	FearTheRaven   	26	28	1	458	544	-100
17	VegasVic       	20	22	0	355	512	0
18	jpr24628       	21	19	0	305	-149	170
19	Big 5 Sniper   	23	26	0	249	550	-100
20	Boss Hog       	25	18	0	157	344	0
21	dabuffman      	22	21	1	-25	2	-100
22	djefferis      	20	18	1	-55	614	0
23	cmoney17       	23	23	0	-72	641	0
24	jed4176        	23	20	2	-152	123	200
25	leprechaun7    	23	27	1	-225	2	0
26	quinnsft34     	26	31	0	-260	385	-65
27	bailey         	21	24	0	-271	135	0
28	CalvinTy       	22	25	2	-386	677	217
29	ChuteBoxe      	16	21	0	-525	259	-100
30	soli           	21	32	1	-760	246	0
31	msmith2179     	26	32	0	-862	161	86
32	Italianole     	12	24	0	-1364	-27	-100

[CENTER]<-------------------- cut line -------------------->[/CENTER]

33	woodog22       	26	14	0	992	3	-36
34	brandonhop33   	26	21	1	775	-112	9
35	Ganasa         	28	21	2	773	-81	-89
36	seamanspilot   	22	13	0	702	-304	0
37	alense         	22	16	0	641	375	170
38	FairWarning    	22	18	0	225	-339	0
39	McCabe         	24	22	0	147	-481	0
40	Pace           	26	23	0	145	231	-48
41	powerz         	25	24	1	130	539	187
42	wsox           	25	23	0	70	-543	0
43	restarea       	27	30	0	41	304	189
44	Mesa Chaser    	29	31	1	-14	-266	-67
45	JOH™           	24	26	0	-50	120	-6
46	Wrigley        	18	23	0	-174	-806	0
47	Tomorrow's News	21	28	0	-285	-583	-6
48	jimmyk         	19	23	0	-353	-265	-100
49	bluebirdsbaby  	22	31	1	-428	2	-318
50	baca8          	22	19	1	-495	-69	52
51	Tapa rosca     	27	33	0	-521	104	-46
52	rocky2         	24	29	0	-555	-579	-300
53	Donnybasbl     	21	26	0	-573	-735	0
54	greatful ted   	25	35	1	-637	-275	-6
55	MoRich300      	24	28	1	-695	-195	-3
56	cjv_11         	14	23	0	-750	119	0
57	canes2001      	23	36	1	-1031	323	-300
58	DrunknHorseplayer	11	24	0	-1044	-561	0
59	Puckhandler   	25	32	0	-1134	-429	100
60	PO69           	20	27	0	-1155	-328	318
61	mrhognuts2     	16	27	1	-1173	-483	100
62	maxdemo        	14	21	0	dq'd	dq'd	0
62	woody1_7       	17	12	0	dq'd	dq'd	0
62	bill2266       	18	18	0	dq'd	dq'd	0


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 64[/size]
[size=+1]Final Weekly Standings![/size]
For Your Entertainment Value
[indent][indent][indent][font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]
1	Gravy          	13	7	0	1086
2	Greenbacks     	10	0	0	1085
3	terpsmd        	12	4	0	786
4	Don Melchor    	10	2	0	784
5	schlep66       	11	5	0	773
6	CalvinTy       	11	5	2	677
7	cmoney17       	8	2	0	641
8	djefferis      	8	2	0	614
9	THE POSTMAN!   	10	3	0	613
10	diogee         	8	2	0	590
11	Big 5 Sniper   	10	7	0	550
12	FearTheRaven   	8	5	0	544
13	powerz         	11	7	0	539
14	VegasVic       	7	4	0	512
15	MIKEY.1TIME    	11	6	0	468
16	ScreaminPain   	9	5	0	452
17	Warriorsfan    	10	5	0	440
18	bigmoney247    	9	5	0	407
18	wayne1         	8	8	0	407
20	quinnsft34     	9	7	0	385
21	alense         	7	4	0	375
22	Boss Hog       	9	5	0	344
23	jdigae01       	8	4	0	343
24	canes2001      	9	7	1	323
25	restarea       	10	10	0	304
26	ChuteBoxe      	7	5	0	259
27	soli           	9	8	1	246
28	Pace           	10	9	0	231
29	msmith2179     	11	9	0	161
30	bailey         	8	7	0	135
31	jed4176        	9	7	1	123
32	JOH™           	8	8	0	120
33	cjv_11         	6	6	0	119
34	Tapa rosca     	10	11	0	104
35	woodog22       	8	7	0	3
36	dabuffman      	6	6	0	2
36	leprechaun7    	8	7	0	2
36	bluebirdsbaby  	8	11	1	2
39	Italianole     	5	5	0	-27
40	BigMike56      	8	9	2	-57
41	baca8          	6	5	0	-69
42	Ganasa         	7	8	1	-81
43	Mr.Cover123    	8	11	0	-85
44	brandonhop33   	9	10	1	-112
45	jpr24628       	6	8	0	-149
46	MoRich300      	9	10	1	-195
47	jimmyk         	6	10	0	-265
48	Mesa Chaser    	9	12	0	-266
49	greatful ted   	8	13	0	-275
50	seamanspilot   	4	6	0	-304
51	PO69           	8	9	0	-328
52	FairWarning    	6	9	0	-339
53	Puckhandler   	9	11	0	-429
54	McCabe         	6	9	0	-481
55	mrhognuts2     	5	11	1	-483
56	wsox           	5	10	0	-543
57	DrunknHorseplayer	2	8	0	-561
58	rocky2         	8	13	0	-579
59	Tomorrow's News	6	14	0	-583
60	Donnybasbl     	2	9	0	-735
61	Wrigley        	2	11	0	-806
62	maxdemo        	4	5	0	dq'd
62	woody1_7       	1	1	0	dq'd
62	bill2266       	3	6	0	dq'd

Dice, Sports & Cocktails
Mar 19, 2008
Wow - Congrats to to Terps MD.

Nice week going 12-4 I hope you win the whole thing

going 11-7 +539 would have had me advancing vs most guys

JOH - Congrats on running first rate programs here at the RX



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Rules   Roster
[size=+1]2008 MLB Head2Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+1]Round of 32 Matchups[/size]
[size=+1]Minimum 10 Plays by June 29[/size]
Low man from each matchup is eliminated.
 [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][font=Franklin Gothic Book][b][size=2][color=blue][u]Seed[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]        	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/size]
1	Don Melchor    	0	0	0	0
32	Italianole     	0	0	0	0
2	schlep66       	0	0	0	0
31	msmith2179     	0	0	0	0
3	MIKEY.1TIME    	0	0	0	0
30	soli           	0	0	0	0
4	terpsmd        	0	0	0	0
29	ChuteBoxe      	0	0	0	0
5	Gravy          	0	0	0	0
28	CalvinTy       	0	0	0	0
6	THE POSTMAN!   	0	0	0	0
27	bailey         	0	0	0	0
7	bigmoney247    	0	0	0	0
26	quinnsft34     	0	0	0	0
8	ScreaminPain   	0	0	0	0
25	leprechaun7    	0	0	0	0
9	wayne1         	0	0	0	0
24	jed4176        	0	0	0	0
10	Warriorsfan    	0	0	0	0
23	cmoney17       	0	0	0	0
11	Greenbacks     	0	0	0	0
22	djefferis      	0	0	0	0
12	diogee         	0	0	0	0
21	dabuffman      	0	0	0	0
13	jdigae01       	0	0	0	0
20	Boss Hog       	0	0	0	0
14	BigMike56      	0	0	0	0
19	Big 5 Sniper   	0	0	0	0
15	Mr.Cover123    	0	0	0	0
18	jpr24628       	0	0	0	0
16	FearTheRaven   	0	0	0	0
17	VegasVic       	0	0	0	0


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
32 Italianole 12 24 0 -1364

Whatever it takes, he's finding a way...

Calvin, I don't envy your draw. He served me up a whoopin'. I'm gonna have to ride the Gravy Train from here on out.

GL to all.

New member
Sep 26, 2006
TY JOH of this incredible contest...2nd year in a row that im on it so i thank you for your amazing job.

Good luck SCREAMINPAIN for the rest of the contest!!!!


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
TY JOH of this incredible contest...2nd year in a row that im on it so i thank you for your amazing job.

Good luck SCREAMINPAIN for the rest of the contest!!!!
We get to watch from the peanut gallery. Thanks buddy.

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006
Calvin, I don't envy your draw. He served me up a whoopin'. I'm gonna have to ride the Gravy Train from here on out.

GL to all.
JOH, when I saw the matchups last night, I was not happy with the draw at all, heh. Gravy went 13-7 for +1086 for the week, beating any opponent in the way. I can only hope to have his last week's numbers while Gravy has my numbers from last week. Both are good, but I naturally want his numbers from last week. Grins.

GL, Gravy!

* CalvinTy

Oct 22, 2004
JOH, when I saw the matchups last night, I was not happy with the draw at all, heh. Gravy went 13-7 for +1086 for the week, beating any opponent in the way. I can only hope to have his last week's numbers while Gravy has my numbers from last week. Both are good, but I naturally want his numbers from last week. Grins.

GL, Gravy!

* CalvinTy

Thanks guys for the kind words and GL to you Calvin and we will see what happens as I have been on a hot streak and hopefully for me I can ride it again this week.

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