I hear older Western Europeans stating immigrants are needed to support their retirement and other gov. programs because of negative population growth, and I see changing demographics in the USA, Canada, etc. and it makes you think.
In these countries where a declining population is a concern you usually have a high percentage of females in the workforce, and you have a big, complex government that taxes it's people highly.
So it has to be asked. What are the costs of female equality and Gov. "security"? The women don't have the time or the urge to have large families, if even a family at all. Then if they do decide they want that, they and their mate are stifled by high taxes which make it hard to live the life you want and be reproductively fruitful.
The result is immigrant and/or irresponsible populations who don't think about taxation (they usually don't make enough to pay anyway) which don't have a liberated female population eventually overtaking the more "progressive" population who caused it to happen. IMO
In these countries where a declining population is a concern you usually have a high percentage of females in the workforce, and you have a big, complex government that taxes it's people highly.
So it has to be asked. What are the costs of female equality and Gov. "security"? The women don't have the time or the urge to have large families, if even a family at all. Then if they do decide they want that, they and their mate are stifled by high taxes which make it hard to live the life you want and be reproductively fruitful.
The result is immigrant and/or irresponsible populations who don't think about taxation (they usually don't make enough to pay anyway) which don't have a liberated female population eventually overtaking the more "progressive" population who caused it to happen. IMO