Yeah, I noticed that too. Shepard Smith was behaving as if a great tragedy had befallen the country and somber tones were required.
Looking forward to Hannity and Colmes tomorrow. I might just have to listen to Rush Limbaugh as well.
I might actually have to listen to that fat fuck piss & moan tomorrow. What time is his bullshit on the radio?
No one should be upset with Obama. Your anger is misguided. Our anger should be directed at the republican party for letting us down. The republican party got away from it's true ideals and tonight's vote affirms that in no uncertain terms.
It may be a tough pill to swallow but we need to take our medicine like a man and demand that our party returns to it's roots. In the meantime, until Obama proves he's taking this country in the wrong direction, you should support him. We're all Americans and what's good for one is good for all.
I dont agree with you much but youve been spot on with some of your analysis regarding this race. McCain won easily amongst white male and females yet it was going to be tough to overcome every eligible black voting against us....not to mention the idiot college sect.
I still think we would have won the race if Romney or Huckabee had been the vp choice. Sarah Palin has ZERO credibility and everyone can see that.
Palin became such a joke that it zapped the vigor out of our base and convinced many independents to vote for the dem.
The collapse of major financial institutions in the last month didnt help either.