family economics poll


was it the result of

  • working & saving

    Votes: 17 77.3%
  • inheritance & family genes

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • luck

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • government program

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
For all posters that are in the middle class or higher, how did your family attain that status?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
For me it's easy. My father was a high school drop-out that joined the Navy at age 17 during WWII and remained there for 21 years. My mom grew up in war torn Italy, where finishing her education was not an option.

They settled in CT in 1963, always worked and always saved. Bought a house, took care of it and improved it's value. Today my mom is a condo lord (and drags me to all the fucking meetings).

They insisted that I go to college, which I did kicking and screaming at times. They enabled me to take it to the next level. My kids are poised to do better yet, and I taught them to expect nothing less and work for it all.

I'm sorry, but I can't comprehend the victim hood and government assistance is needed mentality. Of course, my parents, who had as many obstacles to overcome as anybody, showed me the way.

Thank you :toast:

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
what the "victims" will tell you is that you haven't lived in their shoes so you can't tell them that living off the government is wrong. Or that your fortune was more than partially because of strong parenting where they weren't so fortunate. all very much "victim mentality" thinking

my deal is not much different than yours. my parents are from a not-so-pretty section of Pittsburgh called McKees Rocks. Got out of the rocks in the late 70's and, after a few tours of mediocre jobs, settled in CT in 1980. I lived your basic lower middle class lifestyle but was the first to get a regular college degree. Neither of my parents had one but both did night classes in the 80's to attain them. Mine was your normal route...go to college right after HS first at UAB and then finishing up in CT. Obviously worked throughout HS and College even though it cost me playing baseball.

First job out of school was in Stamford making 9.90/hr and, 15 years later, own a business that has had two very successful years. This year (in your best Borat voice) not so much.

nothing was given to me and I want nothing given to me. just want the govt to stay the hell out of my business and my pockets and to make sure I don't have to pay for other's mistakes. i've worked too hard for too many years to pay for my neighbor's unnecessary addition or to help a 60k/yr guy pay for his 400k house.

New member
Dec 1, 2004
I got mine from Harken Energy when Uncle George was on the board
and pulled a Martha Stewart

Thank God for "Family Connections"

Sep 21, 2004
I gained my status with a good education, hard work, ambitious goals, wise and lucky investments, diet, poontang, charitable contributions, volunteering, excise and Republican values. Collectively, these here things made me be a much more gooder and happy person. Life be good.


Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Weird no one took a student loan?

Just curious instead of a family how many people were not born into a mid/upper situation how to did you move into a mid/upper situation.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Weird no one took a student loan?

Just curious instead of a family how many people were not born into a mid/upper situation how to did you move into a mid/upper situation.

well I wanted to go to a much more expensive college but the parents talked sense into me so I took my scholarship and went down south, otherwise I'd be like my friends and have 70K of school debt. Instead, I graduated owing nothing.

I moved into a mid/upper situation by starting at the bottom of my current field after my first failed business. After doing my dues in the corporate world I started a new business a couple years back

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
well I wanted to go to a much more expensive college but the parents talked sense into me so I took my scholarship and went down south, otherwise I'd be like my friends and have 70K of school debt. Instead, I graduated owing nothing.

I moved into a mid/upper situation by starting at the bottom of my current field after my first failed business. After doing my dues in the corporate world I started a new business a couple years back

Nice one...can't wait to be fully on my own career wise.

I think the numbers here are all going to be slanted towards hard work, Because even if you take government assistance it's not going to make you wealthy, but it will help you from getting into a worse position.

I know several guys who were laid off and used the Canadian Government's Education for the unemployed system (not sure the actual Name) to get their plumbing ticket or go to school for computer engineering .

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I gained my status with a good education, hard work, ambitious goals, wise and lucky investments, diet, poontang, charitable contributions, volunteering, excise and Republican values. Collectively, these here things made me be a much more gooder and happy person. Life be good.


It didn't help your grammar though.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Pretty much the same, worked the grave yard shift at the mill went to school during the day. Toiled from 9 to 5 at several corporations, got fired a couple of times and finally hooked with a friend and started a business. And the rest is history.
P.S. Roll my parents lived in the West End.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Working and saving,though saving was never my strong suit.I could say genes but in no way did I have the ambition of my parents working 10 hour day shit jobs and then have the energy to work charity for church projects and social clubs.Giving charity but to proud to ever recieve any. They were true liberals,independent of goverment to give to the needy and who they thought were deserving and not owing anybody nothing.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
dad passed when i was 19 my sophomore year of college....A student(its the internet but i was left my mom with no insurance ...i had been going to the races for a few years( i looked older) and i decided to start running my buddies bets to the windows......everything else after that was dad passing when i was 19 was a very sad moment in my life it also allowed me to basically retire at that age and have fun making money.......i wish dad was here to see it but if he was it may not have happened.......thats what makes life such a gamble

Oct 19, 2008
Congratulations, Willie99!


You have finally proved that the Politics, Finance, and World Events Board at therxforum is populated almost entirely by people sharing the same delusions. I will alert the Royal Society so that you can get due consideration for The Copley Medal.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Congratulations, Willie99!


You have finally proved that the Politics, Finance, and World Events Board at therxforum is populated almost entirely by people sharing the same delusions. I will alert the Royal Society so that you can get due consideration for The Copley Medal.

Were you born a jerk or did you have to work at it?

Sep 21, 2004
I was born into a loving democratic family. Aside from what I already stated about me, I put myself through 8.5 years of College by working in factories, loading trucks, concessions operations, tutoring and some other clandestine stuff.

I loved dating so much, so I spend much of what i earned on that, cause that was just how I rolled. The rest went to tuition.

Fortunately, I had a scholarship or three, but I deserved them all of them. Never took a handout. Just worked hard and studied a lot. Did gooder in most situations than other students cause I was much more smarter, cause if you do the work ya get the grade. Nothing special about me except that I turned Republican for the right reasons.

That's be it.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
sadly dave......we here on the left seem to attract them

Good and smart people can and do disagree Steak, it's what makes this country great. You an I both know that the right as it's share of ahh umm err "non-thinkers".

Sometimes, you gotta know what fights to pick. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them. The real comedians go down swinging with losing hands. The sad part is they think they're being clever.

Great story you have.

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