Pew Research, a non-partisan research think tank, as released it's results pertaining to media coverage by individual cable networks.
As stated in an earlier thread, the main street media and the newspaper coverage has been overwhelming favorable to Barack Obama. Now, the same study reflects that only Fox had balanced reporting. The looney lefties are so used to a one party stroke fest, that when an organization is actually balanced, they think it's biased.
Overall media coverage (positive / negative) Obama 36/29 McCain 14/57
MSNBC Obama 43/14 McCain 10/73 (are you fucking kidding me?)
CNN Obama 36/39 McCain 13/61 (we have no bias :missingte)
Fox Obama 25/40 McCain 22/40 think2
So the only network that has statistically balanced coverage is called biased by the loonies.
How much more bullshit do we need to prove? How easy does it get? This argument is put to bed.
Fox is biased!! Wrong, yet again.
As stated in an earlier thread, the main street media and the newspaper coverage has been overwhelming favorable to Barack Obama. Now, the same study reflects that only Fox had balanced reporting. The looney lefties are so used to a one party stroke fest, that when an organization is actually balanced, they think it's biased.
Overall media coverage (positive / negative) Obama 36/29 McCain 14/57
MSNBC Obama 43/14 McCain 10/73 (are you fucking kidding me?)
CNN Obama 36/39 McCain 13/61 (we have no bias :missingte)
Fox Obama 25/40 McCain 22/40 think2
So the only network that has statistically balanced coverage is called biased by the loonies.
How much more bullshit do we need to prove? How easy does it get? This argument is put to bed.
Fox is biased!! Wrong, yet again.
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