Please Please Please be as happy as You Can, Here.
If You allow them to Suck You Down into their pit of Misery then they Win.
Ba'al Wins.
There is a "race" to be run Here.....
and You are up for this.
May not feel like it but You Are.
Your Ancestors Were, up for The Challenge and so are you.
Don't Despair. Don't Ever Fucking Despair. Instead: Be Ready to Over
Best Path unto that is not necessarily You "venturing out into
YOUR STREETS" and doing Battle Now.
Streets You
think are Yours. Feel like "should" be Yours, cuz You were Raised to believe that YOU had some "say" in what Amerika turned out to
Wow. We have fallen off the ledge. This job is too big. Even for Donald Trump.
Imagine being that beautiful woman's family.
This is Not "The Battle for Los Angeles"
YOU and the Millions who know what You Know...within their Hearts, and Souls: Right & Wrong and feel the intense spirit-slaughtering sadness that descends upon Good People when they are forced to watch their country & their people die?
To venture out into their streets, these streets that belong wholly to a Military that is under control of Politicians who are under Control of Corporations to whom only The Cheapest Labor Matters.....Brown, Yellow, Black...
Bottom Line:
If You Will Hear, truly listen:
There is a way to Win against them. To Win back Our Country.
A Plan that calls for You realizing that "revolting" against the MOST Revolting Bullshit that ANY Patriots have ever had to deal with any where.
Would see You shot down in those streets
by "Your Own" Military. Defending
Compliant & Most Inexpensive.....
Get Real.
'Lets Get Real'
The Way Out requires I have begged of BOURN to do and others:
Learn where You came from. Who were Your Great Grandfathers?
Who were their Grandfathers? What did they do?
What was their Life like?
Did they Say anything?
They likely wanted to....more than they ever wanted any other thing:
to say something to You.
Go find them. Uncover who they were.
Where did they live? Where......
what Land
did they
A small % of "Americans" will figure this shit ^^^^^ out, who they are....Where they came from
along the way of doing so some of those will figure out that that "America" was lost some years ago.
Its not the place that it could have been, cuz Something In The
You are not "American" you are Italian, Scottish, German, Irish, Welsh, Scandanavian or fucking Norweigan I don't know what the fuck You are but what You definitely are Not is stupid enough to remain on a sinking fucking rat-infested ship when Your People were from a totally different land.
Theres some "Forefathers", Founding Fucking Fathers that folks are so proud of. They even got On Stamps, and Fucking MONEY
They were so Worshiped.
Yet all You wanna do is stay and cry.
For The Slow Dying of a country that was never really truly Yours cuz YOU came from blood from the fucking Hills of Fucking Norway.
Aren't You Even......
Of Who You Really Are?
You're "American" cuz You happened to get a place completely removed from where 44 Generations of people prior to Your Great-Grandpa
got Born????
Fuck That.
Don't Stress over these people's BULLSHIT.
You are More.
Bitch, You Want To make True Revolution?
If so
find out what Your Bloodline is.
Who are You From?
or just keep on sittin' back playin' Tiddleywinks
flippn' Dollaz about like that MADE any Importance when that could get taken away so quickly
if Fatty Nukeball maneuvers EMPD and all is Darkness.
Fatty Nukeball ain't mad at where your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great GRANDAD came from
and oh my LORD was He a Majestick Man
Your Choice.
make the whole of your perception being american or....
co-operating with WHY Your Universe unfolded as it did
Forcing You To Return
to the land that Your People LOVED
The Land that was their Lives.
and Saving
Think of The Purity
By Comparison.......when compared to You returning to & making a Great Life in the land that your people so loved....
Staying here to fight Mexicans & Black People seems so much worse an option.
This Land is Gone. Michelangelo's a Prophet. He would not say this (whats quoted) unless this is Officially Over-With.
Dude was there in the 60's, He has seen it all.
By No Means declaring You need to get You & Your Family out NOW like...immediately. No No No. 7 Years.....start now to find out where you and your wife's ancestors came from.
Get Your Asses to the place among those that You two feel would be The Chillest.
take this country for a SECOND TIME.....this place "America"
won't be you & i but our Great Grandchildren
first step is You uncovering Your Lineage. Your Bloodline.
then just letting Him "talk" to You.
its got some thing to do with a Ceremony
at a Graveside.
if You feel like an Adventure.
or if You feel "comparable"
like: AS those fuckers on the stamps, and money.....them Glorified.
Fuck Ego Though.
do it for the good of humanity.
whatever that is
yet to be defined
Do It For
those who will come after You
like You are Here
long after Them.
Anything You would......
say to Him?
If You Could?
Your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grand......
Grand Son"
Grand Son.....Indeed.
Make It Be.