Sure, there is a difference between our two partys...
fletch, I don't condone the action of lobbyists, they're paid to manipulate policy.
I have often criticized the lack of fiscal responsibility on the part of politicians on both sides of the aisle. The fact that the Republicans were not more conservative when they were in power is why they were swept out of power.
I will defend conservatism to the very end. Don't confuse policy debate or a debate about principles with a debate about a particular politician.
I was very disappointed with W's fiscal spending and would prefer to see our deficit cut, but I did agree with him on taxes, regulatory policy, defense and some other issues.
Obama and the democrats are showing us what modern liberalism is all about, and there is no way in hell you can argue that it's all the same.
Maybe tizdoom was right, maybe we need an abomination like Obama to get a wake up call and to give birth to a real conservative government, as the founding fathers intended.
Not everyday you get to see this shit in black and white, literally on paper thus i posted this piece. But hey Willie, keep arguing the "conservative" side of things. Meanwhile these guys just laugh their way to the bank while you and the rest of us actually think there is a difference and that things will change. Status quo baby, just keep bleeding the host.