The original pgp release gave the author a lot of crap, and he was arrested by the US authorities/Canadian authorities.
I'm not sure if the new pgp is quite the same.
Best if you squirrel about with a few non-US based searches.
The original, would take the cia about 6 months to crack each message, and was put out on various computer mag. cds about 2 years ago.
Parallel computing would crack it, after many months, but you could have 10 messages with "have a nice day" and one relevant message.
Thats what pissed the authorities off, the effort required to crack it.
The UK gov. tried to make the availability of private keys a mandatory requirement, and then stumbled at the first legal hurdle.
nuff said
[This message was edited by eek on October 03, 2003 at 07:48 PM.]