Elijah Dukes


RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
Devil Rays center fielder Elijah Dukes is both a super talent and a common punk, and even putting it that way might be charitable if his wife's allegations that he threatened to kill her and her kids are true.
Tampa Bay is in a horrible situation right now, and not simply because the Devil Rays now have missed their window of opportunity to trade from their strength -- a surplus of outfielders -- and acquire what they really need: pitching.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=170 align=left><TBODY><TR><TD width=170>
</TD><TD width=15> </TD></TR><TR><TD width=170>Tampa Bay's minor league affiliates said they won't take Dukes back -- and that was before this controversy. (AP) </TD><TD width=15> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>The Rays' surplus -- Dukes, All-Star Carl Crawford, blossoming talent Delmon Young and Rocco Baldelli -- suddenly shrunk overnight this week because no team in its right mind now will go within a probation officer's reach of Dukes, the 22-year-old rookie phenom who this moment looks as if he's spent too much time studying Anthony Hopkins in Fracture.
Unless NiShea Gilbert files charges that her husband threatened to kill her, there might be nothing the Devil Rays legally can do to shed this kid, at least in the short term. Because without criminal charges and convictions, clubs cannot simply void contracts. The players association will have that overturned more quickly than you can say "wrongful termination."
Yet if the Rays are stuck with Dukes -- they can't obtain a restraining order, as Gilbert has -- it might be only a matter of time before they have a tragedy on their hands.
Gilbert played for St. Petersburg Times reporters a voice mail she says Dukes left for her, and this is how they transcribed the voice on the phone: "Hey, dawg. It's on, dawg. You dead, dawg. I ain't even bulls-------. Your kids too, dawg. It don't even matter to me who is in the car with you. N-----, all I know is, n-----, when I see your m-----f------ a-- riding, dawg, it's on. As a matter of fact, I'm coming to your m-----f------ house."

Gilbert also says Dukes called and told her to check her cell phone, to which -- she says -- he sent a text message with a photo of a pistol.

Dukes' response to the St. Pete Times reporters when they asked for a response to these allegations?

"I've got to go. I've got a video game to finish." :ughhh:

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
When I heard on the radio he text'd her a picture of his handgun to her phone I almost spewed coffee all over my car.

That's fucking hilarious, class act right there.

Basically like father like son, his dad is in prison for shooting somebody to death when they sold his wife fake crack.

New member
Dec 9, 2006
And They Still Played The Idiot Last Night. How Has He Not Been Arrested Yet?

New member
Feb 9, 2006
The kid has all the talent in the world, but the head of a juvanile want to be gangster. Most people would kill for his talent, and a shot, but he just wants to b a gangster.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Sounds like another Carl Everett

My two favorite carl moments:

1.Everett called his own shot on August 14, 2001. Jamie Moyer beaned Everett, then a member of the Boston Red Sox in the first inning, and Everett didn't take kindly to it and motioned that he would take him deep later in the game. Everett hit a homer over the Green Monster during an at bat in the fifth inning and after crossing home plate, motioned towards the pitcher, grabbed his genitals and spat towards the mound

2.When the fan threw a cell phone at him so he picked it up and threw it back and it hit the wrong guy.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Kid sounds like he had two strikes against him growing up:

Draftee chance to get it right

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[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]ROMANO[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times] <hr align="left" noshade="noshade" size="1" width="60%"> E-mail:
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[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]Archive <hr align="left" noshade="noshade" size="1" width="60%"> [/FONT]</td> </tr> </tbody></table> By JOHN ROMANO, Times Staff Writer © St. Petersburg Times
published June 5, 2002
<hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> ST. PETERSBURG -- The story begins with heartbreak and maybe it ends that way too. Only Elijah Dukes knows for sure. You see, it's his story to tell.
He could open by recalling the tale of his father's grave mistake. The day Elijah Sr. confronted a man who, prosecutors said, sold a piece of fake crack cocaine to the boy's mother for $100. Elijah Sr. shot the man dead and a judge decided he should pay with 20 years of his life. Elijah Jr. was all of 11.
Maybe he could explain the troubles he has encountered along the way. The two arrests for battery, the suspensions and the dismissals. Maybe get into the reasons for attending four high schools in four years.
Or perhaps the best place to begin is now.
Since, for the first time in forever, his future has a chance to overwhelm his past.
"In some ways, he's blessed. He has a God-given ability that is very rare," Hillsborough High football coach Earl Garcia said. "Nothing else matters anymore. Whatever he's done is in the past. If he takes it all the way, he gets all the credit. If he doesn't, he's got no one else to blame."
The Rays called across the bay on Tuesday to tell Dukes he was their pick in the third round of the amateur draft. In the coming days, they will call again to offer a bonus that may climb past $600,000.
Three weeks shy of his 18th birthday, Dukes greeted the news calmly. He knew it was coming, he said, so why get excited?
Maybe he is that mature. Maybe he is that hardened. Neither would be surprising considering the life he has endured.
"Not everybody in the world has the perfect home life," Hillsborough baseball coach Pat Russo said. "He didn't grow up in the best neighborhood. He didn't have a father figure. But he's done the best he can. He's made some mistakes, but he's grown. He's not a 13- or 14-year-old boy anymore. He's a 17- or 18-year-old man. He's grown up. Give him a chance."
They say he is among the most talented teens you will see. USA Today, a few months ago, suggested he was the best two-sport athlete in the country.
A football scholarship awaits at N.C. State. Professional baseball is likely in his future.
He has his entire life before him, but Dukes' past always seems to arrive ahead of him.
Three major-league teams called Russo in the hours before Tuesday's draft. They all wanted to know about the baggage Dukes carries with him.
His troubles are notable not for their severity, but their frequency. According to state records, his first arrest was for battery at 13. A year later, he was arrested on similar charges.
Dukes left Chamberlain, King and Jefferson under clouds of controversy. There were whispers of arguments with teachers, students and referees.
"He could tear a team up. Everybody was on edge when he was around because nobody knew what he would do next," Jefferson High baseball coach Pop Cuesta said.
"He had a tendency to get on other players and ride them for what he felt were shortcomings. He would blame everyone else when things went wrong, even if he had some role in it. I hope for his sake he's grown up a bit. I wish him only the best. "
Phyllis Dukes said her son deserves credit more than criticism. When her husband went to prison in 1996, she was left alone with six children and few prospects.
They had ups and downs, she said, but Elijah straightened out his life between his junior and senior years. He had little choice. An altercation with a teacher left him facing expulsion and confronting his future.
"Right then he had to make a choice because they wanted to toss him out of school. I thank God he went the right way, because a lot of kids have gone astray," she said. "Elijah is a very good kid and he's been blessed with some good people who have helped him along the way.
"Through the grace of God we have gotten to where we are now. This is the most exciting day of my life."
Dukes is not the first prospect to show up with a checkered past. He's not even the first Rays prospect, coming on the heels of Greg "Toe" Nash.
Scouting director Dan Jennings said the Rays investigated Dukes thoroughly and were satisfied he will not be a problem.
Dukes said he has no doubt he is on the right path. He has seen enough misery to understand life's pitfalls.
He can recall his father showing up for every one of his games as a youngster, but has now gone two years without visiting him.
"It was hard for me at first, but I've gotten over it," Dukes said. "I've seen what can happen when you make mistakes like he did. Maybe it put a little fight in me. I think that's given me a little edge on everyone else. I want to do better for myself."
Elijah Dukes has his life in his hands. It's his story to tell.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Elijah is a busy young man. He has 5 kids already by four mothers. Two of them were born eight days apart.

Shawn Kemp better get busy.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
more on this clown.........

ST. PETERSBURG - The latest in a string of allegations against Elijah Dukes prompted the Devil Rays outfielder to ask for a day away from the ballpark Wednesday.

Dukes was not at Tropicana Field for the Rays' game against the San Diego Padres, but the team expects him back in uniform for today's series finale even if he doesn't play. Dukes also is expected to accompany the team when it leaves on a road trip to Colorado and Arizona after today's game.

According to police reports, an 18-year-old former foster child of Dukes' step-grandmother told investigators she had consensual sex with Dukes when she was 17 and is now pregnant with his child.

In the wake of those revelations, Dukes' agents, Chicago-based CSMG Sports, contacted the Rays early Wednesday afternoon and asked that Dukes be allowed to take the day off. Dukes' primary agent, Scott Pucino, did not return a phone message Wednesday.

"After conversations with Elijah and his agent, the organization approved Elijah's absence," Rays executive vice president Andrew Friedman said in a statement released by the club. Friedman had no further comment on the matter.

Rays manager Joe Maddon characterized Dukes' absence as a "personal day."

When allegations emerged late last month that Dukes had threatened his estranged wife, NiShea Gilbert, Maddon benched Dukes for two games at Tropicana Field. Maddon said that decision was entirely his, and Dukes returned to the lineup when the Rays left town for a series in Chicago against the White Sox.

Dukes appeared in 14 of 16 games between his return to the lineup and a start Tuesday against the Padres, going 5-for-51 (.098) at the plate.

It is believed that Dukes has had counseling through the Rays' Employee Assistance Program since Gilbert's allegations surfaced. The latest reports are merely the latest distraction surrounding Dukes and the team.

The teenager, whom police did not identify, turned 18 in April and now lives in Riverview. The teenager's baby is due in November, a police report said.

Police began investigating after getting a tip that Dukes had impregnated a teenager in foster care. The teen told police May 28 that Dukes was the father of her baby.

The foster home was run by Johnnie Johnson, who is Dukes' step-grandmother.

Tampa police said no criminal charges will be filed against Dukes, 22, because state law allows adults between 18 and 23 to have consensual sex with 16- and 17-year-olds. No criminal charges will be filed against Johnson, 65, police said, because they found no evidence that she created an unsafe environment for the foster children in her care.

"It's not illegal to leave a 17-year-old home alone," police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said.

According to the police report, the girl was placed in Johnson's home on Dec. 15, 2005. Johnson told police she had taken the girl to a doctor because she complained of stomach pains. When the doctor said the girl was pregnant, Johnson did not believe it until the girl underwent blood and urine tests.

"I never did ask who she was pregnant from or anything like that; that part we didn't even discuss," Johnson said in the police report.

The teenager told police she and Dukes had sex on the living-room sofa. When she told Dukes in March that she was pregnant, "he got mad and threw a Gatorade at me," the teenager said in the report.

The child protection division of the sheriff's office is reviewing whether three children currently in the foster home are at risk. Foster parents do not automatically lose their license if a teen in their care becomes pregnant.

Johnson declined to comment Wednesday.

Court records show Dukes has had five children with four women, including two with his wife, Gilbert, who said she is planning to file for divorce.

"You're married and you're having sex with strangers? It's disgusting," Gilbert said. "Do you even know what a condom is?"

The Rev
Sep 13, 2006
soon to have 6 kids, w/ 5 different moms...

at the mere age of 22 (going on 23 this month)...Shawn Kemp should be worried about his record.

New member
Dec 9, 2006
wonder if he has kids that he don't know about. he could have a double- double by 25.

Sep 21, 2004
Ok almost 7 years old for ya:

[h=1]Former Tampa Bay Rays player Elijah Dukes arrested in Brandon[/h]
  • Times staff
Friday, December 20, 2013 12:50pm


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Former Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Elijah Dukes was arrested in his Brandon home Thursday on a warrant charging him with violation of his probation.
Dukes was arrested in February 2012 after police said he tried to eat a bag of marijuana while stopped for a traffic violation. In January, he was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear in court on those charges.
The reasons for this latest warrant were not immediately clear. Dukes remained in the Hillsborough County Jail Friday without bail.

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Dukes played for the Rays between 2003 and 2007, and last appeared in Major League Baseball with the Washington Nationals in 2009.

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