Eat Shit Robert De Niro..... (Video)


Jan 20, 2002
If you dont think this is a big deal you are a fool. All of the Hollywood morons giving him a standing ovation for saying it. These people have completely lost touch with reality. A long time ago there were patriots in Hollywood. Today we have traitors and buffoons.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Tokens Robby raciest against white people? He white but has a longing to be black.

Doubt some research.

Fuck the washed up has been who will do anything to be notice. Hey Robby, do a Burt (pitiful)
commercial for cars. Your there ASSWIPE!

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Tokens Robby raciest against white people? He white but has a longing to be black.

Doubt some research.

Fuck the washed up has been who will do anything to be notice. Hey Robby, do a Burt (pitiful)
commercial for cars. Your there ASSWIPE!


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Obama was a competent president with a competent administration. Mr Trump is a fool !!! And the biggest lieng POS in modern history .. 3500 lies now. President Obama was neither of your terms. respected around the world. Mr Trump was banned from coming to Britain by the British Parliament. That say anything to you ? Our longest standing ally whose citizens bled with our boys on every battlefield !!

that's pretty funny, the typical spoon fed talking points of the loony left, as superficial and inaccurate as it gets

it's genetics

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I thought...

Poly Stuff was supposed to be move ...

Rules CHANGED.....??????????????

Robert De Niro is not a politician.

Rules CHANGED:cryingcry
May 3, 2018
Robert De Niro...Ain't he special!

These Hollywood Douchbags still don't understand they aren't real important.

Americans could give a shit what any of the Hollywood liberals think or say.

Thing is people DO care what these Hollywood stars think. Whether you care or not, whether you acknowledge it or not, these stars have HUGE influence over people and a large podium to convey their opinions.

Especially a legend like Robert De Niro.

That's just straight facts man. I'm a huge fan of this guy. He's made some fantastic movies and has had some epic performances.

And Kenny B you're getting a little carried away. Political correctness is NOT out the window. (not that I condone it but there should be a healthy balance I believe)

People are still getting fired and even arrested for not being politically correct. The problem with a lot of Trump supporters is that they are getting a false sense of security feeling the freedom to spew out whatever hate they want. The thing they don't understand is that Trump is a very wealthy man, he can get away with it but just because he is your hero doesn't mean you can say it and get away with it. Maybe on an anonymous gambling site, that's about it.

People are still getting fired for posting racist or hateful things on THEIR OWN Facebooks. Nevermind saying things at a place of work or elsewhere.

For myself, I prefer a healthy balance. We can't be too sensitive but we do have to respect eachother and be civil. That's how a society works. You want to be ignorant or overly outspoken with hate you can do so inside you own home.
May 3, 2018
I disagree. Maybe in a normal world, you're right. But when everything the left is doing is about resistance and hatred and anger and lies and riots and threats and violence, when everything they're focused on is about dividing the country, when every minute of every day at every event the left exhibits political hatred, it's growing old on the rest of us.

Fuck Robert DeNiro and everybody who thinks like that lowlife piece of shit asshole. He's supposed to "Shut up and Sing", he's an actor and obviously NOT somebody that knows how to solve problems. His ilk lives in a toxic fog, their lives are nothing more than circle jerks. They're just too fucking sheltered and stupid to know it.

Robert De Niro isn't just a legend of an actor but he's an AMERICAN, he can say whatever he wants and wherever he wants.

You keep trying to push this narrative of the left being angry and bitter but all I see if angry and bitter extreme rightwingers around here and America too. I can give just as many examples of right wingers being angry and violent. Nobody but your few fellow right wingers on this site are buying your narrative. Don't kid yourself with this whole left is crazy, unpatriotic, poor, lazy, uneducated and all that nonsense. There's plenty of rightwings that fit that profile also. Maybe more.

Really. Don't kid yourself.

That's all I have to say other than the fact that Robert De Niro is a legend and he won't just shut up and sing cause some guy on a gambling site said so. It's his right to say it and he'll say it proudly, whatever he believes. He's earned that right.

By your logic you should shut up and run your little business or whatever you do and not talk about politics (which you clearly understand little about and are so obviously and blatantly bias it's a waste of my time to bicker with you haha)

Robert De Niro the legend has a platform to speak on his views so he did. He has earned many many fans all over America and just because you don't care for his opinions and words doesn't mean millions of others don't.

Let's be real about really bugs you right wingers. It's the fact that Americans DO care what these stars think and they CAN reach millions of people, many of them fans and they WILL influence many voters. That's what makes you insecure.

I call em like I see em.

Don't worry about the upcoming elections. If Trump stays on this path he should win again. I might even vote for him if the Democrats put up a garbage candidate again. Although I don't think they will do that. They will regroup and return with a competent candidate and attack policies rather than personal shots.

Whatever happens, my life doesn't change much regardless of who's in power. I work hard and I invest wisely. I don't know why you guys get so worked up over trivial matters then turn around and accuse the left of being angry.


Goodnight guys.
May 3, 2018
Oh and Greenbacks if you want me to stay out of your threads I will do so, but I believe you can handle opposing views. It's nothing against you. I just felt compelled to post my opinion on this. It's not out of vindictive behavior towards you. If it bugs you I'll refrain from posting in your threads.

No harm meant. I don't know any of you guys and you don't know me so does it really all matter?

Peace out.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
kelly, is Trumps Bitch.... in the ummortal words of snoop dogg... "i cannot explain to u how to be a pimp. It is the equivolant of a quantom physics professor explaining his theories."

Kelly is the presidents whore, and he is that amazing that he keeps his bitches in line..

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
DeWeirdo does not concern me nor does what he did surprise me. The guy has been a known liberal Trump hating douche for some time now. Makes my faith in Trump even stronger.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The democrats have tried this tactic before, using Hollywood and entertainers for political purposes.

Ever since 2008, ever since the country experienced the pains brought by their leadership, they're losing. They can't believe they're losing, so they try harder and harder and become angrier and angrier as the country rejects them more and more.

Robert DeNiro can say anything he wants, unlike the left I never told him he can't speak nor did we threaten him with violence. Of course we can respond anyway we like, why do liberals get that part wrong? They literally argue they have free speech but we don't. They talk about free speech as they tell you to shut up. They call you angry because you're mocking their hate. They're just fucked in the head.

DiNero is paid to entertain us, while people actually pay to talk to me and sometimes that talk is about politics. Like taxation, Obamacare (against my wishes), labor laws, regulations, taking advantage of opportunities and avoiding pitfalls. I even do everything I can to help the democrats who vote for a living. I don't dump on anybody in the real world like Robert DiNero just did. He's an angry man. Not sure how somebody with all the excess he enjoys can be so angry, I suppose it's a genetic thing.

Why do democrats get everything backwards? All the fucking time? You'd think they'd get lucky once in a while.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
[h=1]Robert De Niro’s Juvenile Stunt at the Tonys[/h][FONT=&quot]By KYLE SMITH

The Tony Awards should have been a celebration of The Band’s Visit, the beautifully underplayed musical about Egyptian musicians striking up fumbling temporary friendships with the residents of a dusty Israeli village, which captured ten awards including Best Musical, and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the spectacular new chapter in the kid-magic saga, which won Best Play and five other trophies.
Instead, all anyone is talking about is Robert De Niro, whose moronic ad-lib made the front page of the New York Post and was a top trending topic on Twitter this morning. CBS switched off the sound as De Niro, who was on hand to introduce Bruce Springsteen (whose Broadway show this season has also been a huge success) interjected, “I’m gonna say one thing: F*** Trump. It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump’; it’s ‘F*** Trump.'” The audience exploded in applause.
Broadway depends on tourists for a huge percentage of its ticket sales. Does it really want to broadcast an image of being hostile to the 40 percent or so of the country that supports the president? CBS was obviously prepared for editorializing and allowed nothing of what De Niro said about Trump to be heard by the TV audience. It didn’t just blank out the F word; it blanked out the entire Trump comment because it was completely inappropriate and didn’t belong. This was wise, but alas the public has a way of finding out things.
The people who should be most furious with De Niro are not Trump or his fans. The people who should be most furious with De Niro are the Tony honorees. This was their big night, the single opportunity they have each year to promote their craft to millions of TV watchers. Instead, De Niro had to unleash a childish, pointless rant and steal their spotlight. Shame on him.

great take, old senile Bob is not only full of hate, he's not only angry like the majority of liberals, he's not only mad at all of Trump's success, he's a selfish man who went overboard to steal the spotlight

It's like they don't even know the democratic base can't afford to attend many of these plays, if they even had the desire to. It's older white men buying the tickets that rocks their world, same with professional sports


Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I thought...

Poly Stuff was supposed to be move ...

Rules CHANGED.....??????????????

Harmless thread. And you had to complain to Mike.

This thread was getting juice.

It's was something to talk about.
May 3, 2018
Why do Republicans always like to play the righteous side? Acting like only the Left exhbits angry outbursts or hateful actions/words?

We don't remember how violent the Republicans got when Obama won. (twice) We don't remember all the signs that said ''hang that N***er?'' We don't remember that all over America the clueless and ignorant Republicans were seething and attacking people? Do I need to post these links all over again? Are you new to America Willie or just have selective memory?

I said it before and said it again, this whole nonsense with your agenda, picking and choosing the worst examples to paint the Left as unpatriotic, angry, lazy, poor, uneducated is all a futile attempt at pushing your little agenda. There's plenty of the lazy, uneducated, angry and racist on your side as well. You and I know it, everybody knows it.

You always make blanket statements about the left and I don't see how you don't comprehend the mere fact that you are wasting your breath. Nobody with half a brain is buying it. You came across as an intelligent guy and classy guy at first but now after reading your posts here and there it's quite apparent that you are neither.

The signs were there when you would constantly mock how black people talk. Mimicking them as you talk about them. Passive aggressive and weak. At least your buddies have the guts to be openly racist. You don't even have that.

I won't waste my time in this thread anymore.

Robert De Niro is a legend. I don't condone him saying fuck Trump because as I said, people shouldn't be name calling Obama and they shouldn't be name calling Trump. He's our President. Only person it hurts is us. Makes us Americans look as if we don't have our shit together. Makes us look rude and ignorant and divided. Which we are I guess. Having said that, De Niro has reached a point in his life and a level of success and wealth that he has ''fuck you money'' so when you have that kind of wealth you can get away with these things.

He's a legend. Loved by millions in America.
May 3, 2018
Stallone is my childhood favorite actor and I never started hating him or stopped becoming a fan of his because he supports Trump. Some of you guys are petty.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Robert De Niro apologizes for Trump's recent comments:fckmad:[/h][video=youtube;bemuVrfefkA][/video]

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Why do Republicans always like to play the righteous side? Acting like only the Left exhbits angry outbursts or hateful actions/words?

We don't remember how violent the Republicans got when Obama won. (twice) We don't remember all the signs that said ''hang that N***er?'' We don't remember that all over America the clueless and ignorant Republicans were seething and attacking people? Do I need to post these links all over again? Are you new to America Willie or just have selective memory?

I said it before and said it again, this whole nonsense with your agenda, picking and choosing the worst examples to paint the Left as unpatriotic, angry, lazy, poor, uneducated is all a futile attempt at pushing your little agenda. There's plenty of the lazy, uneducated, angry and racist on your side as well. You and I know it, everybody knows it.

You always make blanket statements about the left and I don't see how you don't comprehend the mere fact that you are wasting your breath. Nobody with half a brain is buying it. You came across as an intelligent guy and classy guy at first but now after reading your posts here and there it's quite apparent that you are neither.

The signs were there when you would constantly mock how black people talk. Mimicking them as you talk about them. Passive aggressive and weak. At least your buddies have the guts to be openly racist. You don't even have that.

I won't waste my time in this thread anymore.

Robert De Niro is a legend. I don't condone him saying fuck Trump because as I said, people shouldn't be name calling Obama and they shouldn't be name calling Trump. He's our President. Only person it hurts is us. Makes us Americans look as if we don't have our shit together. Makes us look rude and ignorant and divided. Which we are I guess. Having said that, De Niro has reached a point in his life and a level of success and wealth that he has ''fuck you money'' so when you have that kind of wealth you can get away with these things.

He's a legend. Loved by millions in America.

Want to wager on your statement?

We will each post images of someone holding signs that curse Trump and Obama.

I will post the signs cursing Trump, and you post the signs cursing Obama.... We will each wager $10 for each one, and whoever has the most wins, and loser pays the other $10 for each sign they lost by.

Since you are saying Republicans are just as bad, it should end in a tie correct? With no winner.

Pick a mod, and we will each send him $500 or $1000 to hold for the wager.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
UPDATE in the wager... I think we need to do it for 10cents each lol, or we each need to send a mod $100,000 and cap the max win at that amount.

Did a quick google search and found:

Images matching exact "Obama+Negative+Signs+Posters" 14,939,183 view them here
Images matching exact "Trump+Negative+Signs+Posters" 88,736,984 view them here

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