Drew Peterson/ Media Overkill


New member
Mar 14, 2007
A thoughtful comment sir but still laced with prejudice-- Why are you so convinced of his guilt? I notice that your address is in chicago land -are you guilty because of your geographical connection are you my friend???%^_%^_HMMMMMM!

New member
Feb 7, 2007
Bolingbrook cops are all assholes and Will county is a shithole.. I did a week in there and got two showers and they had us on lock down for 5 of the 7days and there wasn't shit going on they just didn't want to let us out

btw it was either a week in county day for day or 250 hours of community service
Sep 21, 2004
This guy is so f'ing guilty, it's sick. He just knows enough about covering his tracks to make things very difficult to prove.

Find a way to convict this killer & fry his ass.

Sep 21, 2004

SCUMBAG KILLER of his pregnant wife in CA.

Sep 21, 2004

Paula Stark and Len Wawczak (right) wore a wire during conversations with their former friend Drew Peterson, who trusted them so much he asked them to stash a .22 caliber folding revolver (inset) after his FOID card was revoked. (Rich Hein/Sun-Times/AP)

Drew's pals wore wire

SEARCHING FOR STACY | Drew's chilling words caught on tape

<!-- Article Publsih Date -->July 23, 2008
<!-- Article By Line -->BY JOE HOSEY Sun-Times News Group
<!-- Article's First Paragraph -->Drew Peterson likes to talk an awful lot — especially for a guy whose third wife was murdered and fourth wife is missing.
And now two of his closest friends say they caught it all, cooperating with State Police by wearing a wire and recording seven months of intimate conversations with the former Bolingbrook cop.
<!-- start sidebar -->» Click to enlarge image
Paula Stark and Len Wawczak (right) wore a wire during conversations with their former friend Drew Peterson, who trusted them so much he asked them to stash a .22 caliber folding revolver (inset) after his FOID card was revoked.
(Rich Hein/Sun-Times/AP)


Drew's pals wore wire <!-- begin poll --><!-- end poll -->
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We got him,” said Len Wawczak.
Peterson mocked investigators as “idiots,” called his third wife “a bitch” whose body he should have had cremated and predicted he’d be tried and acquitted long before his fourth wife’s remains were found, Wawczak said.
Wawczak, 42, said he and his wife, Paula Stark, 38, have known Peterson for about 16 years, a friendship that began over drinks at a Bolingbrook watering hole , included talk of going into business together flipping homes and became so close that Peterson trusted the couple to watch his children.
But a few weeks after Stacy Peterson disappeared last year, the couple began to have suspicions about their longtime friend. Partly because of a tragedy in his own past, Wawczak said he had no reservations about turning informant for the police, but his wife was afraid.
“I talked her into it,” Wawczak said.
And the next seven months would have plenty of nerve-wracking moments, the couple said, including requests from Peterson that they prove their loyalty and worries that a hug could reveal their subterfuge.
‘A bunch of f------ idiots’
Early in their friendship, Wawczak says he heard Peterson complaining about his third wife, Kathleen Savio.
In 2004, about 12 years into Wawczak’s friendship with Peterson, Savio was found dead in a waterless bathtub, and State Police determined she was the victim of an accidental drowning.
Stark said at the time Peterson mocked the cops investigating the drowning, saying, “‘She was in a dry bathtub, what a bunch of f------ idiots.’”
Then, Peterson’s fourth wife, Stacy, vanished in October, sparking officials to exhume Savio’s body and declare her death a homicide.
Wawczak recalled Peterson telling them, “‘I should have had that bitch cremated. It would have cost me less and I wouldn’t be going through this trouble.’”
Peterson has been named a suspect in Stacy Peterson’s disappearance, which police have labeled a “potential homicide.” Peterson has publicly said he had nothing to do with the fate of either of his wives.
And privately, he didn’t sound nervous, Wawczak said.
“He said he wasn’t worried about them finding Stacy’s remains down the road because he figured by that time he would have been tried and acquitted, and you can’t be tried for the same case twice because of double jeopardy or something,” Wawczak said.
Modeling Stacy’s bikinis
The couple contacted Peterson after Stacy Peterson disappeared.
“We figured we were being good Joes, that’s all, helping him out,” Wawczak said.
As the investigation escalated, Peterson took to spending more and more evenings at Wawczak and Stark’s Bolingbrook home, the couple said. He would sneak out his back door, crawl through the yard and jump into their waiting van.
“He didn’t know if they were coming for him, and he thought this would be a good place to hide,” Wawczak said.
In mid-November, the State Police met with Wawczak and eventually began talking about enlisting his help, asking him to take a polygraph in the process, Wawczak said.
Stark, who has two sons and a daughter with Wawczak, said she remained nervous throughout their clandestine work, which ceased in mid-June. The worst day was probably when Peterson took her up in his ultra-light airplane in early spring for its first flight since Stacy Peterson vanished. A GPS device was hidden inside the thermal vest she wore so police could track where he flew, Stark said.
“I swear to God, I don’t think I was more scared,” she said.
She said she was also worried when Peterson hugged her and asked her to model his missing wife’s bikinis and fur coats.
“Even hugging him goodbye, trying to kiss me, rubbing up against me, whispering in my ear, ‘I love you,’” Stark said, adding she was worried Peterson might discover the recording device she wore.
“I thought a few times he might have felt it and might say something,” she said.
‘Don’t make me shoot him’
Stark said Peterson asked her to run off with him.
“He wanted to move to Kentucky and put a business and a house in my name in case they came to get him,” she said. “I said, ‘You plan to take me to Kentucky? You think Lenny’s going to let me go without a fight? You know how he is.’ He said, ‘Don’t make me shoot him.’”
Wawczak said he had his own uncomfortable moments. He said he balked when Peterson asked him to prove his loyalty by torching a bunch of plants a neighbor assembled in memory of Stacy and sabotage a boat that was being used in searches.
What was Peterson’s motivation?
“‘It would just be funny,’” Wawczak said Peterson told him.
‘He's done’
Wawczak and Stark said Peterson trusted them so much that he gave them a .22-caliber folding revolver for safe keeping. Police missed the gun when they searched his home, they said, and Peterson needed someone to take it when his firearm owner’s identification card was revoked. The couple said they surrendered the gun to police immediately, but told Peterson investigators seized it during a March search.
Stark and Wawczak said they grew close to Peterson’s children — the two teenage sons he had with Savio and the boy and girl he had with Stacy Peterson. The couple said they miss the children since they broke contact with Peterson when their work with police ended.
“It f------ kills me I’ll never get to see [them] again because I did the right thing,” Wawczak said.
“I would take those kids in a second,” Stark said. “I would take custody of those kids in a heartbeat.”
Wawczak said his own father was slain during a holdup of his gas station in 1975, when Len was 9.
The killer was found thanks to a woman who reported the license number of the getaway car. Wawczak said that’s partly why he agreed to help police investigating Savio’s murder and Stacy Peterson’s disappearance.
“Look what that lady did for my dad,” Wawczak said. “Had she not, that guy would have got away. Plus, it’s the right thing to do.”
Wawczak and Stark declined to spell out all the conversations they helped record for State Police, but they expect the information to lead to their former friend’s arrest.
“He’s done,” Wawczak said. “He’s going away.”
‘They’re wrong’
Peterson was nonplussed when he learned his friends were spying on him for the police. He said he felt no sense of betrayal, suggesting the couple had other motives.
“They stormed off mad one day when I wouldn’t lend them money,” Peterson said. “They wanted some big money from me.”
Peterson said he never voiced wishes Savio had been cremated, talked of shooting Wawczak or asked his friend to vandalize any flower memorial or boat.
“The only thing I talked about was him walking up and down and taking the ribbons off the trees” memorializing Stacy, Peterson said.
Peterson also disputed Wawczak’s claim that the words recorded by the wire would be his undoing.
“No,” he said, “They’re wrong.”
Peterson even said whatever he uttered in the presence of Stark and Wawczak would help clear him.
“I’m almost glad,” he said. “Good.”

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Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
If I was a girl I would stay away fro the Peterson last name. 1st Scott and now Drew I wonder if anyone will be brave and marry Adrain?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If I was a girl I would stay away fro the Peterson last name. 1st Scott and now Drew I wonder if anyone will be brave and marry Adrain?

But then they can hire CSI's William Peterson to figure out what happened.

Jul 21, 2007
he is guilty as hell.didnt they find out his ex wife was killed and it wasnt a drowning? lets forget about that one and what about his current wife? she just left without the kids and nobody knows where she is? she just dropped everything and went into hiding? i hope they hurry up and charge this asshole i hate how he acts in front of the cameras.
totally agree how smug he is in front of the cameras like he cant be touched well not laughing now is he

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Great bump 5teamer. I saw this on the front page of the Sun-Times today and was going to post it.

New member
Feb 7, 2007
If I was a girl I would stay away fro the Peterson last name. 1st Scott and now Drew I wonder if anyone will be brave and marry Adrain?

Two things about this... one Drew Peterson hangs out the Bar Louie in Bolingbrook all the time on weekends, in fact I just spoke with him on Friday and the motherfucker doesn't like Baseball. He was with a male friend and a female friend. He's a regular at this bar and you would be amazed that girls actually do speak with him, and take the drinks he offers.

I've heard the most disgusting shit from these broads saying ooo he's so nice I just can't believe he could have done it.

and the other thing. The local watering hole he used to go to, shortly after stacy's disappearance the bar organized a walk out.. when he came in the entire bar stood up and left.

he grew a beard and looks like a bum.. he lost some weight and I didn't even recognize him..

Sep 21, 2004

Drew Peterson gun charges are dropped

Case stemmed from the investigation into his missing wife, Stacy Peterson

By Erika Slife
Tribune reporter
November 21, 2008

Former Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson scored a victory Thursday after a Will County judge dismissed felony gun charges against him that had stemmed from the investigation into his missing wife, Stacy.

"It's a big relief, of course," Peterson told reporters afterward. "You know, there's potential to put me away in prison for this, and I didn't want to go. So it's a very happy day."

Circuit Judge Richard Schoenstedt dismissed two unlawful use of a weapon charges against Peterson after the state's attorney's office refused to give Peterson's legal team internal police memos, e-mails and other correspondence relating to his arrest in May.

Peterson, 54, was charged with allegedly possessing a modified assault rifle with a barrel of less than 16 inches, a violation of state law. Authorities had seized the rifle and other weapons after search warrants had been executed relating to the Oct. 28, 2007, disappearance of Stacy Peterson, who was 23 at the time.

Peterson is a suspect in the case, which police have labeled a "potential homicide."

Earlier Thursday, Schoenstedt granted a motion by Peterson's legal team to pursue a "vindictive prosecution" defense at trial and had ordered the state's attorney's office, at the request of Peterson's attorneys, to give the defense a "narrow and limited" copy of their documentation leading up to the charges against Peterson.

But Assistant State's Atty. John Connor strongly urged the judge to reconsider, arguing that the charges were not brought because of a personal vendetta against Peterson.

"It has nothing to do with personal animosity," Connor said. "It has to do with illegal weapons."

He warned that if the state's attorney's office were to comply, it would prompt defense attorneys across the state to "flood" prosecution offices with similar discovery motions.

Peterson's attorneys questioned the timing of the developments in the state's case. In February, Schoenstedt had ruled that police should return Peterson's firearms to him granted that he had a valid firearm owner's identification card.

Hours later, police revoked Peterson's FOID card.

In May, authorities arrested Peterson the day before he was to learn whether the guns could instead be given to his son Stephen, an Oak Brook police officer.

"Obviously we're very pleased," said Joel Brodsky, one of Peterson's attorneys.

The state's attorney's office will appeal, said spokesman Charles Pelkie.


Sep 21, 2004
Drew Peterson says he's engaged to be married
Associated Press
Published: 12/17/2008 9:37 AM​
Drew Peterson's publicist says the former police sergeant is engaged to be married again.
Glenn Selig says the 54-year-old Peterson proposed within the last week after dating the woman for about four months.
He says the woman is 23 -- the same age as Stacy Peterson when she disappeared in October 2007. Selig wouldn't provide any details about the woman and Peterson wouldn't comment.
The engagement was first reported in a news release Wednesday morning by Derek Armstrong, the author of a book about Peterson.
Peterson claims his wife left him for another man. He has met with an attorney to discuss filing for divorce on grounds of abandonment. But he and Stacy Peterson are still legally married.

New member
Feb 7, 2007
this guy used to go out and I swear to god, girls fell head over heels for this guy. I used to see him out and talked to him, creeped me the fuck out and I've been around some whackjobs..

jagoff doesn't like baseball?? Has to be an asshole if he doesn't like baseball

Sep 21, 2004
Drew Peterson's girlfriend has moved in with him, friends and family members say

Christina Raines' father has filed reports with Bolingbrook police to request well-being checks

<DL class=byline>By Erika Slife | Tribune reporter <DD>January 13, 2009 </DD></DL>Drew Peterson's latest love interest has moved in with him, according to distraught friends and family members of the 23-year-old mother of two. "It's unbelievable," said Joe Raines, the uncle of Peterson's alleged fiance, Christina Raines. "I don't get it, but what are you going do? She's an adult."

Peterson is the 55-year-old former Bolingbrook police sergeant who is the sole suspect in the disappearance of his current wife, Stacy. Authorities are also re-examining the mysterious death of Peterson's third wife, Kathleen Savio, who was found dead in an empty bathtub in her home in 2004.

Peterson has denied involvement in both cases.

The cases have captured the media spotlight, and Peterson's appetite for women—especially younger ones—has snared headlines and been the subject of blogs and radio talk shows. He once entertained the idea of participating in a "Win a Date with Drew" contest, and one of his former girlfriends, a 22-year-old tanning salon employee, was called to testify before the grand jury that is investigating his wives' cases.

The investigation of Stacy Peterson's disappearance raised eyebrows. She is his fourth wife and was only 23 when she disappeared.

Peterson declined to comment Monday on his new living arrangement but did joke that Raines "won the lottery . . . a Drew lottery."

"She got to be with me," he said. The notion has Raines' family members worried. Her father, Ernie Raines, filed several reports with the Bolingbrook Police Department over the weekend requesting well-being checks on his daughter, and to also document that his daughter had moved in with Peterson, Lt. Ken Teppel said.


Sep 21, 2004
Peterson's step-brother: Drew is guilty

February 15, 2009

<!-- Article By Line -->By MIKE PUCCINELLI CBS 2 Chicago
<!-- Article's First Paragraph --><!-- BlogBurst ContentStart -->John Morphey says his brother, Tom, believes Drew Peterson killed his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson.
Drew Peterson has long been considered a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy. And while he's gone before the cameras many times, the man many consider to be the linchpin of the case against Peterson has never talked publicly.
After Stacy Peterson disappeared, Thomas Morphey also disappeared for months. But he was being hidden away, sources say, by police.
His brother, John Morphey, will only say he was in a safe place. But on the crucial issue of what happened on the evening of Oct. 28, 2007, he's saying a lot more.
Sources say Tom Morphey helped Drew Peterson move a barrel containing Stacy Peterson's body from an upstairs bedroom into the back of her husband's Yukon Denali.
Tom Morphey has been ordered by investigators not to talk to the media. So, his brother, John, is talking for a man who many consider to be the main witness in case. The brother said his sibling's conscience is bothering him.
"I think he would do anything to take back the events of that night," John Morphey, of St. Charles, said.
What made him think Stacy was inside that barrel?
"He said he just knew," John Morphey said.
He says his brother's conscience was bothering him so much on the day after he helped Drew Peterson move the blue barrel that he ended up in a hospital after taking a handful of pills and attempting to kill himself.
"He realized what he had done that night by helping dispose of Stacy's body and realized that Drew would probably do whatever it took to keep him quiet," John Morphey said. "He thought he would kill him or his family."
Peterson says that's ridiculous and that Tom, who is his step-brother, has mental health issues.
"He's attempted to take his own life a few times," Peterson told CBS 2 recently. "And now all of a sudden he's become a hero to his family when before he was nothing but a loser to his family."
John Morphey says that's a lie and his brother never tried to kill himself before that day. And he says Peterson never showed any real concern for Tom until after his suicide attempt and showed up at his step-brother's hospital bed on the same day Stacy was reported missing to police.
"On the day his wife went missing, what motivated him to go to the hospital to visit my brother?" John Morphey said. "Everyone can draw their own conclusions."
Does Tom Morphey think Drew Peterson murdered Stacy?
"He doesn't think -- he knows that (Drew) murdered Stacy," John Morphey said.
Drew Peterson says there never was a blue barrel and that Stacy Peterson abandoned her kids for another man.

Sep 21, 2004
Apr 3, 2009 1:36 pm US/Central
Drew Peterson's Girlfriend Moves Out Again


Peterson Says Christina Raines' Departure Was Mutual Decision

BOLINGBROOK, Ill. (CBS) ― The young woman whom Drew Peterson hoped would become his fifth wife has moved out of his house, for the second time.
Peterson told CBS 2's Mike Puccinelli early Friday afternoon that his fiancée Christina Rianes had moved out his Bolingbrook home.

Peterson said it was a mutual decision and they have both agreed that they are going to remain friends.

Raines' children have already moved out. Raines was seen picking up some of her belongings a short while ago.

Their engagement ring is being held by Illinois State Police.

Peterson has been named a suspect in the disappearance and suspected death of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, who has not been seen since October 2007.

Peterson is also being investigated for the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, whose body was found in a dry bathtub in 2004. Originally, her death was ruled an accidental drowning, but following an exhumation in late 2007, it was reclassified as a homicide.

Just a couple of weeks, ago, Raines was reportedly hoping to get married to Drew Peterson in June.

Raines' father, Ernie Raines, has been in a feud with Peterson so intense that it has made the CBS Early Show and the "Dr. Phil" show.

Ernie Raines has said he was scared for his 24-year-old daughter's safety, and he confronted Peterson repeatedly and appeared on "Dr. Phil" to voice his concerns.

Christina Raines moved out of Peterson's house once before. In late January, Ernie Raines and an Early Show camera crew came to Peterson's house, for a dramatic breakup highlighted by a shouting match between Peterson and Ernie Raines through the closed front door.

But Christina Raines moved back into Peterson's house a couple of weeks later.
(© MMIX, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Memo to self - Never change last name to "Peterson" if I have intentions of killing my wife.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Finally...I Hope They Have Enough To Stick


Former Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson was arrested today in the death of his ex-wife, Kathleen Savio, who was found drowned in an empty bathtub in March 2004, according to Will County State's Atty. James Glasgow.

Authorities have scheduled an 8:30 p.m. news conference at state police District 5 headquarters near Joliet.

Will County state's attorney's office spokesman Chuck Pelkie confirmed Peterson was arrested late this afternoon during a traffic stop in Bolingbrook in connection with an indictment in the murder of Savio.
When reached early Thursday evening, Peterson's attorney, Joel Brodsky, said he was unaware of the arrest.

"You know more than I do. I'm on a plane it's taking off in 5 minutes to go to NYC. I guess they'll have a bond hearing Monday," he said.

On March 1, 2004, Savio, 40, was discovered by neighbors in her Bolingbrook home in an empty bathtub with a 1-inch gash on the back of her scalp.

Savio and Peterson were divorced but the details of the divorce settlement were weeks away from being finalized when she died.

An autopsy at the time determined she drowned, and a coroner's jury ruled months later--based largely off the testimony of state police--that the death was accidental.

Authorities reopened Savio's case after Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy, disappeared in October 2007.

The next month, Savio's remains were exhumed, and in February 2008, Will County State's Atty. James Glasgow said the second autopsy determined her death was a homicide. He classified the case as a murder investigation.
While authorities never named Peterson a suspect in her death, the same Will County grand jury that had been investigating Stacy Peterson's death was also investigating the Savio case.

Last month, relatives representing Savio's estate filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Peterson seeking in excess of $300,000 for causing her death, losses arising from it and the injuries she suffered prior to her murder.

Peterson, 55, was a 29-year veteran of the Bolingbrook Police Department. After his current wife disappeared, he was suspended from the department and he submitted his resignation shortly afterward. He draws a $6,068 monthly pension.

The saga captured the attention of the national media, which scrutinized every development in the investigation, including Peterson's love life, who openly dated young women and once had a 24-year-old woman he called his fiance move in with him for a short time.

Drew Peterson was supposed to fly to Reno on Friday to spend a weekend at the famous Moonlite BunnyRanch, where he was expected to meet owner Dennis Hof to talk about job possibilities.

Hof had said earlier Thursday that planned to offer Peterson a job as head of security at the Nevada brothel.
When reached at his Bolingbrook home early Thursday afternoon, Peterson declined to comment.

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