DRay's In-Depth Analysis of the Tampa Bay Rays..


Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
First full workout is tomorrow. Will have updates and pictures tomorrow evening when I compile everything. Maddon talked today how it isn't out of reach David Price will see some major league time this season.

Crawford was at camp today and seemed very excited about the Rays team this year and the definate possiblity for a .500 season.

Sep 21, 2004
Current over under wins total at betcris:

12:00 PM


Pitching for TAMPA BAY RSW: // Pitching for DEVIL RAYS RSW:

Action on Over.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Current over under wins total at betcris:

12:00 PM


Pitching for TAMPA BAY RSW: // Pitching for DEVIL RAYS RSW:

Action on Over.

Team has never won 70 games in a season. This team has the talent to win 85-90 I kid you not. But they won't probably. Still very young, gotta learn how to win.

Im shooting for 77-81 wins.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Today was the first day of the Rays full squad practice. From what I saw and heard from local friends, everyone was happy and in a great mood. Everyone was relaxed and ready to get the season going immediately. Reporters were asking how good this team has a chance to be instead of questions can they hit 60 wins and who will play SS or even be the #1 starter (man those years sucked bad.)


See if I can get a few more.


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Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Seems Carl Crawford and Delmon Young are having some words between each other. Carl is saying the the team is more loose now with Young gone and his attitude.

Delmon Young arrived at Twins camp yesterday and told reporters he wouldn’t address Carl Crawford’s comments earlier in the week that he was looking forward to a calmer, more businesslike atmosphere around the Rays this season with Young and Elijah Dukes no longer around. Then he did, obliquely, dismissing them with a shot at the Rays’ track record.

“If they’re trying to blame us for the way they weren’t winning,” Young said, “if it was us two, we weren’t there from ‘98 to ‘06. So ... “

Crawford read those comments and was fired up this morning.

“I think he just got it misconstrued,” said Crawford. “Nobody said he was the reason for us losing the games. We said it was a more relaxed, more calm environment that could help us in the future. Nobody blamed him or Dukes for losing the games. For him to say we want to wait until he leaves to say something—who is he? Nobody’s afraid of him. You know? We’ll say it to his face. I’ll be more than happy to say it to his face or any kind of other way that’ll make him understand what we mean.

“For him to say that like that, that really pissed me off, you know what I’m saying? It is what it is. I want to let him know that nobody’s saying nothing because he’s not here—I’ll tell him the exact same thing to his face, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to make the trip over here, too, so he’ll know.”


Young may be a future AS outfielder, but personally I am glad he is gone. Garza pitched today for the Rays in BP, and everyone praised on how his stuff looked. Granted, is ST. Garza stated he is very excited to be here with no pressure on him. Said playing behind Santana was very hard.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
The Twins deal was amazing for the Rays. Across all sports teams are putting more stock into character and absolutely shying away from the thuglife black hiphop driven mememe cultured athletes. The Portland Trailblazers and Atlanta Falcons (shedding Crumpler, Coleman, and trying to trade Deangelo Hall) are two prime examples of this. I look for this trend to continue. While I am not an "intangibles guy" perse, I can't trust these stupid athletes to study playbooks, etc. Young probably won't ever develop into anything great because of his complete lack of plate discipline and outright refusal to improve his game in that area.

Rays82- how do you feel about Aki playing 2b? I am very excited.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
The Twins deal was amazing for the Rays. Across all sports teams are putting more stock into character and absolutely shying away from the thuglife black hiphop driven mememe cultured athletes. The Portland Trailblazers and Atlanta Falcons (shedding Crumpler, Coleman, and trying to trade Deangelo Hall) are two prime examples of this. I look for this trend to continue. While I am not an "intangibles guy" perse, I can't trust these stupid athletes to study playbooks, etc. Young probably won't ever develop into anything great because of his complete lack of plate discipline and outright refusal to improve his game in that area.​

Rays82- how do you feel about Aki playing 2b? I am very excited.​

Aki at 2nd will be an adjustment, but in the long run he will be fine. He did exceptionally well at 3b and feel he has the tools to master 2nd. He has a good SS partner now and with Longoria at 3rd and a decent 1b in Pena, he should transition smoothly. We shall see.

Sep 19, 2007
Rays - Whats your feel for the Rays in talks of signing Barry Bonds? Bonds is my favorite athlete of all time so i'm a bit biased, but i feel it's a no lose situation. he can still produce and won't be half the distraction as he was last yr. Shit even if he was would it be all that bad to get the Rays some pub? would like to hear how you feel.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Rays - Whats your feel for the Rays in talks of signing Barry Bonds? Bonds is my favorite athlete of all time so i'm a bit biased, but i feel it's a no lose situation. he can still produce and won't be half the distraction as he was last yr. Shit even if he was would it be all that bad to get the Rays some pub? would like to hear how you feel.

Homedawg --

First off, I can't believe I even heard those words together at first. Barry Bonds and the Rays. Shows probably how much in the MLB community the Rays have improved. By the casual mlb fan? We still suck.

My initial gut says no. Pitching wins games, not offense. We already had drama the last season with Dukes and Young. This team is going to have great chemistry this year lead by Crawford and Kazmir. Crawford IS the leader of this team. If this move was down, how does this shift the power in the clubhouse? Bonds is 43 and our avg age can't be over 25 to 26. Bonds still and always will have the dark cloud over his head with steroids. Team doesn't need this distraction.

I still think Bonds can hit, an for the casual MLB fan, could bring some dollars in to the Rays. However, this can NOT be the hit show 2.0. Vaughn, Castilla and Canseco fucked us over for 7 years.

IF, and this is a big if. If they wanted to sign him, this has to be a 1 year deal. Nothing multi year. And how much is Bonds gonna ask for? Is it worth it to spend on a player like who will probably retire in the off-season? My Rays will be much improved this year, but they aren't World Series material yet. No point in adding pieces like this unless it puts you over the hump.

Lastly though. I was very skeptical at first with the new Rays organization. A bunch of Wall Street guys taking over a baseball franchise. Friedman and Silverman have done a fantastic job, plus more. They give out incentive laid deals that make players work for the money instead of giving out guarenteed cash for no return. They have made a lot of small trades and transactions that have made this team fundamentially better at MLB and AAA.

I have full faith in those two, if they do or don't sign Bonds. They know what the team needs.

New member
Jan 18, 2006
Money thread. Thanks for the insight.

Heres what Buster Olney says about Bonds and the Rays.

He does make a whole lot of sense for Tampa Bay, in so many ways; wrote about this last fall, and at that time, was told that the Rays probably wouldn't want Bonds as the centerpiece presence in a clubhouse loaded with young players.

But here's why you could understand how this might happen:

1. At this point, Bonds might be willing to play for far less than he played for last year, when he earned a base salary of about $17 million -- and he would be a natural attendance draw for the Rays.

2. Bonds's patience at the plate is something that the young and developing Rays' hitters could learn from over a long season.

3. In a new place, on a new team, and in a short-term situation, Bonds's allegedly stifling clubhouse presence (read between the lines in the quotes from the Giants' players last week) might not be any kind of problem at all.

4. Most importantly: A lineup with Bonds, who racked up a .480 on-base percentage last year, makes the Rays a better team.

A scout mentioned to me on Sunday, without knowledge of the possible interest in Bonds, that he thinks the Rays are going to win 81 games this year, with their improved pitching, their developing lineup. Think of how strong Tampa Bay's lineup could look with Bonds by midsummer:

1. 2B Akinori Iwamura
2. LF Carl Crawford
3. CF B.J. Upton
4. DH Barry Bonds
5. 1B Carlos Pena
6. RF Rocco Baldelli/Cliff Floyd
7. 3B Evan Longoria
8. C Dioner Navarro
9. SS Jason Bartlett

Not bad. And when you ask about the Rays' young pitching -- guys who might be a factor in the second half -- you hear nothing but rave reviews. Look, Tampa Bay is not going to win the AL East this year, but the Rays are going to have a whole lot to say about who does win the division; you could argue that they might be the reason why only one team might make the playoffs out of the deep AL East. A lineup with Bonds in the middle would make them that much tougher. It makes absolute sense for them to add him, at the right price.

Do you think Longoria is going to start the season in the majors or AAA? Sounds like financially it will save them money by keeping him down in Durham for a few months.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Buster writes this: At the right price Thats what it is going to come down to. Silverman and company are very good about not just spending money, to spend money. If Bonds and his agent ask too high, the Rays will laugh and tell him go back to SF.

Longoria. I feel he will start at AAA, even if his spring is really good. Ofcourse, I want him starting at the majors this year. But the Rays will wait a few months or for a injury, then bring him up. But then again, Silverman has thrown out some suprises in the past and might make him the opening day starter.

I want him to start, but for more then on reason. If the Rays let him start this year, it shows to me they are committed to winning and not worried about arbitration years down the road.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
This from the official site:

"It would be a little different from the normal because it's Barry Bonds," Crawford said. "He carries that stuff with him everywhere. But, you know, if they were really serious about it, I'm sure we could adjust to it. It's Barry Bonds. Who wouldn't want to have him on their team?"

"With the way things are happening, they're really trying to get key ingredients to help the team win," Crawford said. "Anything's possible. It really doesn't surprise me they'd be doing something like this, because they'll try anything to get us to the next level."

And, it was called to Crawford's attention that having Bonds might attract more fans, a comment that prompted the Rays' left fielder to smile.

"Oh yeah, that too," Crawford said. "I forgot about that. I'm sure a lot of people want to come see Barry Bonds hit a home run."


Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
1st Intrasquad game was today. Some notes I got from friends:

-- Kazmir did not pitch. I fully feel he will be ok, but having an MRI on your elbow is never good. Hope its from masterbating to much and not pitching.

-- Longoria. Looked good in the field. Made some very nice plays on defense, but was not good from the plate. 3 appearances with 3 K's. My buddy told me Edwin Jackson struck on one of the appearances and made Evan look like a little leaguer.

-- Hammell, who is fighting for a SP rotation, or in my opinion, any position available, looked bad. Gave up the only XB hit in the game with 2 wild pitches.

--Balfour (RP) had 1 inning in his belt with 2 K;s. Wheeler looked good as well with 3 up 3 down.

Not much else exciting so far. I think the most improved part of this team will be the Bullpen. I mean, it can't get much worse then last year, but with Percival, Reyes, Wheeler, Balfour and Miller, we should be about 7th-8th in AL.

New member
Nov 2, 2006
Buster writes this: At the right price Thats what it is going to come down to. Silverman and company are very good about not just spending money, to spend money. If Bonds and his agent ask too high, the Rays will laugh and tell him go back to SF.

Longoria. I feel he will start at AAA, even if his spring is really good. Ofcourse, I want him starting at the majors this year. But the Rays will wait a few months or for a injury, then bring him up. But then again, Silverman has thrown out some suprises in the past and might make him the opening day starter.

I want him to start, but for more then on reason. If the Rays let him start this year, it shows to me they are committed to winning and not worried about arbitration years down the road.

FWIW: The D-Rays (I think the name change is fucking stupid--coming from a big fan) are on record saying that even if Longoria hits .500 in spring, he'll still start in AAA... Food for thought. Lots of good info @ draysbay.com

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Game notes, things I saw from box score and other notes from the game:

Rays win 7-6.

-- Edwin looked Good. 2 IP 2K with 1 hit.

-- Hammell has no shot now. Looked bad in warmups and 1st day of ST with wild pitches and such. 2 runs and 2 bb's in 2 IP.

-- Rays stole 3 bases today. Maybe its just a conicidence, but really feel Maddon will be very aggressive this years in swiping bases. Nothing better then putting pressure on the pitcher.

-- Longoria with a 2b and a rbi. Also had a walk. --Fuck, I hope he can start at the MLB level.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Rays 2-0 to start preseason.

-- Longoria. Nice. Had a two run triple in the 6th, PH btw. Hope he really gets going, show the Rays they have no option but to leave him up.

-- Zobrist another nice game as well. He knows he needs to do well for a shot at 3B and hopes the Rays send down Evan.

-- Sheilds pitched two innings give up a run and also had a WP. He just needs some innings I feel to get going.

-- Rays turn 4 DP's into todays game as well.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
Rays 2-0 to start preseason.

-- Longoria. Nice. Had a two run triple in the 6th, PH btw. Hope he really gets going, show the Rays they have no option but to leave him up.

-- Zobrist another nice game as well. He knows he needs to do well for a shot at 3B and hopes the Rays send down Evan.

-- Sheilds pitched two innings give up a run and also had a WP. He just needs some innings I feel to get going.

-- Rays turn 4 DP's into todays game as well.

Rays 3-0.

McGee and Davis, two of the future pitchers for this team, started out bad. Its ST though, just one start. Upton with a 2b and a 3b in the game and two rbi's.

We stole 4 out of 5 bases today. 3 games, 9 total attempts. None in game two. Just going to keep a track of this and see how aggressive maddon is in ST. It will show us what to expect this season.

No errors in 3 games so far. ST, but again, their defense should be much improved.

Solomon Alabi - The Next Big Thing
May 16, 2006
My apologies for not updating this throughout the last few days. Been very busy with work. Ill update with things throughout the next day. Off tomorrow, ready for some good ncaa bb games and Rays game.

Rays 6-1 now. Its Spring Traning, it doesn't mean much. However, I think this will help this young team. It only breads confidence and feel it shall carryover somewhat into the regular season. I do know whatever I say can sound homerish as this is my team, has been since Opening day. But I am also a gambler and hoping to learn something from my team and making money in baseball.

-- Niemann 3 IP 2B 2K 0 H Jeff has a great shot at the starting rotation. He pitched alot at Rice in college, and he can be a workhorse in the majors if he avoids injuries. I personally think Jeff and Jackson will fill out the final 2 spots. I do need to see Jackson pitch more, but it will be between him and Sonnastine.

-- Howell looked alright pitching 3 IP and 1 ER. Once through a rotation, the other team can spot his shit and crush him. Will be served and have a shot at the BP I believe.

--Pena was 1/2 with a 1B, BB and RBI. Has 4 on the ST and hitting .455

-- 4 more stolen bases today. No errors. 1 error through 7 games.

David Price is pitching vs the Yankees tomorrow at Legends. Its on MLB.TV and will be watching.

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