Dramatic video shows dozens looting Philadelphia Walgreens, police say


New member
Apr 20, 2019
NFLTrends, why do you think blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crimes? What do you think the main causes are? Just want to hear your take

Sep 17, 2010
2017 MURDER statistics by race:

When the race of the offender was known, 54.2 percent were Black or African American, 43.1 percent were White (Hispanics are included as white), and 2.6 percent were of other races.

And AA's are 13% of the population. So do the math.
AND the last time I looked, AA males 18-38 yrs old, 3% of our population, committed 50% of the murders.

(these stats have been very consistent the last decade, not a small sample size, not a snapshot)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Lmfao wrong. If this was 60 white supremacists, then this thread would never have been posted.

That’s fact.

Pump up that narrative some more clown boys. Blacks are such a terror threat.

Are you awake? Serious question

You're not remotely aware of what's going on in this country

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

They don't know when the fat lady is singing

Sep 21, 2001
:think2:​Why are they doing dat? :think2:

You ask why? well here is the why - because when you were 16 and you did this and I was 16 and I did this our father's would have beaten the living fuck out of us - me personally, I was stomped two times by my father like in Goodfellas - so guess what, I wouldn't have done this and had I done this it would have happened one time - these young men have no father's to fear - just like they wont be a father to the many woman they are going to knock - now do you understand

Sep 17, 2010
You ask why? well here is the why - because when you were 16 and you did this and I was 16 and I did this our father's would have beaten the living fuck out of us - me personally, I was stomped two times by my father like in Goodfellas - so guess what, I wouldn't have done this and had I done this it would have happened one time - these young men have no father's to fear - just like they wont be a father to the many woman they are going to knock - now do you understand


It is 2019, it is sad, 3/4 of babies born to AA females are born out of wedlock. This is disasterous for the AA culture, might be the number one real reason for their struggles. 3/4 with no daddy, no complete family structure.

Slavery ended in 1865.

The Democratic party absorbed the AA's politically in the mid 1960's (LBJ), back then AA out of wedlock was something like 5% if memory serves me correctly. SO how is that going?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
NFLTrends, why do you think blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crimes? What do you think the main causes are? Just want to hear your take

I believe its a downward trend of the culture over the last 50 years.

Where it starts with single parent homes, with no father figure. Where they depend on "Government" to step is as the father with money, subsidized housing, putting food on the table, etc... Where the GROUP THINK is implemented, where if you are black, you are supposed to act and think a specific way, if not you "Arent Black Enough" or you are an "Uncle Tom" or a "Traitor to your race". For example... IF a black person tells another black person they are Republican, what happens? They get called all of what I mentioned and more... IF a black person in the "hood" tries to do well in school, and is trying to educate themselves, they get accused of trying to be "white". When another black person is trying to succeed, they get looked down upon. This is pushed through CULTURE, such as rap music, where it glorifies gangs, stealing, robbing, murdering, selling drugs, pimping, violence, having sex before marriage with as many women as possible, etc... And its all pushed thru the Democrat party to keep African-Americans on the "Plantation" to get votes, and to stay in power. If even 1/2 of African-Americans started voting for Republicans, the Democrats wouldnt ever win another election. THATS why the Democrat party and Liberals need to keep them voting decidely one-way. And they feel its ok to do these things, because they are a "Victim" of some boogeyman thats forcing them to do these things. CULTURE AND VICTIM MENTALITY!

Here is what Candace Owens, a former African-American Democrat said, and she says it better than I ever could, because she was an African-American Democrat:

"Here are some things we never hear. Seventy-five percent of the black boys in California don't meet state reading standards. In inner cities like Baltimore within five high schools and one middle school not a single student was found to be proficient in math or reading in 2016. The singlehood--the single motherhood rate in the black community, which is at 23 percent in the 1960s when my grandfather was coming out, is at a staggering 74 percent today. I am guessing there will be no committee hearings about that.

There are more black babies aborted than born alive in cities like New York and you have Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo lighting up buildings to celebrate late-term abortions. I could go on and on.

My point is that white nationalist--white nationalism did not do any of those things that I just brought up. Democrat policies did.

If they were serious about the rise of hate crimes they may perhaps examine themselves and the hate they have drummed up in this country. Bottom line is that white supremacy, racism, national--white nationalism, words that once held real meaning have now become nothing more than election strategies.

Every four years the black communities are offered handouts and fear, handouts and fear, reparations and white nationalism. This is the Democrat preview.

Of course, society is not perfectible. We have heard testimony of that today. There are pockets of evil that exist and those things are horrible and they should be condemned. But I believe the legacy of the ancestry of black Americans is being insulted every single day.

I will not pretend to be a victim in this country. I know that that makes many people on the left uncomfortable. I want to talk about real issues in black America. I want to talk about real issues in this country, real concerns.

The biggest scandal--this is my last sentence--in American politics is that Democrats have been conning minorities into the belief that we are perpetual victims, all but ensuring our failure. Racial division and class warfare are central to the Democrat Party platform. They need blacks to hate whites, the rich to hate the poor. Soon enough it will be the tall hating the short."
Feb 6, 2007
You ask why? well here is the why - because when you were 16 and you did this and I was 16 and I did this our father's would have beaten the living fuck out of us - me personally, I was stomped two times by my father like in Goodfellas - so guess what, I wouldn't have done this and had I done this it would have happened one time - these young men have no father's to fear - just like they wont be a father to the many woman they are going to knock - now do you understand

Sad shit how that’s your argument about everything. “I got beat by my father and I learned!!! They don’t have a father so they are all animals. All they do is deal drugs, loot, and kill each other. They are responsible for everything. They are such bad people!!!!!”

All a lot of you do here is think with a simplistic perspective. You look at what’s in front of you and you say “That’s it!!!”

The truth is rarely ever that cut and dry. But you guys don’t care about the truth and the facts obviously. But you co-sign touching up 14 year old girls alone in a car only when Trump gives the endorsement. Some sick shit chubs.

I read here once you had the best life out of anyone on the OS. That’s scary. I’m sure some of you were molested as a child if you had the best life. I would break down a lot of shit for you but I realize how pointless it is because you fellas have too many disabilities in comprehension. #AnythingForTrump
Feb 6, 2007
Feb 6, 2007

They don't know when the fat lady is singing

I personally love Bill Murray. Is he a trump supporter so I can begin hating him?????( Sarcasm. I don’t think like you guys).

“I HATE Megan rapinoe because she said she doesn’t like Trump. Damn liberal lesbo. Go France!!! France will beat them in the Quarters!!!!”

Fucking dumbasses LMFAOOOOO
Feb 6, 2007
Fact. You guys let political views get involved into sport betting. Lmfaooooo. This is why I said in Powerz thread why the hell is he even saying anything trying to help you idiots. Fuck USA soccer team because one player doesn’t like Trump. That’s got to be the almighty most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. You all were legit rooting against by far the best team, OUR team, all because ONE player disrespected your boyfriend. None of you guys even fucked with Trump before all this like wtf lmfao you realize how weird this shit is right? No, no you don’t. I know what it is though, I do. It’s about feeling powerful and unafraid and secure in their fantasy worlds. “Mexicans were going to take our jobs!!!!!”

I get it though. Seymour has the best life here, so it would make sense why you guys are in competition for jobs with illegal immigrants. Bahahahhaha game over.

Fucking whackos man.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

It is 2019, it is sad, 3/4 of babies born to AA females are born out of wedlock. This is disasterous for the AA culture, might be the number one real reason for their struggles. 3/4 with no daddy, no complete family structure.

Slavery ended in 1865.

The Democratic party absorbed the AA's politically in the mid 1960's (LBJ), back then AA out of wedlock was something like 5% if memory serves me correctly. SO how is that going?

Policies that encourage people to NOT get married in order to maximize their government benefits. Yes, welfare created all of that and there's an undeniable correlation between welfare benefits and poverty. The more comfortable you make it to live on social assistance, the more poverty you have. LBJ's Great Society has destroyed the very fabric of the inner-city family, which is why we have the problems we have today. The war on poverty has put poverty on steroids, similar results can be found with all big government solutions. Obamacare being the most recent example, as it fucked up our healthcare system so much NOT even democrats are talking about fixing it today. They want medicare for all. Medicare sucks so bad that anyone who can afford a supplemental policy buys a supplemental policy. Furthermore, medicare presently has an unfunded / unrecorded liability estimated to be as high as 50 trillion dollars. Our medicare debt, which is never talked about, is higher that our recorded debt which is always talked about. I can't even imagine how fucked medicare for all will become. Just another nail in the coffin

Feb 19, 2011

It is 2019, it is sad, 3/4 of babies born to AA females are born out of wedlock. This is disasterous for the AA culture, might be the number one real reason for their struggles. 3/4 with no daddy, no complete family structure.

Slavery ended in 1865.

The Democratic party absorbed the AA's politically in the mid 1960's (LBJ), back then AA out of wedlock was something like 5% if memory serves me correctly. SO how is that going?

Gotz to be getting theze benefits bruh

Sep 17, 2010
I believe its a downward trend of the culture over the last 50 years.

Where it starts with single parent homes, with no father figure. Where they depend on "Government" to step is as the father with money, subsidized housing, putting food on the table, etc... Where the GROUP THINK is implemented, where if you are black, you are supposed to act and think a specific way, if not you "Arent Black Enough" or you are an "Uncle Tom" or a "Traitor to your race". For example... IF a black person tells another black person they are Republican, what happens? They get called all of what I mentioned and more... IF a black person in the "hood" tries to do well in school, and is trying to educate themselves, they get accused of trying to be "white". When another black person is trying to succeed, they get looked down upon. This is pushed through CULTURE, such as rap music, where it glorifies gangs, stealing, robbing, murdering, selling drugs, pimping, violence, having sex before marriage with as many women as possible, etc... And its all pushed thru the Democrat party to keep African-Americans on the "Plantation" to get votes, and to stay in power. If even 1/2 of African-Americans started voting for Republicans, the Democrats wouldnt ever win another election. THATS why the Democrat party and Liberals need to keep them voting decidely one-way. And they feel its ok to do these things, because they are a "Victim" of some boogeyman thats forcing them to do these things. CULTURE AND VICTIM MENTALITY!

Here is what Candace Owens, a former African-American Democrat said, and she says it better than I ever could, because she was an African-American Democrat:

"Here are some things we never hear. Seventy-five percent of the black boys in California don't meet state reading standards. In inner cities like Baltimore within five high schools and one middle school not a single student was found to be proficient in math or reading in 2016. The singlehood--the single motherhood rate in the black community, which is at 23 percent in the 1960s when my grandfather was coming out, is at a staggering 74 percent today. I am guessing there will be no committee hearings about that.

There are more black babies aborted than born alive in cities like New York and you have Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo lighting up buildings to celebrate late-term abortions. I could go on and on.

My point is that white nationalist--white nationalism did not do any of those things that I just brought up. Democrat policies did.

If they were serious about the rise of hate crimes they may perhaps examine themselves and the hate they have drummed up in this country. Bottom line is that white supremacy, racism, national--white nationalism, words that once held real meaning have now become nothing more than election strategies.

Every four years the black communities are offered handouts and fear, handouts and fear, reparations and white nationalism. This is the Democrat preview.

Of course, society is not perfectible. We have heard testimony of that today. There are pockets of evil that exist and those things are horrible and they should be condemned. But I believe the legacy of the ancestry of black Americans is being insulted every single day.

I will not pretend to be a victim in this country. I know that that makes many people on the left uncomfortable. I want to talk about real issues in black America. I want to talk about real issues in this country, real concerns.

The biggest scandal--this is my last sentence--in American politics is that Democrats have been conning minorities into the belief that we are perpetual victims, all but ensuring our failure. Racial division and class warfare are central to the Democrat Party platform. They need blacks to hate whites, the rich to hate the poor. Soon enough it will be the tall hating the short."

Perfectly stated, well done.

Sep 17, 2010
Policies that encourage people to NOT get married in order to maximize their government benefits. Yes, welfare created all of that and there's an undeniable correlation between welfare benefits and poverty. The more comfortable you make it to live on social assistance, the more poverty you have. LBJ's Great Society has destroyed the very fabric of the inner-city family, which is why we have the problems we have today. The war on poverty has put poverty on steroids, similar results can be found with all big government solutions. Obamacare being the most recent example, as it fucked up our healthcare system so much NOT even democrats are talking about fixing it today. They want medicare for all. Medicare sucks so bad that anyone who can afford a supplemental policy buys a supplemental policy. Furthermore, medicare presently has an unfunded / unrecorded liability estimated to be as high as 50 trillion dollars. Our medicare debt, which is never talked about, is higher that our recorded debt which is always talked about. I can't even imagine how fucked medicare for all will become. Just another nail in the coffin

100% agree.

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