Dos policías presos por cobrar $100 a turista por fumar marihuana


Rx Senior
Jan 1, 2005
Dos policías presos por cobrar $100 a turista por fumar marihuana

Carlos Arguedas C. |
Publicado: 2009/07/14 | 11:17 AM
<TABLE class="letraArial letra10" borderColor=#666666 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=115 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=2></TD></TR><TR><TD background=/disenos/v7.1/images/cuerpo/bg_tablaherramientas.gif colSpan=2 height=1></TD></TR><TR class=tbl-herra><TD width=43 height=27> </TD><TD width=72></TD></TR><TR><TD background=/disenos/v7.1/images/cuerpo/bg_tablaherramientas.gif colSpan=2 height=1></TD></TR><TR class=tbl-herra><TD height=27> </TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD background=/disenos/v7.1/images/cuerpo/bg_tablaherramientas.gif colSpan=2 height=1></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2 height=27>
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San José (Redacción). Dos oficiales de la Fuerza Pública de Puerto Viejo, Limón, fueron detenidos el domingo anterior y el lunes suspendidos del cargo por un período de tres meses, por cobrarle a un turista canadiense $100 para permitirle fumar marihuana.
Se trata de dos policías de apellidos Morales y Pereira, a quienes se les abrió un proceso penal por el delito de concusión, que castiga con cárcel de dos a ocho años, al que abusando de su cargo obtenga un beneficio personal.
La Oficina de Asesoría Técnica y Relaciones Internacionales (Oatri) de la Fiscalía General de la República, informó que el Juzgado Penal de Turno Extraordinario de San José, que conoció del caso, además de suspender del puesto a los policías, les prohibió acercarse a los ofendidos y testigos, de llegar a la delegación de Puerto Viejo y les impuso firmar una vez al mes en la Fiscalía de Bribrí, Talamanca.
El hecho que se atribuye a los oficiales se produjo el domingo anterior a la 1:40 p. m. cuando sorprendieron a un turista canadiense fumando marihuana mientras caminaba por la playa en Manzanillo junto a su novia.
La Oatri informó que los oficiales amenazaron con detener al ofendido si no les pagaban una propina a cambio de no tomar ningún tipo de acción policial.
El turista preguntó –según un comunicado de prensa—de cuánto se trataba la propina a lo cual los policías le dijeron que eran $100 (¢58.000 al tipo de cambio actual).
El extranjero alegó que en ese momento no contaba con el dinero, por lo cual les entregó $40 y ¢12.000, el cual fue tomado por los oficiales, informó la Fiscalía.
El turista y los policías llegaron al acuerdo de encontrarse ese mismo domingo a las 3 p. m. frente a un hotel de Puerto Viejo para entregarles el resto del dinero.
Sin embargo, un empresario de la zona se percató de la situación y dio aviso al jefe de la Fuerza Pública de Puerto Viejo, quien a su vez comunicó a la Fiscalía de Bribrí, que en conjunto con agentes del Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ) arrestaron a los imputados.


May 16, 2006
I've had this exact thing happen too many times to count. I was actually just thinking about it this morning, people are too nervous to remember badge numbers and we really should. Would be great to frame some of these corrupt cocksmokers.

Thats my dogg. WBC Welterweight Champion of the Wo
Jan 24, 2007
We would always get caught back in the day. Usually we would just give up 5,000 colones more or less and they would give us our weed back. 100 dollars is ridiculous. Especially for Puerto Viejo. I cant believe the police would even care. Down there they don't even hassle you for money. Nobody gives a fuck. Ive smoked by there Police station allot too. Whats happen to that place. That a police officer would actually try that shit.

Thats my dogg. WBC Welterweight Champion of the Wo
Jan 24, 2007
I've had this exact thing happen too many times to count. I was actually just thinking about it this morning, people are too nervous to remember badge numbers and we really should. Would be great to frame some of these corrupt cocksmokers.

I would rather pay a pig 10 or 20 dollars any day. Than go to jail. Like back home and get probation with suspended license, piss tests, 50 hours of community service, crazy fines and court fee's. Also not be able to leave the state. for 1 total year maybe 2. If you want you can skip all that and go to jail from 3 to 6 months. Fuck Florida weed laws!!!
Dec 21, 2008
i was in Puerto Viejo this week for 3 days... funny shit... those fucking cops dont do anything to the "mob wannabes" who sell ganja and "cocaine" there (if you can call it that) but they rob an innocent cannuck who was just smoking a doobie with his girl.... the cops of this town know FOR SURE who are the ones selling dope there, but they dont mess with them, why? they are scared? i dont think so, they have guns but they dont carry them, if they have an issue with somebody they just go home and bring the piece.... obviously these "cops" are in the business as well, they "protect" this providers in change of what? money? drugs? ... what the hell??

corruption is terrible in this country... seriously, we need a fucking civil war

Thats my dogg. WBC Welterweight Champion of the Wo
Jan 24, 2007
Those Florida weed laws I mentioned are corrupt. A cop just trying to make a living of hassling for a buck is not.

pro gamblererer
Sep 20, 2004
im headed guanacoste playa hermosa next week, can i expect to see dirt weed there or is it descent? is it a sketch to get irie over there?

pro gamblererer
Sep 20, 2004
right on VWgolf thanks for the info , hope i come across the goods

Sep 21, 2004
i was in Puerto Viejo this week for 3 days... funny shit... those fucking cops dont do anything to the "mob wannabes" who sell ganja and "cocaine" there (if you can call it that) but they rob an innocent cannuck who was just smoking a doobie with his girl.... the cops of this town know FOR SURE who are the ones selling dope there, but they dont mess with them, why? they are scared? i dont think so, they have guns but they dont carry them, if they have an issue with somebody they just go home and bring the piece.... obviously these "cops" are in the business as well, they "protect" this providers in change of what? money? drugs? ... what the hell??

corruption is terrible in this country... seriously, we need a fucking civil war

I'm confused, why should the cops mess with people selling drugs?

And if the cops are supposed to take the drugs, why shouldn't they sell it back to you? What, are they supposed to give it to their superiors who sell it instead? Where's the corruption? The problem is that they are allowed to take it way in the first place.

Now if they made him pay $100 not to arrest him, that's extortion; but selling him back his weed, if he paid $100 that's his prerogative and their profit for being paid to do stupid shit by the government like take drugs away from people.

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