Donald Trump may not be in any ISIS recruitment videos - but guess which notorious 'fornicator' is?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Donald Trump may not be in any ISIS recruitment videos - but guess which notorious 'fornicator' is?[/h]
  • Hillary Clinton insisted on Saturday that ISIS is 'showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit' jihadis
  • Trump demanded an apology Monday; A Clinton spokesman said 'Hell no'
  • At least one ISIS video, however, does include a shot of Clinton's husband Bill, the former president, labeling him a 'fornicator'
  • Other presidents make cameos too, including Barack Obama and the 'liar' George W. Bush


A propaganda video the ISIS terror army released last month in several languages used the image of former U.S. President Bill Clinton as a rallying point, calling him a 'fornicator' whose wishes were carried out by America's military in the last decade of the 20th Century.
The four-minute video, titled 'No Respite,' urges male Muslims to take up the cause of the ISIS 'caliphate' and counter the influence of America.
Conservative bloggers leapt on it Monday to cry hypocrisy.
Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party's front-runner to succeed President Barack Obama, claimed during a primary debate on Saturday that Donald Trump's heated anti-Muslim rhetoric had become a recruiting tool for the Middle Eastern terrorists.



ISIS USES THE DONALD? Hillary Clinton claimed Saturday that ISIS is 'showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit' jihadis



ISIS USES BUBBA! The 'No Respite' propaganda video, a November release from the terror army, shows Bill Clinton and leverages his reputation as a 'fornicator' to rally its troops



APOLOGIZE: Trump demanded a mea culpa on Monday from Hillary, but her spokesman said 'Hell no'

ISIS, she insisted during the New Hampshire event, is 'going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.'
That claim has yet to be proven. Trump demanded an apology on Monday – and the former secretary of state's campaign shot back a terse refusal.
'Hell no, Hillary Clinton will not be apologizing to Donald Trump for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit more terrorists,' her press secretary Brian Fallon said.
The ISIS video, which was distributed in English, French, Russian, and Turkish, also includes brief cameos by Obama – labeled incorrectly as a 'legislator' – and his predecessor George W. Bush, a 'liar.'
America, as the video describes it, is 'a secular state built on man-made laws, whose soldiers fight for the interests of government legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites.'
In addition to showing Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton, the 'No Respite' video includes a tableau of corporate logos to hint at a profit motive for American military intervention in the Middle East.
The first one shown is the logo of Citicorp. According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive politics, Citicorp employees and a political action committee run by the banking giant together comprise the single largest source of corporate dollars that have supported Hillary Clinton's political campaigns for the U.S. Senate and the White House.


New member
Nov 10, 2010


SORE SPOT: While there's no evidence Trump's heated anti-Islam rhetoric is a literal recruiting tool in the hands of ISIS, plenty of American Muslims object to his habit of singling them out

Bill Clinton's place in presidential history is colored by his reputation as a womanizer. Several women have accused him of sexually assaulting them, including one who claimed he raped her in a hotel room.
And his presidency nearly unraveled under the weight of accusations, later proven true, that he carried on an affair with a White House intern while he occupied the Oval Office.
The Associated Press declared in a fact-check article on Sunday that Hillary Clinton's claim about Trump can't be substantiated.
'Trump’s provocative comments about Muslims, including his call to ban them from coming to the U.S., have been widely played across the Middle East – in the hothouse of social media and beyond,' according to the news service.
ISIS, the AP added, 'has a sophisticated propaganda operation and it can’t be ruled out that the group has spread such videos under the Western radar. But if so, Clinton doesn’t know about them.'
Trump's proposals have included a temporary moratorium on Muslim non-citizens entering the U.S.
'If you go back and look at social media, if you look at what’s going on, they are definitely pointing at Mr. Trump,' her campaign chairman, John Podesta, said Sunday on NBC’s 'Meet the Press.'
Podesta cited no ISIS videos in particular.



NOT JUST BILL: The ISIS video brands former President George W. Bush as a 'liar' whose flawed intelligence assessments justified the Iraq War – and wrongly calls President Barack Obama a 'legislator'



MONEY: The ISIS video suggests a profit motive for American military intervention in the Middle East, citing Citicorp – Hillary Clinton's largest source of corporate campaign cash

Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's communications director, said on ABC’s 'This Week' that her boss 'didn't have a particular video in mind, but he is being used in social media.'
The AP also reported that 'Clinton’s statement that Trump is becoming the "top recruiter" for IS [another name for ISIS] also is hard to square with the complex realities motivating its adherents.'
'Attackers connected to or inspired by IS often say their actions are in response to the airstrike campaign against Islamic State militants, whose focus is on Syria and Iraq. Shiite Muslims have been their primary target since the beginning and in their online videos, they often call out to their followers to attack infidels – Shiite Muslims in particular.'


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"It was a Youtube video!"

Everything this entitled bitch says is a lie or turns to crap!

New member
Nov 10, 2010
"Hillary! You should have fact checked that before you accidentally threw your philandering hubby under the bus"


Ha ha ha, another comment of Hilliary's comes back to bite her."


What a d0uche! ANYONE but Hillary 2016!!! Soulless, insincere, condescending SHREW!! The more she tries to act like she's "one of us" the more I throw up in my mouth."


Donald Trump just won. Again."

Love it !"

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Hell no, Hillary refuses to 'apologize' for claim that ISIS is using videos of him 'insulting Islam' to recruit terrorists!'

  • The Donald blasted Clinton on Monday for saying ISIS is 'going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists'
  • 'As far as Hillary is concerned, she's always been – whether it's Whitewater or the email scandal – she always lies,' the Republican front-runner said
  • After demanding an apology during a phone interview on the 'Today' show, Trump twisted the knife on Twitter
  • But a Clinton spokesman insisted that ''Hell no, Hillary Clinton will not be apologizing to Donald Trump for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit more terrorists'


Donald Trump said Monday morning that he wants an apology from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she claimed during Saturday's Democratic debate that videos of his rhetoric are becoming a powerful recruiting tool for the ISIS terror army.
'As far as Hillary is concerned, she's always been – whether it's Whitewater or the email scandal – she always lies,' the Republican presidential front-runner said on the NBC 'Today' show.
Hours later, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon handed down a verdict to a reporter at The Wall Street Journal, which called Hillary's debate contention a 'quip.'
'Hell no,' Fallon said. 'Hillary Clinton will not be apologizing to Donald Trump for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit more terrorists.'
'I will demand an apology from Hillary,' he told host Matt lauer. 'You can be the messenger. I will demand an apology from Hillary. She should apologize. She lies about emails, she lies about Whitewater, she lies about everything. She would be a disaster as president of the United States.'
Clinton said Saturday that Trump 'is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest, to react with this kind of fear and respond to this kind of bigotry.'




APOLOGY WANTED: Donald Trump demanded a mea culpa from Hillary Clinton for her claim during Saturday's debate that the ISIS terror army is showing recruits videos of him to rile them up



CHECK THE VIDEOTAPE: Clinton said ISIS is 'going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists'


TWEET-STORM: Trump went on the NBC 'Today' show on Monday and used Twitter to put the screws to Hillary

Trump has insisted – accurately, it appears – that there is no evidence the multinational terror organization has used his speeches or other videotaped statements as a rallying point in its recruitment efforts.
The Hillary campaign hasn't substantiated ther hat statement. And Trump used his massive megaphone on Twitter to twist the knife.
'Hillary said at debate ISIS is 'going to people showing videos in order to recruit more radical jihadistst [sic],' he tweeted. 'She made up story-want apology!'
A second tweet read: 'I demand an apology from Hillary Clinton for the disgusting story she made up about me for purposes of the debate. There never was a video.'
Monday afternoon he laid out his case on Twitter: 'Do you think that Hillary Clinton will apologize to me for the lie she told about "the video" of me being used by ISIS. There is no video.'




MORE PRESSURE: Trump tweeted to more than 5 million people an accusation that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats – not his heated rhetoric – are to blame for ISIS' power

And he put the blame for America's ISIS problem on his liberal opponents.
'It's the Democrats' total weakness & incompetence that gave rise to ISIS,' Trump tweeted, 'not a tape of Donald Trump that was an admitted Hillary lie!'
Sunday morning on ABC's 'This Week' program, Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri fumbled attempts to explain what her boss had said.
'You know, what Secretary Clinton was saying last night is that one of the many dangerous things about Donald Trump is that his hot rhetoric, saying we should not allow Muslim refugees into the country is being used – and this is something SITE International Group who monitors social media on ISIS says.'
Host George Stephanopoulos shut her down. 'But there have been no videos,' he insisted.
Clinton 'didn’t have a particular video in mind,' Palmieri responded, 'but he’s being used in social media.'


Group – the organization Palmieri tried to cite – has link Trump's comments with ISIS propaganda on Twitter, it doesn't know of any video matching Clinton's debate-night description.
Palmieri quickly changed the subject to Trump's months-old claim about New Jersey Muslims rejoicing as the World Trade Center towers fell on September 11, 2001.
'What they haven't found is – this group hasn’t found the video Mr. Trump keeps talking about, this alleged mystery video of thousands of people in Jersey cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center.'
Sunday on the NBC 'Meet the Press' show, Trump unleashed his first barrage of body-slams over the Clinton claim.
'Nobody has been able to back that up. It’s nonsense,' the billionaire said. 'It’s just another Hillary lie.'
'She lies like crazy about everything, whether it’s trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter, or an airplane – she’s a liar and everybody knows that. But she just made this up in thin air.'


New member
Nov 10, 2010
"The liberal polls showing Hillary would win are fabricated ... no patriotic American would vote for Hillary. Only liberal lemmings and illegals... that's it."


Leftists never apologize; everything is always someone else's fault because to admit failure is to cast doubt on The Socialist Miracle. Admitting an error would also go against the Left's and the media's narrative of Hillary being the perfect, professional and brilliant candidate."

"Sorry Hillary, you can't stump the trump, can't con the don. Apologize for your lie."

"Hillary......never met a lie she didn't like to tell."


Haven't we already heard an excuse she made up about videos? She's in desperation mode."


"Hilary angrily rebuts suggestions that she is less than truthful and she has thousands of EMails to prove it."


Hey Hillary.. when these same people attacked American ships in 1784, was that due to Trump's speech?"


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Superbore is super spamming again.

Trump wants an apology. For all his tough talk......he's the biggest pussy I've ever seen.

Guy cries about the media, debate questions, fights on Twitter like a teenage girl. What a little bitch.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Superbore is super spamming again.

Trump wants an apology. For all his tough talk......he's the biggest pussy I've ever seen.

Guy cries about the media, debate questions, fights on Twitter like a teenage girl. What a little bitch.


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