Barman, do you honestly believe that stuff or did you just recently read The Secret, Think and Grow Rich or any of those types of books.
And yes, money does allow you to be happier.
Money can certainly contribute to an improved sense of well being. But if your internal happiness is dependent on any outside source you are vulnerable to not being happy
KING, my primary teachers in recent years are Dr Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham Hicks, Deepak Chopra and the Dalai Lama
I used TAGR as a key mind changer in my younger years, but 80 years after it's publication it lacks a lot of useful information that has become more widely understood in Western cultures
I did read The Secret and while it is a useful collection of thoughts, it is way too generic. It's biggest shortcoming IMO is a lack of explanation for why seemingly Bad things happen to seemingly Good People