i think anyone watching it will know raymer
won it.
i think the prob with this show is that it
is like trying to understand basketball by
watching a sportscenter highlight piece.they
will show a couple of dunks,a blocked shot
and perhaps a key 3 point shot.But the important aspects
like playing tough man/team defence ,boxing out,
not turning the ball over,making quick passes are
ignored. Espn loves to show when a bluff works,
or there is a showdown with a pair against two overcards.
you know the coin flip situation.
i find it a bit boring but will watch for a couple of
minutes whilst i twirl the dial.i think it dovetails quite
nicely in a demographic sense. it will appeal to all
young male frustrated jocks,and also allows aging,"super size me"
boomers to compete in an arean where having a huge lard ass
is not a hinderance along as you have reinforced chair.
just my opinion