Because the guy I am dealing with is stiffing me over 7 grand, it is a local guy but I know a lot of people here are from florida and it is based out of Ft. Lauderdale area....anyone have a way for me to actually get paid???? I lost 1500 to him my first week, promptly paid him on the day he said....then started winning like crazy, got up to over 13 grand, demanded to be paid for over 2ish weeks, no response, then lost a bunch of it, he is still stalling now and I am sick of it....what is my best course of action????? I am pi**** off at this guy, especially since i have been a model customer (besides winning, of course) I know there are a lot of veteran bettors here....any ideas/options???? Thanks in advance (and the money part of it doesn't really matter, just so phucking pissed this guy decides to stiff me like a D- book...