Sorry for the late reply, I haven't checked these forums lately. Here is a little FYI. Autobet.US was started last year by the Horizon 20 group which is lead by eHorse, but also inlcudes : Las Palmas, ehorse,Las Palmas X, witEuro (betting exchanges), Pokertropolis, ParlayCardz, and Autobet.US. All of the companies have the backing of Horizon 20, which makes each of them the safest place to play on the net. Also, you can do your own online transfers between each company, so your funds are available at any Horizon 20 property.
If you want to post your odds, you can do so and make your own limits in the betting exchanges (eHorse X for example). You can set your hold to whatever you want. We felt that pari-mutuel gives the player the best value. Our takeout on Win bets is only 15% plus a 5% rebate making the actual hold only 10% compared to the best fixed odds at Pinnacle around 40%. Top 3 also has a 15% takeout but has a 6% rebate. Superfecta has a 25% takeout but includes a carryover which starts at $5000 and a rebate of 8%. Our match ups have a 5% takeout and a 3% rebate for a hold of only 2%!! Hopefully you see my point, that while you may be looking for fixed odds, Autobet.US is far from crap and provides easily the best value in motor racing betting.
If you or anyone else would like to try out a $20 account, drop me an email at .
Thanks to the operators of the site. Ken knows I never use the forum for promotion, but this was just a reply to a direct question.