the url is
it costs $25 per month for 10 or less mailboxes.
here is how it works...
Your email is first routed to a Spam Soap filtering center where we analyze, sort, and then deliver it to you. The whole process takes less than 3 seconds.
To do this, Spam Soap becomes the MX (Mail eXchange) record for your domain. This is a simple change which directs email addressed to you to Spam Soap first. More information on this is available in our FAQ section.
Once in the Spam Soap system, each message is subjected to a complex set of tests that identifies spam.
Spam Soap utilizes an exclusive behavior prediction system. Other anti spam systems test for only what the content is saying (content). Spam Soap also tests for how it is being said (content and behavior).
Not only is this effective at catching spam, it also drastically reduces the chances of catching valid email.
This process takes less than 3 seconds and does not change the appearance or content of the email.
Once sorted, valid messages are delivered to intended recipients and spam is handled in one of two ways, depending on your preference.
Identified spam can all be sent to one mailbox, called the SpamBox™ (, or tagged with a SpamTag™ identifier in the subject line and delivered to the original recipient.
Most Spam Soap clients prefer the SpamBox™ configuration. And choosing to switch is not a problem.