"Doctor" Rick Cash's "FREE" College Football GOY!


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
By popular request (??) I have come out of the woodworks to “bust” someone. This week was someone so ludicrous and full of himself it almost made the crooks at NSC seem honest.

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Saturday, the local So Cal radio stations air hour-long shows from scamdicappers selling/pitching their services (Thus – all times listed are PDT). The ESPN affiliate is no exception. From 8-9A they run a show called “Linebusters” – which proudly tells us how they are the #1 radio show (like this) in the country (If I had a dime for every show that said this – I could wipe out the National Debt like “that”). The scamdicappers on the show are (spelling of the names - ???): Spike Measer, H.K. Malay and Rick Cash. Rick was off this week, so we had some mucky-muck from his service fill in for him and this clown said:

“Rick Cash is the Nation’s #1 handicapper (again – have you EVER heard a Scamdicapper say anything different – me, neither). Rick has his College Football Game of the Year going Saturday. It is at least a 3 Touchdown winner. Rick spends AT LEAST 80 hours a WEEK ON EACH GAME (So let me do the math here – the week is made up of 168 hours, Rick spends at least 80 on EACH GAME – so that means the most amount of games he can handicap each week is TWO games – that is assuming he NEVER sleeps – why do I not believe this claim of his – hmmmm). Rick GUARANTEES to win this game by a huge margin. This is the single strongest game release all year (All <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:time Hour="15" Minute="0">3ish</st1:time> weeks of it). This is a game you (meaning “me”) can tell my friends about all year long (TRUST ME, Rick – I will – and am). If you miss out on this Game of the Year I should retire from gambling. This is a ONE TIME release ONLY (That is until he needs to sucker some more clients in a few weeks and has another GOY) and is ABSOLUTELY FREE! This game will win by 3 touchdowns. If you want to make money you MUST make the call. If you don’t like or bet this game, you don’t like football. It is GUARANTEED to win. For the free pick call Rick Cash at his office: 1-888-35-VEGAS."


For those who want to hear this show – you can hear it on archive (Look for Handicapping shows – then Line Busters):




Incidentally – if you want to see his website – and see how “weenie-ish” it is (It looks like a 4<SUP>th</SUP> grader designed it):




Well, after hearing all this, how could I not call! I figure I will get the free pick, liquidate all my holdings and make so much money on the game I can retire to some <st1:place><st1:placeName>South</st1:placeName> <st1:placeName>Pacific</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType>Island</st1:placeType></st1:place> – one I will buy actually will all the money I made off this game.


So I head off to a pay phone (Yeah – like I’m gonna call from home so they can have my number and bug the hell out of me until I die – yeah, right!) to see if Mr. Cash is gonna give me what he said he would.


I call at 10A and a young sounding woman answers the phone, saying “Sports – you calling for your free pick (FYI – just about EVERY TIME I call these people – the person answers “Sports” because it is a call center that takes the call then passes it on to a salesperson – this helps keep down costs).” I tell her I am so she asks for my name and number – which I give her (fake name, of course). She then tells me, “our consultants are busy right now and they will call you back in about 15 minutes, is this OK?” I say it is, so the process starts.


I guess Rick Cash works under the philosophy of “World Champion Handicapper Wayne Allyn Root” for at 10:45A after not getting a call, I call back to Cash (FYI – when I have busted Root – each time I have waited at least 60 minutes for the call – and once – they never called back) asking what is going on. I give them my name and number once again and the guy says he will put me at the top of the pile. At 11:15A I call once again asking what’s up. They ask me if I am calling for the free picks and I tell the woman I called 75 and 30 minutes ago and am still waiting to be called back. I tell her I am leaving the office in about 15 minutes (not really – I just got tired of hanging around and I wanted to do this – and move on) and if they want my business they can call me by then and if they don’t I’ll interpret it to mean they don’t – and it is their call so to speak.


This time it works for about 5 minutes later I get a call from an older person. He asks for me (my fake name – that is). He said he has tried calling a few times but the line was busy and one other time he got my voice mail (and how would he get my voice mail – it is a pay phone I am calling from – anyone ever heard of a pay phone having voice mail for any “schmoe” who wants one – but I don’t say anything to him about it).


He then asks for my address so he can send me some free sports schedules. I am more than willing to do so – and I give him the address of the Waterfront Hilton about 5 miles away (Hope they like my gift to them – lol). He then does what all sales people try to do – build rapport with the caller. He says he was in the area about a month ago – and asks if that is in <st1:City><st1:place>Laguna Beach</st1:place></st1:City>. I tell him he is close – it is about a half-hour north of it in <st1:City><st1:place>Huntington Beach</st1:place></st1:City>. He then asks me how much I average per play and I tell him “around $500.”


Nick tells me they are based in <st1:State><st1:place>Florida</st1:place></st1:State> and getting ready for the Hurricane to come their way and that they have to leave in about an hour. He tells me since I called for the free pick he will give me one to show how good their word is, then tells me, “The Bonus Play is on Nevada +14.5 but it is only a handicapped game, something more like an opinion and something you (meaning – me) should only put a small amount of money on – if you bet it at all.” (Shock of all shocks – <st1:State><st1:place>Nevada</st1:place></st1:State> lost 27-10 meaning this pick WENT DOWN – imagine that – guess I never saw that one coming – right!).


I ask if that is the College Football Game of the Year. Nick tells me it isn’t – the CFB GOY is an “Info Game” and “you can bet whatever you want on it.” Nick tells me they have 2 categories of clients: One is those who bet $5 to $10 on a game and don’t take this serious. They get the free picks given out but someone like me shouldn’t bet it (So why then did he give me Nevada – after what he told me – did he think I was gonna bet the Wolfpack?). The 2<SUP>nd</SUP> one is those who play “Strong Info” games – what they call “Category 2.” These are the plays for people who bet $500 and up – like me.


Nick then tells me, “We are the largest sports service in the world – we are a MULTI-MILLION dollar corporation (Hmmm – maybe someone should tell this to someone like Jim Feist or “World Champion Handicapper Wayne Allyn Root” for I sense they would seriously disagree with this). Nick tells me Rick “pays HUGE amounts of money for information on games.”


Nick tells me they pay BIG money for info and only give out information games. This is information ONLY they have – NO ONE ELSE DOES! (Wow – imagine that – like I haven’t heard that before from a Scamdicapper – right – I’ve heard this so many times from these a**holes I lost track a long time ago). Nick tells me, “Dr. Cash (NO CLUE what he is a “Doctor” of – but my guess is “Scamming people” and if that is the case – hard to argue with that) has thousands of clients all across the country, from <st1:State><st1:place>Hawaii</st1:place></st1:State> to <st1:country-region><st1:place>Australia</st1:place></st1:country-region> (yeah right – whatever)” and that “millions of dollars” are wagered by “thousands of clients.” Nick adds, “No one has the resources that Rick Cash has, no one can afford it and Rick gets information the regular public doesn’t know about.”


I ask if this means he has like a contact at EVERY college in the country and has people watching practices and all (again – something Scamdicappers LOVE to say is the case – when in reality – we know the exact opposite is true). Nick takes the bait and bites big time, adding, “We know what’s up that no one else knows. We know who was out partying the night before – only we know it (I am on the floor laughing by now he is so full of sh*t).” I ask if he has that same kind of information in the NFL and Nick says, “The pros are a little more tougher to get the information for but we still get it (I can just see it now: “Hello, Bill Parcells, this is Rick Cash – can I send one of my people to your practices so I can get inside information that no one – not even the writers who cover the team on a regular basis can get so I can then use this info to bet on?” and then have Parcells reply, “Sure, Rick, for you – no problem – the fine and legal troubles I would get it are well worth it for you, buddy – care to also sit in on film sessions and see my game plan, too, buddy?” – Am I the only one who doesn’t see this EVER happening?). Nick tells me they get stronger information in college because of the number of teams.


Nick then tells me for a big play they normally charge $500 but for all first time callers they are selling it for $99 and that includes all plays for the weekend thru MNF. He tells me he doesn’t deal in quantity – only quality and that means he might only have a few plays this weekend. He tells me once I hit their strong play for $500 I will already be up $400 and then the rest of the weekend I will pick up a lot more.


He then says, “Later on down the road, we’ll make some serious money. I’ll open some doors for you down the road and give you information no one else gets.” I ask if this includes “inside information” that only they have and Nick says, “We don’t want to go into too much detail right now (Yeah – because you are lying out your ass so badly sh*t is coming out all parts of your body – you scumbag loser).


Nick then tells me “the information on the game is the strongest we have had in some time.” He then says how people who aren’t willing to check them out and pay the $99 are people “we don’t want dealing with us in the first place.” Nick then tells me, “Doctor Cash (again – WHAT can this guy be a “Doctor” in? – what?) doesn’t deal with anyone,” and then he adds, “If you play your cards right one day I might be able to introduce you to him – I have the power to do so (To quote Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady” character, “Isn’t that special!” I feel honored to know this clown has “the power” to introduce me to Dr. Cash – someone I’m willing to wager a lot of money on that he has MAYBE met a handful of times in his life – if that).


I then ask Nick how much money I can expect to make with them and he tells me “it depends how much you are betting – the more you are betting the more money you are making.” I then ask Nick what percentage of picks they hit. Nick can’t or doesn’t want to answer that one (Wow – what a shock!) but tells me they are 10-1 the last 2 weeks and (get ready for a shocker here) Thursday they had Akron – a dog that won outright (And if they had Kent – think he woulda said so – me, neither) then says, “You don’t become this big without winning (Like you would know, Nick – like you would know!).


I then say I heard on the radio ad they are the #1 service in the country – and ask if that means they are #1 in some book, or website, or whatever. In what is no shock at all, Nick suddenly can’t answer this one and says he doesn’t know where I can go to see they are #1 – but they are (A quick aside here – a few times during our conversation Nick was doing his sales pitch – and I tried to interrupt him – but he wouldn’t let me talk until he finished the sentence – meaning he had to finish reading the sales pitch speech he had in front of him – it was very comical and it was PAINFULLY obvious Nick was reading from a script and anything that tried to stop him or make him deviate would not happen until he had gotten to a point where he could stop).


Nick once again told me how Doctor Cash is “one of the biggest money movers in the country,” and once again said to me, “I don’t introduce just anyone to Doctor Cash (again – WHAT is he a Doctor is – what?) only special people like you (Let me get this straight, Nick – you have “known” me for all of about 5-10 minutes and from that you can determine I am someone “special” enough to introduce to Doctor Cash – I hope you don’t have a daughter for I would hate to see how you “screen” the boys who come over and date her: “Sure, ‘son’ – go ahead and take my daughter wherever you want to go – even though I only met you 30 seconds ago I know you are someone special.”). Nick then told me if I start out betting $500 to $1,000 per game after a few weeks with them I will soon be betting $5,000 to $10,000 per game and I will be “laughing all the way to the bank” (or if I sign up with you – more like crying to the poorhouse!).


Nick then asked me how I wanted to pay for the $99 and asked if I wanted to use a MasterCard or Visa. He said the $99 would get me the big game (You know – the one they advertised as ABSOLUTELY FREE on the show – now the one they wanted me to pay $99 for – yes – that pick!) as well as the rest of the weekend. He said after the credit card processing company did there thing, he would call me back with the line on the game and the amount I should bet on it adding, “I want to bet ONLY our games this weekend and no one else’s.” Then he said after this weekend we can talk about a price for the season sometime later.


I then gave him a credit card number – or rather I gave him 16 numbers that sounded good to me. It would be a shame if I lied to him about a credit card number after he was so upfront and honest with me :) He then asked if this (meaning the number he called me at) was the best number to reach me or was there a better number like a cell or home number. I said this number (the one he called) was my work number and when I left the office I transferred the number to my cell so he could reach me that way (Golly geez – I lied once again – shame on me for lying to someone as honest as him – I feel terrible about that).


Nick then asked me if I had a pen and paper handy to write down his name and number (If he ONLY knew). I told him to hang on 1 second while I did (ha ha) and then told him I had it. He gave me his name, spelling it out: Nick Rossi (Quick side note here – how come it seems like EVERY SINGLE PERSON who works at a Sports Service has an Italian name – how come there isn’t anyone with an Asian or Jewish sounding name – only Italian – just asking). He then gave me a private number to reach him: 561-274-4153 (Ok people – fire away and call this clown as many times as you like – he is now FAIR GAME!). He said once I get on board I will call him during certain hours to discuss what to do with that day’s games. He told me to call him Sunday between “<st1:time Hour="12" Minute="0">Noon</st1:time> and <st1:time Hour="13" Minute="0">1 p.m.</st1:time>” (I asked what time zone – and he told me Eastern – the only time zone they deal with – and he said this quite rudely) and then between “3:30 and 4 p.m.” and on Monday between “8 and 9 p.m.”


He then told me how they were getting ready to evacuate in <st1:City><st1:place>Palm Beach</st1:place></st1:City> and how the phone lines might go down. He said they are spending “lots of money on ads” trying to let me know how special I was to him. He said if they aren’t there Sunday and the lines are down he will call me back ASAP with the picks and if he couldn’t – he will make it up to me next week and just carry over the service (Between us – wanna bet that is anything but the case).


We then ended the call and I hung up and waited for the credit card company to call back. However something funny happened before the card company called back. I hung up the phone and then took the phone off the hook and left. Golly – I hope I didn’t mess things up and miss the opportunity of a lifetime to pay $99 for something I was told I would get for free (and a pick we all know not only didn’t win by 3 TDs – but my guess is – didn’t win at all – like the Nevada pick) as well as the chance to meet “Doctor Cash!” I have met many famous people but the chance to meet Doctor Cash would have been tops on the list – and I BLEW IT! How will I ever live with myself!

I gotta say this Nick jerk was so funny it was actually scary! If I was like most of the country bumpkins who probably call these bozos on a regular basis I would have been won over by their fancy sales pitch - hook, line and "stinker" and once these guys "reel you in" you are dead meat - for they will drain you of your money for their picks - then kill your bankroll with losing picks.

Personally, I'd love to see someone sue the RADIO stations for selling time to these morons - but I know that will never happen - but it should - for they are just as guilty of this scam as the scamdicappers are themselves.
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Don't sweat the game. FINALS are all that count
Sep 20, 2004
My St. Louis Saturday paper had an article concerning a judgment against KFNS is St. Louis. They were just fined $159,000 to settle a federal criminal investigation into the company's reciept of money for advertising from illegal offshore gambling operations. I will include thereporter's e-mail address; pshinkle@post-dispatch.com

pro gamblererer
Sep 20, 2004
Hey Winky not sure if you remember but I met you at the nugget. I also live here in Southern California and I also heard this crap on the radio. He also had an NFL GOY that would cover by 3 touchdowns, so i heard on the radio.

The best part about it was he said over and over and over again, "if you don't call us for this play you should quit gambling " I seriously LMFAO!!!!!

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Sure Guy said:
Hey Winky not sure if you remember but I met you at the nugget. I also live here in Southern California and I also heard this crap on the radio. He also had an NFL GOY that would cover by 3 touchdowns, so i heard on the radio.

The best part about it was he said over and over and over again, "if you don't call us for this play you should quit gambling " I seriously LMFAO!!!!!
i recall you. these losers have a show on 710 from 8-9A that is taped then they do a live version with rich marotta from 9-10A on 690. i feel bad for rich because last year he has to do the show with "world champion handicapper wayne allyn root" - another pond scum member.

the "problem" here is those who might be in a financial bind or looking for easy money fall prey to these guys. they fall for their VERY SLICK sales pitches. the worst part of it all is that most call from their home phone - meaning the scamdicappers have their name and home number and the people who give it out can expect between 3-5 YEARS of calls from every f*****g service out there. take it from someone who did this about 7 years ago not knowing what i was doing. i called dan pastorini's service to bust him - but called from home. i got calls 24/7 from every service trying to say i called them and they are calling me back offering me their picks at a reduced rate. thankfully i changed that number or else they STILL might be calling.

New member
Jun 21, 2004
I called a service once for a Bonus Play and got called nonstop at home. they would fill my answering machine with long messages. I finally picked up and said i just got out of the joint for booking. Never heard back.

Dan Pastorini went to my HS years before i did. Not only did he try to sell you some crappy picks but he also did dragster racing, had a mustache, and posed in playgirl. not that i saw it.

How about Ron Meyer selling picks on 1540 Friday nights here in LA? might be part of that Root show. They keep hyping him up as the Coach of the Year which I don't really remember but doubt.

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