First of all, it was ridiculous to fire Doc Rivers from that pathetic team they have asembled right now. Second, DonB, I respect yr opinions of course, but to say Juwan Howard is a "great big man" is going a bit far. When I saw in the offseason that Orlando signed him, I could not believe they would stoop so low. This guy has done nothing for teams. He puts up decent numbers, but he just seems like a "bad seed". Ive been saying for 2~3 years that if the Magic only had an "above average" center to go along with the talent they already have, they could go far. They had plenty of offense, just needed one big man underneath that could rebound and block some shots. They should of made an attempt at Mutombo a few years ago when they had the chance, and even as much as he's going downhill now, he's still much better than what they have and have even attempted to get. If they would of never traded Ben Wallace for Granny Hill, they would be in great shape with all of the young talent they have now.