Heres a story...some 30yrs ago...
one of my buddy' was a (VP for Simplot ...)
said they had to move to ID..(we were in IL)...
I must have been 20+...(tough deal then to lose a friend)...
They went..and we made a road trip...
He lived on a Golf course...huge house..etc...( I still the addy..but won't post)
We would ski Bogus Basin...come home from that up in the mountain..great stuff...
hno: I'm old....
One and this girl (my buddy's neighbor)..
go on the golf course and hook-up...
I had three days left there w/her...and we made the best of those days..
As an older gent....I'm sure this will be boring to most..just had a flash back..
As for the question in this thread...
I still live in the same state...part time..FLOR..part time as well..:drink: