Also for those who have had a long marriage, what is the key to success?[/quote]
Don't get Married !! @)
On the Up Side.....ALWAYS Live with them First. You will get to know how they are like 24/7
Made my First Mistake with my First Wife.....
Lived with my current Wife for 3+ Years before I did it again.
Also for those who have had a long marriage, what is the key to success?
Yes .. to living together
No .. to getting married.
I lived with my girlfriend for 19 years without problems.
got married,then the relationship was over in under a year.
IMO .. getting married is a last-ditch effort,by either party to save a sinking-ship. Marriage ALWAYS leads to more problems than you never seen coming or expected. together first.
And take at least a couple of long drive (2+ days) vacations.