-Establish a "contest" folder where all those contests participants can congregate.
-Establish a link for the "every sports book" topic by General at the top of this folder.
-Create a "handicappers information" topic/folder, which would list statistical sports related links, such as...
Continue the effort in minimizing censorship (unlike across the street)...it is VITAL for topics, information, opinions which are not always agreeable to be freely expressed...after all, free expression is ultimately what a forum is all about...it respects the readers ability to choose.
Periodically, request feedback, such as being done with this topic...however, if feedback is requested, it means nothing without action or an explanation as to why action was not taken.
As always, open communication is vital for growth, improvement and understanding.
[This message was edited by SPIVE on May 30, 2003 at 03:00 PM.]