There is this bakery that I stay the f away from because the guy acts like he's queer. Don't want to buy from a guy that may be slipping the aids to my cream puff.
There are a couple of dining establishments (did know how to spell rest.) that i don't like going in because I know a waiter or waitress there. They make sure we/I get in their section and its like having dinner with them too.
Funny thing is I'll call and ask if they are working before I go.
Tell me about it. You'd think with a down economy, managers would weed out the crappy workers. Those workers must have pics of the manager is all I can come up with.
Theres a girl that used to make my subway on the regular and then it all went bad. She started tanning at my tanning salon and one day I went into her room, post-tan, and it smelled like beef and hot garbage. I can no longer let her make my subs --have to drive an extra 10 minutes out of the way everytime I want Subway