DNC staffers prepared CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper for interviews with Trump, new batch of 8,000 WikiLeaks emails reveals


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]DNC staffers prepared CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper for interviews with Trump, new batch of 8,000 WikiLeaks emails reveals[/h]
  • Batch of 8,263 DNC emails were released by Wikileaks late Sunday night
  • One email discusses how CNN inquired with the DNC about questions to ask during interviews with Ted Cruz and Trump for Wolf Blitzer
  • An email dated April 28 entitled 'Cruz on CNN' reads 'CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones'
  • Another email asks if DNC staffers 'want to offer Jake Tapper questions to ask us' during another interview on the network
  • Separate DNC email chain found appears to show Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank asked the DNC for help with research for a column
  • The column he wrote was about Trump and featured a list of things the presidential candidate said that he deemed as 'outrageous'
PUBLISHED: 07:22, 7 November 2016 | UPDATED: 08:18, 7 November 2016

New member
Nov 10, 2010
The Democratic National Committee helped CNN anchors Wolf Blizter and Jake Tapper prepare for interviews with Donald Trump, the latest WikiLeaks email dump has revealed.
Among the batch of 8,263 emails released on Sunday night, one shows that staff working for the network hosts asked DNC staffers what questions they should put to the Republican candidate.
They also asked for advice when it came to an appearance from former candidate, Ted Cruz.
An email dated April 28 entitled 'Cruz on CNN' reads 'CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones.'
That email was sent from DNC research director Lauren Dillon to other officials and staffers.
Days before that, on April 25 she asked for questions from officials and staffers for an interview that CNN's Wolf Blitzer would be conducting with Trump.


Among the recently released batch of 8,263 emails, one email shows the Cable News Network inquiring with DNC staffers for questions to ask during an interview Wolf Blitzer (above) would conduct with Donald Trump


On April 24, DNC research director Lauren Dillon sent the above email to staffers saying Blitzer is interviewing Trump ahead of his foreign policy address. The subject line reads 'Trump Questions for CNN'



An email (above) dated April 28 entitled 'Cruz on CNN' reads 'CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones.' That email was sent from Dillon to other officials and staffers

'Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues (sic) ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed,' Dillon wrote in the email that was entitled 'CNN questions for Trump.'
Numerous questions were submitted by a group of DNC staffers and officials for 68-year-old Blitzer to ask the billionaire.
However, in a follow-up email, she informed the group of staffers that the Trump interview ended up being cancelled.
'CNN said the interview was cancelled as of now but will keep the questions for the next one Good to have for others as well,' Dillon wrote in the email.
DNC deputy communications director Christina Freundlich responded to Dillion's email with 'Boo', seemingly showing that she was disappointed.
Blitzer, who has been working at CNN since 1990, did end up interviewing the real estate mogul on May 4.
That interview took place right after both Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich dropped out of the Republican presidential race as candidates.


In a separate conversation dated on April 28, Jason Seher, a writer for Jake Tapper's (above) show on CNN, emailed Pablo Manriquez, a former DNC media booker thanking him



In that same email chain, he said he needed to know 'asap if we want to offer Jake Tapper questions to ask us'

In a separate conversation dated on April 28, Jason Seher, a writer for Jake Tapper's show on CNN, emailed Pablo Manriquez, a former DNC media booker thanking him for 'facilitating Luis coming on today, and bearing with us through a meelee (sic) of GOP nonsense and cancellations and all that. Any particular points he'll want to make? We're gonna stay Dem focused...'
In responding, Manriquez said he would include Dillon and Christina Freundlich into the conversation to see 'if there's any newsworthy (opposition) Luis can drop'.
Freundlich previously worked for the Iowa Democratic Party before she caused outrage when she took a selfie smiling in front of a deadly New York City fire in March 2015. She was hired as a spokeswoman for the DNC in July 2015.
Manriquez then sent a message to several staffers and wrote, 'Window closing on this. Need to know asap if we want to offer Jake Tapper questions to ask us.'
The latest email release by Wikileaks comes two days before the presidential election.
The release also follows criticism the Cable News Network faced after emails showed that DNC interim chairwoman Donna Brazile, who worked at the network as an on-air contributor, leaked questions to the Clinton campaign for a debate and a town hall event.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Another DNC email chain found in this huge batch of emails released by Wikileaks appears to show that Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank asked the DNC for help with research for a column he wrote about Trump in April 2016

Another DNC email chain found in this huge batch of emails released by Wikileaks appears to show that Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank asked the DNC for help with research for a column he wrote about Trump in April 2016.
His column titled, 'The Ten Plagues of Trump,' featured a list of things the Republican presidential candidate said that he deemed as 'outrageous.'
The email was titled 'research request: top 10 worst Trump quotes?' as Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker wrote, 'Milbank doing a Passover-themed 10 plagues of Trump.'
Walker was provided with a list of things that could be used to help Milbank.
One of the 'plagues' listed by Milbank in his column was 'Blood' and focused around the quote from Trump regarding Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.
'You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,' Trump said.
The internal DNC emails suggest that the columnist asked for a list that he possibly used to assist him in writing the column, as eight of the plagues match up with suggestions that were sent by the DNC.

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Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
the scum of the earth, a cancer on society

The Party of Treason

Sep 21, 2001
This is state run media - a scaled down version of North Korea

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
This is state run media - a scaled down version of North Korea

except our media is supposed to be the protectors of democracy, at least there's no pretense in communists countries

people just accept the corruption, here the fucking idiots think they're telling the truth, no matter how many times they're caught lying

Apr 14, 2006

Piece of shit liberal scumbags.

Seems to be a trend.
Oct 30, 2006
This isnt enough....This is like a couple of college students cheating on a test...

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