CNN addressing it tomorrow at 9am. All over Drudge. MSNBC will have to respond. Trending on Twiiter, #1 story on Facebook. Trump letting everyone know. Like I said. ITS TOO BIG to be silent. This shit is going to be fun.
Didn't she have millions of more votes? In what scenario does Bernie beat her?
Didn't she have millions of more votes? In what scenario does Bernie beat her?
Let me translate what Vitterd has to say on the subject:
"I used to work as a courier boy for the DNC, I don't care how sleazy and corrupt they are, I worship them, I parrot every word they say. I will pull
the level for Hillary no matter what"
Let me translate what Vitterd has to say on the subject:
"I used to work as a courier boy for the DNC, I don't care how sleazy and corrupt they are, I worship them, I parrot every word they say. I will pull
the level for Hillary no matter what"
Lets look at how dumb you are:
Hillary 16,847,075
Sanders 13,168,214
thats 55 to 43 percent. But you dipshits yell this system is rigged.
you idiots should be cheering Hillary anyway....Sanders would beat Trump. But of course you're such a fucking moron .....none of this will sink in. You just aren't mentally capable enough to understand anything.
I'm as middle of the road as they come, and I know you will chalk up what I am about say as a rightest "idiot" trump supporter, which I am not. But you are so sucked in right where a party (yolu just so happen to be a D) wants you. YOu tote the company line and don't question anything, nor can side with anything anti company line.