DJIA down 111 points today!


Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
jjgold said:
no volume at trapesports

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#333333 border=0><TBODY><TR class=darkTH align=middle><TH> Contract</TH><TH>B Qty</TH><TH>Bid</TH><TH>Ask</TH><TH>A Qty</TH><TH>Last</TH><TH>Vol</TH><TH>Chge</TH></TR><TR id=row198952 bgColor=#d2e5fe><TD id=title198952 title="Financial
Daily US Indices Close. Fri Jan 14
DOW to close UP by 25 points or more on prev close" style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" noWrap> DOW.14JAN.+25 </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize198952 style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" onclick="selectOrder('198952', 'DOW.14JAN.+25', true );">201</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198952', 'DOW.14JAN.+25', true); " id=bidPrice198952 title="Fixed Odds: 28.4/71.6
Digital Odds: 1.40
MoneyLine: -252.1" style="BACKGROUND: #00cc00" onclick="selectPrice('198952', 'DOW.14JAN.+25', true );" align=right>71.6</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198952', 'DOW.14JAN.+25', false ); " id=offerPrice198952 title="Fixed Odds: 25.2/74.8
Digital Odds: 1.34
MoneyLine: -296.8" style="BACKGROUND: #d2e5fe" onclick="selectPrice('198952', 'DOW.14JAN.+25', false );">74.8</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize198952 style="BACKGROUND: #d2e5fe" onclick="selectOrder('198952', 'DOW.14JAN.+25', false );">100</TD><TD id=ltp198952 title="7:39:52PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #d2e5fe">73.0</TD><TD id=vol198952 style="BACKGROUND: #d2e5fe">5711</TD><TD id=change198952 style="BACKGROUND: #d2e5fe" noWrap>+33.5</TD></TR><TR id=row198951 bgColor=#eff0f0><TD id=title198951 title="Financial
Daily US Indices Close. Fri Jan 14
DOW to close HIGHER than prev close" style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" noWrap> DOW.14JAN.HIGHER </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize198951 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectOrder('198951', 'DOW.14JAN.HIGHER', true );">200</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198951', 'DOW.14JAN.HIGHER', true); " id=bidPrice198951 title="Fixed Odds: 7.7/92.3
Digital Odds: 1.08
MoneyLine: -1198.7" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectPrice('198951', 'DOW.14JAN.HIGHER', true );" align=right>92.3</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198951', 'DOW.14JAN.HIGHER', false ); " id=offerPrice198951 title="Fixed Odds: 3/47
Digital Odds: 1.06
MoneyLine: -1566.7" style="BACKGROUND: #ffaaaa" onclick="selectPrice('198951', 'DOW.14JAN.HIGHER', false );">94.0</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize198951 style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" onclick="selectOrder('198951', 'DOW.14JAN.HIGHER', false );">20</TD><TD id=ltp198951 title="7:39:09PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">92.0</TD><TD id=vol198951 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">4366</TD><TD id=change198951 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" noWrap>+38.7</TD></TR><TR id=row89694 bgColor=#ffffff><TD id=title89694 title="Football - NFL
Super Bowl
Super Bowl XXXIX Winner
Philadelphia Eagles to Win" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" noWrap> NFL.EAGLES </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize89694 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectOrder('89694', 'NFL.EAGLES', true );">70</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89694', 'NFL.EAGLES', true); " id=bidPrice89694 title="Fixed Odds: 81/19
Digital Odds: 5.26
MoneyLine: +426.3" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectPrice('89694', 'NFL.EAGLES', true );" align=right>19.0</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89694', 'NFL.EAGLES', false ); " id=offerPrice89694 title="Fixed Odds: 79.4/20.6
Digital Odds: 4.85
MoneyLine: +385.4" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectPrice('89694', 'NFL.EAGLES', false );">20.6</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize89694 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectOrder('89694', 'NFL.EAGLES', false );">2</TD><TD id=ltp89694 title="3:54:46PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff">20.8</TD><TD id=vol89694 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff">58.5k</TD><TD id=change89694 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" noWrap>+1.3</TD></TR><TR id=row198953 bgColor=#eff0f0><TD id=title198953 title="Financial
Daily US Indices Close. Fri Jan 14
DOW to close UP by 50 points or more on prev close" style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" noWrap> DOW.14JAN.+50 </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize198953 style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" onclick="selectOrder('198953', 'DOW.14JAN.+50', true );">200</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198953', 'DOW.14JAN.+50', true); " id=bidPrice198953 title="Fixed Odds: 65.2/34.8
Digital Odds: 2.87
MoneyLine: +187.4" style="BACKGROUND: #00cc00" onclick="selectPrice('198953', 'DOW.14JAN.+50', true );" align=right>34.8</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198953', 'DOW.14JAN.+50', false ); " id=offerPrice198953 title="Fixed Odds: 60.5/39.5
Digital Odds: 2.53
MoneyLine: +153.2" style="BACKGROUND: #ffaaaa" onclick="selectPrice('198953', 'DOW.14JAN.+50', false );">39.5</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize198953 style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" onclick="selectOrder('198953', 'DOW.14JAN.+50', false );">201</TD><TD id=ltp198953 title="7:39:00PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">36.3</TD><TD id=vol198953 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">2916</TD><TD id=change198953 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" noWrap>+6.3</TD></TR><TR id=row89673 bgColor=#ffffff><TD id=title89673 title="Football - NFL
Super Bowl
Super Bowl XXXIX Winner
Atlanta Falcons to Win" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" noWrap> NFL.FALCONS </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize89673 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectOrder('89673', 'NFL.FALCONS', true );">5</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89673', 'NFL.FALCONS', true); " id=bidPrice89673 title="Fixed Odds: 93.4/6.6
Digital Odds: 15.15
MoneyLine: +1415.2" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectPrice('89673', 'NFL.FALCONS', true );" align=right>6.6</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89673', 'NFL.FALCONS', false ); " id=offerPrice89673 title="Fixed Odds: 93/7
Digital Odds: 14.29
MoneyLine: +1328.6" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectPrice('89673', 'NFL.FALCONS', false );">7.0</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize89673 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectOrder('89673', 'NFL.FALCONS', false );">740</TD><TD id=ltp89673 title="7:20:26PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff">7.0</TD><TD id=vol89673 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff">25.8k</TD><TD id=change89673 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" noWrap>-0.5</TD></TR><TR id=row89695 bgColor=#eff0f0><TD id=title89695 title="Football - NFL
Super Bowl
Super Bowl XXXIX Winner
Pittsburgh Steelers to Win" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" noWrap> NFL.STEELERS </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize89695 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectOrder('89695', 'NFL.STEELERS', true );">995</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89695', 'NFL.STEELERS', true); " id=bidPrice89695 title="Fixed Odds: 69/31
Digital Odds: 3.23
MoneyLine: +222.6" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectPrice('89695', 'NFL.STEELERS', true );" align=right>31.0</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89695', 'NFL.STEELERS', false ); " id=offerPrice89695 title="Fixed Odds: 68.5/31.5
Digital Odds: 3.17
MoneyLine: +217.5" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectPrice('89695', 'NFL.STEELERS', false );">31.5</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize89695 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectOrder('89695', 'NFL.STEELERS', false );">250</TD><TD id=ltp89695 title="7:39:14PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">31.0</TD><TD id=vol89695 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">55.4k</TD><TD id=change89695 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" noWrap>-1.0</TD></TR><TR id=row89671 bgColor=#ffffff><TD id=title89671 title="Football - NFL
Super Bowl
Super Bowl XXXIX Winner
New England Patriots to Win" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" noWrap> NFL.PATRIOTS </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize89671 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectOrder('89671', 'NFL.PATRIOTS', true );">57</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89671', 'NFL.PATRIOTS', true); " id=bidPrice89671 title="Fixed Odds: 81.7/18.3
Digital Odds: 5.46
MoneyLine: +446.4" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectPrice('89671', 'NFL.PATRIOTS', true );" align=right>18.3</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('89671', 'NFL.PATRIOTS', false ); " id=offerPrice89671 title="Fixed Odds: 80.4/19.6
Digital Odds: 5.10
MoneyLine: +410.2" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectPrice('89671', 'NFL.PATRIOTS', false );">19.6</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize89671 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" onclick="selectOrder('89671', 'NFL.PATRIOTS', false );">174</TD><TD id=ltp89671 title="6:36:54PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff">19.6</TD><TD id=vol89671 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff">41.9k</TD><TD id=change89671 style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" noWrap>+1.1</TD></TR><TR id=row198954 bgColor=#eff0f0><TD id=title198954 title="Financial
Daily US Indices Close. Fri Jan 14
DOW to close UP by 75 points or more on prev close" style="BACKGROUND: #ccccff" noWrap> DOW.14JAN.+75 </TD><TD class=quant id=bidSize198954 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectOrder('198954', 'DOW.14JAN.+75', true );">200</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198954', 'DOW.14JAN.+75', true); " id=bidPrice198954 title="Fixed Odds: 90.5/9.5
Digital Odds: 10.53
MoneyLine: +952.6" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectPrice('198954', 'DOW.14JAN.+75', true );" align=right>9.5</TD><TD class=price oncontextmenu="return oneClickTrade('198954', 'DOW.14JAN.+75', false ); " id=offerPrice198954 title="Fixed Odds: 89/11
Digital Odds: 9.09
MoneyLine: +809.1" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectPrice('198954', 'DOW.14JAN.+75', false );">11.0</TD><TD class=quant id=offerSize198954 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" onclick="selectOrder('198954', 'DOW.14JAN.+75', false );">5</TD><TD id=ltp198954 title="7:37:12PM GMT" style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">10.6</TD><TD id=vol198954 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0">1897</TD><TD id=change198954 style="BACKGROUND: #eff0f0" noWrap>-9.4</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Volume - there are 5711 contracts on Dow+25
there are 4366 contracts on Dow Higher
58.5K on Eagles to win SB
25.8K on Falcons to Win

Huge Volume, JJster

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Not bad Glacker, I have an accoun their will have to go look more over their.

I would love to know their volume increase from when they first opened

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
Glaken said:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0 xmlns:user="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"><TBODY><TR><TD class=st-Time vAlign=baseline noWrap>15:30 ET </TD><TD class=storyTitle vAlign=top>Dow -87, Nasdaq -15, S&P -7.25</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD class=st-Art>[BRIEFING.COM] The broader averages hit a wall and plunge to new lows heading into the close of trading... Tomorrow, economic data will again be in the spotlight... At 8:30 the Labor Dept will release its Producer Price Index (consensus -0.2%) and core PPI (consensus +0.2%) while the Commerce Dept will release November Business Inventories (consensus +0.6%)... At 9:15 ET, investors should get an updated read on manufacturing when the Fed releases Industrial Production (consensus +0.5%) and Capacity Utilization (consensus 78.9%) figures for the month of December... With regards to earnings, S&P constituent BB&T Corp (BBT 40.31 -0.34) will be the only notable company out with Q4 results before the bell... ..NYSE Adv/Dec 1784/1500. ..NASDAQ Adv/Dec 1384/1658.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0 xmlns:user="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"><TBODY><TR><TD class=st-Time vAlign=baseline noWrap>16:20 ET </TD><TD class=storyTitle vAlign=top>Dow -111.95 at 10505.83, Nasdaq -21.97 at 2070.56, S&P -10.26 at 1177.45</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD class=st-Art>[BRIEFING.COM] Stocks held rather tight ranges in negative territory most of the session, on the heels of higher oil prices and mixed economic data, but a late day drubbing, exacerbated by a GM warning, erased anything positive... The market suffered a material, and expeditious, sell-off in the final hour with relatively disappointing FY05 EPS guidance of $4.00-5.00 (Reuters Estimates consensus $4.91) from General Motors (GM 37.37 -1.02) and consternation over the market's inability to follow through on Wednesday's gains driving the selling interest... Separately, it was reported by CNBC that the late slide also stemmed from disappointment in a Treasury Dept. ruling that companies won't be allowed to repurchase stock or pay dividends with repatriated foreign earnings... Whatever the precise cause was, the late sell-off was a reflection of the bearish bias that has permeated the market since the year began... Also contributing to the market's overall weakness was a 3.5% surge in crude oil ($48.04/bbl +$1.67), fueled by supply disruptions, colder weather forecasts and further proof of OPEC production cuts, as the commodity broke through technical levels, hit a 6-week high and renewed fears of oil reaching $50/bbl before hitting $40/bbl... Meanwhile, December retail sales came in relatively in line with economists' expectations, suggesting a decent 2004 holiday shopping season, but weekly jobless claims rose for a second straight week, hitting 367K (consensus 340K), lifting treasuries and leaving investors more uncertain about the pace of economic growth... Telecom services (-1.5%) closed lower for the fourth straight day, pressured by weakness in Verizon Communications (VZ 37.00 -1.23), which was downgraded by both CSFB and Robert W. Baird to Neutral from Outperform... An FDA warning about Pfizer's (PFE 25.37 -0.66) controversial painkiller ads assisted in health care's 1.3% decline while biotech (-2.3%) also plummeted... Also showing weakness was semiconductor, transportation, retail, financial, materials and consumer staples... Interest-rate sensitive groups like homebuilding (+1.8%), REITs and utility closed higher, taking advantage of lower bond yields... Treasuries closed near session highs following this morning's mixed batch of economic data, sending the benchmark 10-year note up 13 ticks to yield 4.18%... Hardware also posted modest gains following a stronger than expected quarterly performance from Apple Computer (AAPL 69.80 +4.34) while disk drive, managed health, and energy also showed strength... The dollar rebounded against both the euro (1.3202) and the yen (102.62), recovering some of the ground it lost yesterday, sending gold futures lower for the first time in three days to close at $425.10 an ounce... ..DJTA -1.5%. ..DJUA +0.5%. ..SOX -1.4%. ..XOI +0.6%. ..NYSE Adv/Dec 1492/1832. ..NASDAQ Adv/Dec 1138/1955.

If the blue stuff turns red then Jan 14th Dow will head south quickly...and should land between 40-70 on the down side: If the blue stuff turns green then keep an eye on sweet crude price per barrel, if that remains in the ballpark then you may see a 10-30 point gain. I think the profit takers got out last week.


Damn missed my range by 22.17.....hope it was good for you guys...I'm outa here and trying to beat thr traffic...GLTA this weekend. Later G

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