jgrif33, I found this at Amazons customer reviews. Maybe it's helpful.
I have this product connected to my directv hd receiver to download VOD content. If the installation software is not able to detect the device during the installation process, then follow these steps (I had to perform these steps when I called Linksys for assistance. I wish they had just documented the steps instead):
1. Quit out of the installation software (keep the adapter connected to your pc)
2. Assign a static IP to your pc (if you do not know how to do this, then call Linksys or google it). The static ip settings should be:
leave dns settings as is
3. Open up your browser and type in the address bar. You will now see a log in page
4. Log in with admin/admin
5. Now assign a static IP to the adapter
6. Now go to the wireless settings tab and enter in your SSID and WEP/WPA Key. Make sure you select the correct authentication type
7. You will now need to reboot the adapter (it will ask you to do so)
8. Once the device is back up, go back to the page and log back in. Double-check to make sure your settings were entered in correctly. The wireless light should light up on your adapter.
Tip: Before you connect it to your console/receiver, you can test to make sure the adapter can connect to the internet. Switch off your wireless connection on your pc/laptop and connect the adapter to your pc via the ethernet port. Try accessing the internet and if you can, then the adapter is all set.
Good luck.
p.s. the main reason I detailed out the steps for the "advanced setup" is so that people know that it is still a straight-forward process, so no need to be afraid if you won't have the plug-and-play experience.
another tip. if you are still having issues, then try changing the channel on your router (although you should not have to if all your other wireless devices are working well on that channel).
Here's the link.