I just talked to them and this really pissed me off. Here is the text chat. Im gonna start a new thread with it as well. I wanna see what SBR has to say since VIP is their pet. With 3 vip books on the rec list.
You are now chatting with Grayson
panther: Is this sunny sports as in
www.sunnysportsbook.com or a similar name?
Grayson: Welcome to our live chat service.
Grayson: How may I help you today?
panther: Is this sunny sports as in
www.sunnysportsbook.com or a similar name?
Grayson: IT is the same
panther: Ok so where did sunny go?
panther: I went to the site and it referenced bet365 and said sunny is not able to take my wager
panther: Ok so where did sunny go?
Grayson: That is correct
Grayson: Sunny Sports will not be handled any more by VMS
panther: OK so where is sunny sportsbook accounts?
Grayson: tomorrow they will send you an email to inform you what the options will be to do with your account
panther: what do u mean?
panther: options? wheres my money now?
panther: VIP services let a portion of its business go under? Or sold it to Bet365? what?
panther: Where my money?
Grayson: We were handling Sunny Group
Grayson: but now they decided that we do not need to handle it for them any more
panther: "handling"?
panther: So which books are you "handling" and which do you stand behind?
Grayson: We used to handle Sunny Group but not anymore
panther: Wheres my money?
Grayson: tomorrow the owners will handle it themselves
panther: Your name was on the site thats why i joined
panther: Alistair's book so I believed
Grayson: Tomorrow they will send you an email to inform you of the different options
Grayson: if you want your funds to be send to you
panther: OK for your own benefit tell me this
Grayson: or if you want them to be transferred to another book etc
Grayson: but you will not lose your funds at all
panther: Which books are handled and which are owned by you?
panther: Do you want the vip name to mean anything?
panther: How do I know the rest of my accounts donbt end up like this with other VIP books?
panther: SO who do I call? Who is the owner? What books do you actually own and which do you "handle"?
Grayson: I would suggest you to call us tomorrow and ask to speak to a manager
panther: Is VIPsports "handled" by you?
panther: I'm gonna start requesting withdrawls tongiht unless you give me a difference between VIP books. something to atleast show an attempt to ease my mind
Grayson: Sunny Sports book has their own owners and asked VIP to handle the sportsbook for them
Grayson: but they set their rules
panther: so which books do you handle and which do you own?
Grayson: Which book do you have an account with ?
panther: gameday
panther: vip
panther: wssb
Grayson: and I will tell you if we handle that book or not
Grayson: yes
Grayson: yes
Grayson: yes
panther: betongames
panther: so which books do you handle and which do you own?
Grayson: yes
Grayson: all the above mentioned , we owned
panther: This isnt very cool. to put yur name on something and lead me to believe i'll be treated alike then one night not have access to my funds and left to wonder where they are
panther: I expected more from this group. I was sold on sunny by the folks at VIP
Grayson: I am sorry about that but believe me nothing will happen to your funds
Grayson: Your funds are safe
panther: well that means squat in the industry
panther: actions count
panther: and right now as far as im convcerned vip is holding my funds
panther: thanks for the backrub and the worthers original candy though
Grayson: You are welcome