This is the text of the hack. In case they take it down.
Let me us tell you the truth about diamond Sportsbook.
Is true they have relocate in Cris, but they have fired most of their employees , that have been with them for more than years, and fired them not following costarican laws and therefore no one got paid.
And they did file bankruptcy, down here in Costa Rica. Since their legal name here is Aracosia de oriente, and not DSI.
So Aracosia de Oriente file bankruptcy and all the employees got screwed!!!
And now they just moved, with around 20-25 employees to another building, in Cris, and put it under a new company name.
Just so you know Robbie was the best thing that could of happen to DSI, but apparently Dino and Stretch did not like the way he was handling things and decided to make his life impossible so he resigned, and they still own him money.
And yes is true, Sportsbook pays better that most of the jobs down here in C.R, but DSI was one of those few Sportsbook that pays less than the majorities of them, did not follow the cotarican law, did not pay double holidays, which is required by the costarican law.
Dino has not been in the country for a long time, so I bet they have no idea of what is really going on!!!!
Stretch was in the country when everything happened, but did not show up to tell all his employees what was going on!!! When we got fired, a lawyer forced us to sign a stipulation saying that we were happy for what we received and understood what was going on. If we did not sign it, they wouldn’t even pay our we sign, but is not legal, at least not in Costa Rica, so they can clean their asses with it!!!!!!!!!
There was people who started the company with them, and got screwed, received nothing...
We would not gamble with that king of people, this time they “took our money’, next time it will be your money!!!!!
Would you trust a company that lies, that blames everything on Robbie?
And if any one of you ever talked to Robbie, you know that he’s a honest man, and did whatever he could to keep the customer happy, the employees happy and the company running.
He did not lie, he did not hide....
Plus Robbie did not take anything from them...He does not need to. Every one knows what kind of a person he is.
You have no idea how Diamond treated us, when they fired if we were animals, with no respect...
And let us tell you a few more things:
Do know why you know why DSI don’t do payout on week end??
Because they don’t feel like it, and hope that you will spend it before Monday!!!
Do you know that they charge more in WU payout fees?
That charge back on the credit card most of the times take longer, because they forget to send it out, and so happens with FedEx….
And so many more things that you don’t know…
Let us just give you one more thing to think about…
If Diamond Sportsbook screwed all his employees, why wouldn’t they screw their customers?
They don’t care, as long as they are fine!!!
And you’ll never get your money back...
Think about it before you open up an account with them, or before you’re next deposit.
Trust us, you can find a better place to gamble and your money will be safer elsewhere!!!!