A couple in this thread have reasons to prop up a positive position but you are a legit poster. "Haven't called them?" Are you really buying that Rx stuff? I have talked to Royal's past and present and potential new owners everyday. BTW no one, not Royal, Royal shills or Royal's loyal advertisers have ever disputed one fact I've reported. Not one.
D- is too low? LMAO ..OK. Oh btw, When Shrink says "BE CAREFUL!" with Royal, do you think he's giving them a C+ or something?
On a serious positive note: Royal is taking positive steps. It starts with a recovery plan which they have come forward with. Now that we have a plan let's see them execute it. With each minor accomplishment of the plan they will be talked up and players will regain confidence. Royal could be a top ten book if they can fully execute their own plan. And no one would be happier than me. (except maybe the Shrink & Major