Never tried it. Out west we have a great local tire shop Les Schwab.
Are you trying to avoid the pesky sales guy, or are you looking to order a custom tire? If it's the former, you may reconsider. You may avoid pesky sales guy, but you will then have to deal with pesky installation guy. He can be just as bad. And since you didn't buy from him, he's going to tell you that he can't guarantee anything.
I just want to spend a whole lot of money for tires thats all.
Don't is the word im guessing u left out.....Cheap tires are just that...CHEAP. They can do more damage and give you less service than any savings you might see on the purchase. These chinese tires are shipped over here in a ships hull, laying in all kind of crushed abnormal positions that they never recover from. They're out of round, belts slip within miles sometimes and it shakes your car to pieces because they cant get them balanced right without hanging a boat anchor on your wheels....Ive seen a tireman put 6 weights on a wheel to get 1 balanced...
Tires are not that damn expensive compared to the overall costs...get some decent ones at least. Mastercraft is a decent cheap tire that is usually avail most everywhere....