Okay before I get started here I should have checked the final score on the Niner Charger game on Friday night but I didn't and it cost me..Anyway here goes..Placed a wager on Friday for my remaining balance to win 2100.It was a 4 game teaser.I was out having a few wobbly pops at a sportsbar and was keeping an eye on the scores although my attention span was lacking somewhat after quite a few Canadians but was aware that I won the 1st 3 games and all I needed was the Niners to come in for the win but wasn't feeling any pain and the result of that game was the last thing on my mind on Friday at midnight.any I get home around 2 am pretty impaired stagger to the puter log onto site and see my account balance at 2100.So before I hit the sack throw in a couple wagers for college ball on Saturday just in case I sleep in..So this brings me to Sunday night.I lost both wagers so my account is drained so I make a neteller deposit and it doesn't show up in my account..I was going to email but emailing Diamond is a waste of time because half the time they never reply anyway..so I phone and after being on hold and being tranferred to 4 different people I get this jagoff telling me that there was no money in my account for the wagers I placed on Friday night.. So my question to the lad was how the Phuck do I place a wager without money in my account.After being on the phone with this mastermind for 10 minutes finally had enough and hung up the phone...Turns out that they graded the tease a win when in fact it was a loss.who knows when they dicovered this but let the plays go on instead of cancelling both of the wagers immediatly after knowing I had no money in my account.Turns out that they are keeping the neteller deposit I made towards the wager I made that I had no money for in the first place..like I'm going to make another deposit at this phucking outfit...Stay the hell away from this popsicle stand..what a effin joke..grade a loss a win and when they find out it's a loss let the wagers go on then keep your deposit..BLOW ME DIAMOND