Correct, batting .284, on a pace for 185 hits.
I know 9 out of 10 pros that would give their left nut to bat .284 while having an off year.
One thing I have noticed, he seems to have lost 1/2 step getting down the line from home to first.
I respect Jeter, because next to Eric Brynes, I think Jeter is probably 2nd biggest effort guy in the bigs. That being said, Derek Jeter is one of the most overrated players in the history of baseball.
This guy has fewer career steals than Arod. He has played on some very, very talented teams. His range defensively is in the bottom 1/8 of SS in baseball. Arm strength is average. If he played in another market than NY, he would be considered a good hitter and an average fielder and have no chance at the HOF. However, he was fortunate to have played on a team of professionals combined with the greatest closer of all-time. He has made some great plays in his career, but the Yankees paid $189M for leadership?
Baseball is about protection in the lineup and he has always been protected by having great hitters around him.