Dems Proposal of Bailout---20% to ACORN


Nov 9, 2005
Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC), just told Greta Van Susteren that todays Dem proposal included the following........"20% of the money that should go to retired debt that will greated to solve this problem winds up in a housing organization called ACORN that is an absolute ill-run enterprise and I can't belief we would take money away from debt retirement to put it in a housing program that doesn't work".

Why would the Dems think any of this money should go to ACORN or any other place other than to retire the debt??? No wonder they fighting on The Hill!!!!!:toast:
Sep 21, 2004
These fucking democrats are so corrupt.

ACORN Embezzlement Scandal is the Latest Controversy in Group's Long, Corrupt History Says Employment Policies Institute

Last update: 6:57 p.m. EDT July 9, 2008

WASHINGTON, July 9, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Activist Group's Fraud and Dishonest Practices Further Cemented by Cover-Up Scheme
Tim Miller, Communications Director of the Employment Policies Institute, issued the following statement after The New York Times published an explosive expose this morning detailing how the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) covered up nearly $1 million in embezzled funds by its founder's brother:
"It comes as no surprise that ACORN founder and chief organizer Wade Rathke hid his brother's embezzlement of nearly $1 million dollars from the 'charitable' organization's employees, board of directors, and donors. This is just one more page in ACORN's corrupt history, which already includes election fraud investigations in at least a dozen states, hypocritical and oppressive employment practices, and a political agenda driven by a handful of anti-corporate activists.
"This shameful embezzlement scheme and the eight year cover-up ought to make supporters and donors wary of associating themselves with ACORN. It's bad enough that the boss' brother stole almost a million dollars, but for Wade Rathke to sweep the crime under the rug and keep his brother on ACORN's payroll is a disgrace."
More information about ACORN's long history of corruption can be found in the Employment Policies Institute's recent report "Rotten ACORN: America's Bad Seed" -- available online at HYPERLINK ""
The Employment Policies Institute is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to studying public policy issues surrounding entry-level employment. For additional information or to schedule an interview, call Sarah Kapenstein at 202.463.7650.
For More Information Contact:
Sarah Kapenstein 202.463.7650
SOURCE Employment Policies Institute

</pre>Copyright (C) 2008 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
Sep 21, 2004
Blowing the whistle on ACORN

By Michelle Malkin • June 20, 2008 10:01 AM
The radical left-wing, government-subsidized group ACORN uses your tax dollars to engage in voter fraud, enrich itself as part of the mortgage counseling racket, and serve as an activist branch of the Democrat Party.
There’s more. Ashley Eiler e-mails about a new report: “The Consumers Rights League just released a collection of whistleblower documents from an ACORN staffer that raise some new concerns about how the organization has established policies for its housing counselors to use undocumented / under-the-table income for processing loan applications from low-income individuals. In addition to pushing these and other exotic loans, the documents reveal that ACORN has engaged in some apparently illegal activities by commingling government funds from its tax-exempt offshoot entities to fight political battles against corporate lenders. ”
Which one again begs a nagging question I’ve asked before: Why do Republicans continue to abet their political enemies and allow public money to be funneled to these con artists?
How your money is being spent (the full report is here - PDF):
Despite raking in a troubling 40 percent of its revenue from taxpayers over the last three years, ACORN Housing Corporation’s actions range from controversial to borderline illegal:
• AHC has worked to obtain mortgages for illegal aliens
• AHC relies on undocumented income, “under the table” money that may not be reported to the Internal Revenue Service
• ACORN’s “financial justice” operations attack lenders for “exotic” loans, but AHC has recommended ten-year interest-only loans (which deny equity to the buyer) and reverse mortgages (which can be detrimental to senior citizens)
• AHC may have violated federal law by failing to maintain a proper distinction between its tax-exempt housing work and the aggressive political activities of ACORN
The ACORN Housing Association (AHC), an ACORN affiliate that receives over 40% of its funding from government sources, claims to be a consumer advocate. In a newly-released report from CRL, however, a series of documents obtained from a whistleblower source reveals hypocritical and potentially illegal use of taxpayer dollars by ACORN and its related organizations. These documents – which include staff emails and internal organization policies – suggest that ACORN has failed to maintain a proper distinction between its tax-exempt housing work and its aggressive political activities.
“ACORN and its offshoots take in millions of dollars in government grants under the guise of ‘consumer advocacy’ to line their own pockets. Attacking financial institutions for ‘predatory’ loan practices and then turning around to form cozy relationships with the same corporations sounds more like extortion than advocacy for low-income families,” said Jim Terry, CRL’s Chief Public Advocate. “The public deserves answers about how organizations funded by their tax dollars are functioning, particularly at a time when the Congress is considering pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into their budgets.”
According to the internal documents obtained by CRL, this potentially illegal practice of commingling funds occurs when AHC, ACORN’s tax-exempt offshoot, spreads government grant funds among various related entities to be used for political gains. Through targeted public relations assaults, ACORN is able to extract resources from financial lenders seeking abatement and to force financial settlements that benefit ACORN but are harmful to consumers.
Even as ACORN attacks other lenders for engaging in “predatory” tactics, the organization’s housing affiliate offers consumers the very same types of exotic loans, including 10/40 interest only mortgages (which prevent buyers from building equity during the first 10 years of a loan) and reverse mortgages (which can be detrimental to senior citizens). ACORN’s pay-to-play attack model has become so pervasive that in one internal email, a staffer writes that lenders view the forced deals with ACORN “as a cost of doing business.”
The CRL-issued report also raises concerns about ACORN’s role in the industry-wide relaxation of credit and the decline in mortgage lending standards that are at the heart of the current housing downturn. One email obtained from CRL’s whistleblower source reveals AHC’s use of suspect lending practices to help potential homebuyers obtain mortgages. In particular, one internal document outlines an AHC policy that advises its housing counselors to use “under-the-table” income – earnings that are typically not reported to the IRS – to process mortgage applications for low-income and minority homebuyers.
“The fact that AHC is counseling low-income consumers to take the very same loans it labels as ‘predatory’ is more than troubling,” said Terry. “It is important for homebuyers seeking AHC’s advice to understand ACORN’s true motives, and for American citizens to know how their money is being spent. This report raises some serious questions that deserve a great deal of scrutiny by consumers and taxpayers alike.”
Sep 21, 2004
» Disgraced Ex-Labor Chief Helps Feds Snare Corrupt Pol
Illegal Immigration Today: Monday Hodgepodge »

More ACORN Vote Fraud Attempts

Posted on September 15, 2008
-By Warner Todd Huston
The union supporting, Democratic Party pushing, extreme leftist Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has been caught trying to jerry-rig voter applications in Michigan. It is looking like fraud on a massive scale in Detroit as ACORN tries to fill the Democrat voter rolls with fake Democrat voters.
ACORN is being investigated after several Municipal Clerks discovered fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications.
The majority of the fraudulent and duplicate applications are coming from the liberal ACORN group based in Detroit, Michigan, which now has ACORN investigating the problem once again as well as the Secretary of State’s Office turning over some of those applications to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
And it isn’t just Detroit that has found fraud being perpetrated by ACORN.
In recent years, ACORN’s voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Missouri and Washington, with some employees convicted of voter fraud.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is also reporting that the Obama campaign has been forced to amend a report to reflect over $800,000 of previously unreported ACORN donations to his campaign.
ACORN is at the heart of one of the most massive voter fraud campaigns in American history. ACORN is intimate with Barack Obama and is a major supporter of unions throughout the country and is doing its level best (and illegally at that) trying to assure that Obama wins this election.
Also see Hot Air
Sep 21, 2004
<table width="775" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr width="775"><td>ACORN Voter Registration Fraud Allegations Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg, Says Employment Policies Institute

</td></tr> <tr><td> <table width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td>
</td> <td> <table width="649" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!-- #BeginEditable "release" --> </td></tr><tr><td align="left">
Illegalities, Fraud and Contradictions Detailed in Report
on Lead Organizer of Florida's Amendment 5

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- A Florida state attorney is
investigating thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations
associated with the leading organizer of Florida's Amendment 5 ballot
initiative. But this is just the tip of an iceberg of illegalities, fraud and
contradictions connected to the Association of Community Organizations for
Reform Now (ACORN). In recent days, ACORN has been at the epicenter of
reports on thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations across the
nation -- including many by ex-felons -- submitted by ACORN employees in the
presidential swing states of Ohio, Colorado, Missouri Pennsylvania, New Mexico
and Minnesota.
The Employment Policies Institute has updated and re-released its report,
"The Real ACORN: Anti-Employee, Anti-Union, Big Business" with the latest
details on ACORN's involvement in what appears to be widespread voter
registration fraud. The report includes statements from former ACORN
employees on the illegal nature of the organization's promotion of the ballot
initiative to raise Florida's minimum wage to $6.15 per hour.
"This report reveals ACORN's pattern and practice of deception and fraud,"
said EPI research director Craig Garthwaite. "The latest allegations of
widespread voter registration fraud should prove to be the last of ACORN's
nine political lives."
Former ACORN Miami-Dade field director Mac Stuart has declared an intent
to sue ACORN and has made charges of rampant voter fraud operations. Stuart
was employed and specifically tasked by ACORN to generate 103,000 new voter
registrations from Dade County. He reports that ACORN threw out Republican
registrations while paying for Democratic ones. Stuart also charges that
ACORN targeted ex-cons and that he personally set up registration tables
outside the Miami police department and Dade County jail. He went on to
state, "The voter registration project has been operating illegally since it
ACORN has paid workers for every voter registration card collected -- a
felony in Florida and also illegal in Missouri and Pennsylvania. ACORN also
routinely accepted signatures for Amendment 5 from individuals who were not
currently registered to vote -- a requirement under Florida law.
Voter registration and petition fraud is just the latest chapter in
ACORN's long sordid history. The EPI report also reveals:

ACORN Involved in Union Embezzlement -- In the late 1990s, ACORN's Project
Vote was involved in an $850,000 embezzling scheme, where union funds and
kickbacks were used to illegally aid the 1996 re-election bid of then-
Teamsters President Ron Carey. A New York federal jury found the Teamsters
political director guilty of the conspiracy.

ACORN bilks AmeriCorps -- In 1996, the Inspector General of the AmeriCorps
program stripped a $1 million grant from the ACORN Housing Corporation (AHC).
When applying, AHC had denied any connections to ACORN, since the grant was
not intended for political advocacy organizations. Evidence later uncovered
by the Inspector General found that not only was AHC created by ACORN, engaged
in numerous transactions with one another, and sharing staff and office space
-- but it utilized the AmeriCorps grant to increase ACORN membership, a
violation of federal guidelines.

ACORN Union-Busts Own Workers -- On March 27, 2003 the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB) found that ACORN had violated the National Labor
Relations Act and was required to rehire and pay restitution to employees
terminated for attempting to form a union. The NLRB ruling is just the latest
in a trend of ACORN's union-busting tactics. ACORN employees have
historically demanded higher wages, safer working conditions and more timely
contracted wages. These efforts have been repressed behind closed doors by
the hypocritical ACORN leadership, which publicly advocates higher pay and
better working conditions for private sector workers.

ACORN and Minimum Wage Hypocrisy -- Most egregiously, ACORN promotes
ballot initiatives and local ordinances to force businesses to pay higher
minimum wages, as they are currently doing with the minimum wage proposal in
Amendment 5. In 1995, however, ACORN sued the state of California to have its
employees exempted from the state minimum wage. ACORN argued that being
forced to pay higher wages would mean that they would hire fewer employees --
the very dilemma faced by businesses. Incredibly, ACORN stated that paying
its employees a lower wage would allow them to be more sympathetic to the low-
and moderate-income families they were attempting to help. ACORN argued that
abiding by the state minimum wage would limit their ability to promote their
agenda and would therefore be a violation of their First Amendment rights.
The trial court judge dismissed ACORN's suits, stating, "leaving aside the
latter argument's absurdity ... we find ACORN to be laboring under a
fundamental misconception of constitutional law."

"ACORN's history of voter registration fraud, hypocrisy, abuse of federal
grant programs, and disregard for sound economics should raise a red flag for
voters considering support for Amendment 5," Garthwaite said.
The full report is available online at

The Employment Policies Institute is a nonprofit research organization
dedicated to studying public policy issues surrounding entry-level employment.

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Sep 21, 2004
<mb:if attribute="raw:ColumnHead"> Felony charges filed against 7 in state's biggest case of voter-registration fraud

<mb:if attribute="raw:Byline">By Keith Ervin
<mb:if attribute="raw:Byline"> <mb:if attribute="raw:Credit">Seattle Times staff reporter
<mb:if attribute="raw:Credit"> </mb:if></mb:if></mb:if></mb:if></mb:if> Related

King and Pierce County prosecutors filed felony charges today against seven people who allegedly committed the biggest voter-registration fraud in state history.
The defendants, who were paid employees and supervisors of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, concocted the scheme as an easy way to get paid, not as an attempt to influence the outcome of elections, King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg said.
"This was an act of vandalism upon the voter rolls of King County," Satterberg said.
In addition to filing criminal charges, Satterberg said state and local officials had signed a five-year agreement with ACORN that requires the organization to beef up its training and procedures for detecting and reporting fraud.
ACORN agreed to pay King County $25,000 for its investigative costs and acknowledged that the national organization could be subject to criminal prosecution if fraud occurs again.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the worst case of voter-registration fraud in the history of the state of Washington. There has been nothing comparable to this," state Secretary of State Sam Reed said at a news conference with Satterberg, King County Executive Ron Sims and Acting U.S. Attorney Jeff Sullivan.
ACORN President Maude Hurd said in a statement, "It appears that a handful of temporary workers were trying to get paid for work they hadn't actually done. While we don't think the intent or the result of their actions was to allow any ineligible person to vote, these employees defrauded ACORN and imposed a burden on the time and resources of registrars and law enforcement."
The announcement of criminal charges came after the King County Canvassing Board revoked 1,762 allegedly fraudulent voter registrations submitted by ACORN employees.
Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Stephen Hobbs told the board that six ACORN workers had admitted filling out registration forms with names they found in phone books last October. The canvassers filled out the forms while sitting around a table at the downtown Seattle Public Library, Hobbs said.
County prosecutors charged the six canvassers with one to eight counts each of filing false information on voter registration, and charged a supervisor with providing false information and making a false statement to a public official.
Two of the ACORN workers were also charged in Pierce County with submitting 55 phony registrations.
ACORN canvassers in other states also have been the subject of investigation.
Keith Ervin: 206-464-2105 or

Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company
Sep 21, 2004
ACORN Workers Indicted For Alleged Voter Fraud

POSTED: 5:02 pm CST November 1, 2006
UPDATED: 10:25 pm CST November 1, 2006

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!--startindex-->KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Four people have been indicted on charges of voter fraud in Kansas City, officials said Wednesday.Investigators said questionable registration forms for new voters were collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that works to improve minority and low-income communities.The four indicted -- Kwaim A. Stenson, Dale D. Franklin, Stephanie L. Davis and Brian Gardner -- were employed by ACORN as registration recruiters. They were each charged with two counts.<table class="storyAd" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="storyAdObj"> <!-- Begin Ad tag: square--><script type="text/javascript">{ "iframe": false, "addlSz": "", "element": "ad_N6B.2EAF", "interstitials": false, "beginDate": "", "endDate": "", "getSect": "", "name": "square", "qString": "", "width": "300", "height": "250", "section": "", "useId": "", "interactive": false, "useSameCategory": true, "topic": "", "swSectionRoot": "", "useZone": "", "type": "DOM" }); </script><script src=";kw=politics+square;comp=false;ad=true;pgtype=detail;tile=2;sz=300x250;ord=1222397018255?"></script><!-- -------------- ------ Internet Broadcasting- Tier 1 - IBSYS 300x250 Premium-755025 ------------ --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><iframe src="" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" width="300" frameborder="0" height="250"></iframe> <!-- ---------- Copyright 2007, ---------- --><noscript> </noscript><!-- End Ad tag: square--> </td></tr></tbody></table>Federal indictments allege the four turned in false voter registration applications. Prosecutors said the indictments are part of a national investigation.ACORN and Project Vote recruit and assign workers to low-income and minority neighborhoods to register people to vote.The Kansas City Election Board told KMBC they found suspicious forms, such as seven applications from one person and an application for a dead man."There is some motive behind it -- this is not accidental," said Ray James with the Kansas City Election Board.Election officials said some of the application cards had false addresses, signatures and phone numbers.ACORN officials in Kansas City said they turned in the four people who were indicted."We're very happy that they were indicted," said Claudie Harris with ACORN.Harris said ACORN workers are paid by the hour and not by the number of voter registration cards they turn in."When you fraudulently defraud this, that gives us a bad name and what we're trying to do a bad name," Harris said.ACORN officials said the four indicted have been fired.Harris said ACORN workers check every voter registration card before sending it to the Election Board.Last month, ACORN claimed to have processed more than 35,000 voter registration applications in Kansas City since the summer.
Sep 21, 2004
Show me some evidence of what Graham supposedly said. BS

Please don't tell me you're so ignorant that you didn't know the Dems have
been pushing for billions for ACORN in this bailout for days now?
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2004
There’s more to the housing bailout measure than meets the eye, says [Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota)]. She contends that members of Congress need to be called back to Washington to reverse the measure that, among other things, sends millions of taxpayer dollars to a radical illegal immigration advocacy group.
The housing package signed into law by President Bush extends an unlimited line of credit to troubled mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and rescues homeowners near or in foreclosure. The measure also increases the federal debt limit by another $800 billion — and sends millions of dollars in aid to [the National Council of La Raza] and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.
Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), a member of the House Financial Services Committee, says she finds it “unconscionable” that the legislation included funding for the two groups, which serve as political action arms of the Democratic Party.
Sep 21, 2004
Gingrich calls bailout "just wrong" and a "very, very bad idea"

<!-- begin content --> Form
Newt Gingricher House Speaker Newt Gingrich dropped a bomb on the bailout today:
“I think you have a Goldman Sachs chief of staff to the President and the Goldman Sachs secretary of the Treasury. And they convinced the President that the American people ought to send $700 billion to Wall Street, which I think is a very, very bad idea and I would argue is a very un-Republican idea. I don’t understand what they think they’re doing.”
He said all this on NPR.
Here's the transcript:
MELISSA BLOCK: The former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is one prominent conservative urging Congress to step hard on the brakes. He writes in the National Review online, “Congress was designed by the founding fathers to move slowly, precisely to avoid the sudden panic of a one-week solution that becomes a 20-year mess.” Newt Gingrich, welcome to the program.
NEWT GINGRICH: It’s great to be with you.
MS. BLOCK: This $700 billion bailout plan, this potential 20-year mess that you’re talking about, comes from a Republican administration, comes from your own party. What’s happened to Republican faith in small government and free markets?
MR. GINGRICH: Well, I think you have a Goldman Sachs chief of staff to the president and the Goldman Sachs secretary of the Treasury. And they convinced the president that the American people ought to send $700 billion to Wall Street, which I think is a very, very bad idea and I would argue is a very un-Republican idea. I don’t understand what they think they’re doing.
MS. BLOCK: Do you feel betrayed by the Bush administration and by the president?
MR. GINGRICH: Well, betrayed is too strong a word. I think what they’re doing is just wrong. And I think that it’s likely to fail and it’s likely to make the situation worse over time. And I think that Secretary Paulson has shown almost no understanding of how a democracy operates. His initial draft would have given him $700 billion of your tax money with no oversight, no judicial review, no accountability. I mean, we’re not a dictatorship.
MS. BLOCK: But the idea, obviously, is that this goes to Congress and that provisions are written in and that’s just what they’re doing now. Are you not reassured by what’s the debate in Congress right now?
MR. GINGRICH: Well, the last time we were promised they were going to save us, it was $300 billion; it was a housing bill. And what liberal Democrats in Congress did, for example, was add $500 million a year for a left-wing activist group called Acorn. Now, I can’t imagine why we’d want the taxpayer to give $500 million a year to a left-wing activist group, but it’s in the bill which the Bush administration signed and that was only back in July and that was going to solve everything. That was $300 billion ago.
Now we have a brand-new, liberal Democrats, many of whom, for example, Chris Dodd, was the largest single recipient of money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and he is the chairman of the Banking Committee. So the guy who got the most money is now going to write a bill to give taxpayers money to the people who gave him money. Somehow, I am not reassured.
MS. BLOCK: But, Mr. Gingrich, a lot of the Republicans in Congress seem to be saying, this needs to go forward.
MR. GINGRICH: Well, I think they’re just wrong. I think we need to slow down, take a deep breath, hold public hearings, have experts testify, understand exactly what the agreement would be, where the money would go, how we would account for it. I don’t think the taxpayers should be socked for $700 billion for welfare for Wall Street. I think it’s fundamentally wrong and I think that it is very likely to create a bureaucratic control of our financial system in a way that will cripple us for 20 years.
MS. BLOCK: You know, when congressional leaders met on Thursday night with Secretary Paulson and with the Fed chair, Ben Bernanke, the message was dire. You heard Senator Chris Dodd saying, they were told we are maybe days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system. Don’t you think that there’s an imminent crisis here, if they were to wait, that there could be really drastic results?
MR. GINGRICH: To be honest, I don’t know. Secretary Paulson has been consistently wrong for a year-and-a-half. He told us for a year-and-a-half this wasn’t a dire crisis; this wasn’t going to happen. So the very people who told us for a long time not to worry about it are – I know they’re panicked. Whether that means that we should be panicked, I’m not sure. And I think the purpose of the Congress, the purpose of the House and Senate, is to be a check and balance on the executive branch, not to automatically write blank checks.
MS. BLOCK: What if you’re wrong?
MR. GINGRICH: Well, if I’m wrong, then we’re going to have a significant problem. And if I’m right, we’re going to have a bigger problem. So I think part of the question is, why can’t this be done out in an open debate, have an openly marked-up bill, have the American people know what’s being asked of them? I was just reading an analysis by a very sophisticated person who said that there’s been at least one leak from a congressional staff briefing by Secretary Paulson in which he clearly indicated he intended to buy assets at above their market value.
And that – why should the taxpayer do that? I mean, why are we not saying, we’ll provide enough capital to avoid collapse, but we’re not going to provide enough capital to guarantee the profits of Wall Street people who, after all, last year, at Goldman Sachs alone had three people each earning $73 million a year. Now, why should we bail them out?
MS. BLOCK: What are you saying the incentive would be for, say, Secretary Paulson or Ben Bernanke to be rushing something through if it weren’t urgently needed? What would their motivation be for that?
MR. GINGRICH: A couple of things – first of all, they’re probably genuinely panicked. And I think that’s real. I think they’re tired; I think they’ve been consistently wrong and now they’re looking at a precipice that’s very frightening. I think, second, that they have a very Wall Street-centric view of the world. And I think that rather than saying, what are the big, profound changes we need to fix America, they are saying, what are the immediate quick fixes for Wall Street, which I think, in the long run, just makes us weaker and sicker. I think, third, they know that if they don’t rush it through, it has no hope because as the American people learn the details, they’re just going to scream at their House and Senate members.
MS. BLOCK: Well, Newt Gingrich, thanks for talking with us.
MR. GINGRICH: Thank you.
MS. BLOCK: That’s Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House.

Submitted by Steve Kraske on September 22, 2008 - 5:11pm.
Republicans | login or register to post comments | 2837 reads

Free Market Needs Diet

Submitted by BOBZILLA on September 22, 2008 - 5:45pm.
Fat cats get a tapeworm.
Our government survives on the left-over’s from the free market system. Outside investors are not invited to party with this group. Those left out, will soon be back like flies at a picnic.
I see the oil speculators already smell something fishy.
Once the Chinese realize that their markets are vulnerable they will find a way to stroke our kitty. Those fat cats need some humility. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

I think Gingrich has this

Submitted by OwenThursday on September 22, 2008 - 11:20pm.
I think Gingrich has this correct. They are going to write complicated legislation and be done with it by Friday, assuming they follow Secretary of the Treasury Paulson's guidance. Congress couldn't write legislation that fast, and get it accurate, it it were the directions to the bathroom down the hall from the House & Senate Chambers. This is going to be a mess.

Mr. Gingrich refers to

Submitted by curt klebaum on September 23, 2008 - 12:37am.
Mr. Gingrich refers to congressional funding of a "left wing" organization
called ACORN. ACORN, according to its website, does not accept government funding.
Curt Klebaum
Los Angeles

Goldman Sachs made 4 billion dollars 2007 - subprime foreclosure

Submitted by JimKC50 on September 23, 2008 - 12:47am.
Goldman Sachs bet (futures trading) the opposite of most other investment banks, making 4 billion, the majority of it was made by 1 trader. They bet the subprime loans would end up in foreclosures
Goldman Sachs has been lined the pocket of Congress for a very long time to get Phil Gramm's deregulation
Listen to Claire on the Senate floor. Then listen to Hillary and you will hear one of the major reasons Obama beat her.
A man starts, next Claire, next Hillary

Dodd just like Gramm

Submitted by JimKC50 on September 23, 2008 - 12:53am.
I have looked at Dodd's donations. There were a large number of financial institutions / Stock/Futures Exchanges in New York City and Chicago that contributed regularly to Dodd.
Don't trust Dodd or Gingrich after listening to him on Hannity.
Many members of Congress are saying no to handing the money to Paulson.


Submitted by Teikiatsu on September 23, 2008 - 6:42am.
ACORN will perform all manner of voter fraud, citizen intimidation, and corrupt government manipulation, yet you believe they'll tell the truth on their public website?

Nothing like high pressure salesmanship!

Submitted by panda on September 23, 2008 - 8:58am.
If it has to be done now, then to me there is something wrong with the deal. The city of Gardner pulled the same crap last March when they wanted an intermodal finance plan crammed thru - they barely gave 24 hours notice to the citizens of a special meeting for that purpose. They did it again on Sept. 15 where they were wanting another finance plan crammed down the throuts of the people where the developer wanted guarantees that the City Council would not change anything for the next 20 years - in other words if we got a Council in there with any integrity and wouldn't give away the store, then they wanted guarantees that nothing would happen to their deal. Money and greed, people, money and greed - does it bring out the best in people and entities - I hardly think so.
What upsets me the most is that these yahoos are getting by with this crud and nothing is being done about it - you can't even get your local Dist. Attorney's office to answer your request for a status report on your complaints about possible violations of Open Meetings Act, campaign finance violations, etc., etc. It is a sorry state of affairs.

Hell Has Just Froze Over

Submitted by KCLaw on September 23, 2008 - 1:37pm.
MR. GINGRICH: "Well, I think they’re just wrong. I think we need to slow down, take a deep breath, hold public hearings, have experts testify, understand exactly what the agreement would be, where the money would go, how we would account for it. I don’t think the taxpayers should be socked for $700 billion for welfare for Wall Street. I think it’s fundamentally wrong and I think that it is very likely to create a bureaucratic control of our financial system in a way that will cripple us for 20 years."
I never thought I'd see the day when I strongly agreed with Newt. But it has come, and the Devil needs longjohns!
We don't need the largest transfer of public funds to the private sector in American History to be crammed down our throats in less than a week, when all Congress is really worried about is getting re-elected.
What a great legacy "Dubya" is leaving to the American people. The worst President ever in the history of this great country. Cooledge, Buchanan and Pierce must be relieved!

WOW...after Gingrich slams

Submitted by shane on September 23, 2008 - 3:28pm.
WOW...after Gingrich slams the deal like this there shouldn't be a single republican vote for this bailout.
KCLAW...while I DO NOT DISAGREE with you necessarily i think it is too early to declare Bush the worst ever. That is a designation that must be made by history...10-20-50 years down the line.
You never know how things will turn out. We still find things out from JFK and Reagan eras that changes opinions.
just a thought

No Bailout

Submitted by llowe18540 on September 23, 2008 - 10:37pm.
I don't believe that I'm saying this but I agree with Newt on this matter. I think I'm going to be sick. No bailout, please! Let the free market work it's magic.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There’s more to the housing bailout measure than meets the eye, says [Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota)]. She contends that members of Congress need to be called back to Washington to reverse the measure that, among other things, sends millions of taxpayer dollars to a radical illegal immigration advocacy group.
The housing package signed into law by President Bush extends an unlimited line of credit to troubled mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and rescues homeowners near or in foreclosure. The measure also increases the federal debt limit by another $800 billion — and sends millions of dollars in aid to [the National Council of La Raza] and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.
Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), a member of the House Financial Services Committee, says she finds it “unconscionable” that the legislation included funding for the two groups, which serve as political action arms of the Democratic Party.

700 billion * 20% = 140 billion. That is more than "millions" by a factor of more than 100. Which is it? 140 billion, or millions? Or neither? A couple of Republicans trying to stir shit up. Not buying it.
Sep 21, 2004
700 billion * 20% = 140 billion. That is more than "millions" by a factor of more than 100. Which is it? 140 billion, or millions? Or neither? A couple of Republicans trying to stir shit up. Not buying it.

Actually the figures above have already been signed into law, they're
referring to already signed bills.

I heard the same quotes today in the news, I'll be
honest, I can't find the info online yet... we'll see tomorrow if
more details come out.

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