So far...
He's blocked the 'birther' investigation
He's blocked a Benghazi investigation
And now...
Thanks to John Boehner, soon you will have 10 million more voters who don't share American values to help you create your 'Progressive' Utopia:
- lots of gun control (no more 2nd Amendment)
- abortion on demand
- higher taxes
- gay "marriage" (other perversions will follow)
- bigger welfare state for all those immigrants who will need it
- single payer healthcare
- "international law" usurping than Constitutional law
- massive anti-capitalist regulations
- Cap and Trade
- speech laws (no more 1st Amendment)
- media regulation
Did I miss anything?
That's right, those loony bin conservatives/libertarians you love to hate so much will be totally politically marginalized, just as you always dreamed and just as we totally deserve.
But don't worry, I'm pretty sure at least a few of those 10 million Mexicans will turn into the next Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
Actually, come to think of it... who needs capitalism at all when the government will just invent everything. That's right, just 'invest' billions into government-funded "research" and America's standard of living will skyrocket, just like Obama advocated during his SOTU!
Thanks to John Boehner, The Great Progressive Liberal Utopia is finally within reach!
To a New America!
He's blocked the 'birther' investigation
He's blocked a Benghazi investigation
And now...
Thanks to John Boehner, soon you will have 10 million more voters who don't share American values to help you create your 'Progressive' Utopia:
- lots of gun control (no more 2nd Amendment)
- abortion on demand
- higher taxes
- gay "marriage" (other perversions will follow)
- bigger welfare state for all those immigrants who will need it
- single payer healthcare
- "international law" usurping than Constitutional law
- massive anti-capitalist regulations
- Cap and Trade
- speech laws (no more 1st Amendment)
- media regulation
Did I miss anything?
That's right, those loony bin conservatives/libertarians you love to hate so much will be totally politically marginalized, just as you always dreamed and just as we totally deserve.
But don't worry, I'm pretty sure at least a few of those 10 million Mexicans will turn into the next Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
Actually, come to think of it... who needs capitalism at all when the government will just invent everything. That's right, just 'invest' billions into government-funded "research" and America's standard of living will skyrocket, just like Obama advocated during his SOTU!
Thanks to John Boehner, The Great Progressive Liberal Utopia is finally within reach!
To a New America!