In 2002, after the dotcom bust, the recession of the 1st two qtrs of 2001 and 9/11, the stock market was down. Democratic talking points, led by Tom Daschle and Chuck Schumer, was to say that millions of average Americans had to delay retirement because of dwindling 401-k balances.
In 2004, those same two Democratic leaders said the surging stock market doesn't mean anything in this election because only the wealthiest of Americans benefited from any growth in the stock market.
In 2006, the stock market wasn't even discussed, it was a secret. It was all about losing the Iraqi war and nothing but the Iraqi war.
In 2008, they were proven wrong about the Iraqi war, so much so that the Iraq war is off the news. Now it's back to their 2002 positions about the stock market.
I happen to believe their beliefs of 2002 and 2008 are more accurate, that a lot of people are impacted by the stock market. Of course, I believed that in 04 & 06 as well. I'm just pointing out that the lying scumbags have no credibility.