Definitely no collusion


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Some reporter writing about something he either

(1) interprets everything to fit his narrative

(2) cites unnamed sources

is NOT citing facts. As a matter of fact, your factual sources are batting zero zero zero, when is that going to set in? When will you start doubting all those left wing sources? WHEN DO YOU ACTUALLY LEARN SOMETHING FROM EXPERIENCE?

Your citations are complete and absolute garbage

I've tried to reach you a few times in your other threads, you're obviously beyond reach. Comes a point where I say I'm going to respond to the idiocy with the mocking disrespect it deserves

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Surprised you took time away from your meme-stories to engage in conversation. No, I doubt Putin will allow extradition of any Russians agents to appear in US courts. But you better believe Mueller is going to round up every last traitor who conspired with our foreign adversary to subvert our election.

Yes, the chairman of the SIC Richard Burr(R) said there was no evidence of collusion. The vice-chairman Mark Warner(D) contradicted that statement. So who is correct? I think the Senate Intel hearings were about as toothless as the HIC lead by traitor Devin Nunes.

Considering that the HIC just sent the testimonies of Don Jr (and others according to the reporting) to the special counsel's office -- It makes one wonder if more people had lied, under oath, during these congressional hearings. We saw what happened to Stone once it was determined he lied to Congress.

Oh yeah, that's a winning argument. To pardon someone of a crime is to admit that the crime took place. If Trump pardons these traitors he's basically acknowledging that he committed a crime.

Also, Mueller has been handing a ton of these cases off to state prosecutors. State crimes cannot be be pardoned by the president.

your definition of traitors is a lot different then mine.. perjury traps don't quite add up to being a traitor in my book....good luck with this foolish narrative. we're not buying .. Warner just doesn't want to concede. that's fine

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The fucking idiot calls us "dense motherfuckers" and then complains about name calling. They really are all the same, it's genetics people, they can't help themselves


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Never voted for a Clinton in my life. I didn't message on the campaign and much of his policies have no direct effect on me -- though I haven't done my taxes yet, we'll see.

The information is out there, but I don't peg as being much of a reader so I won't bother linking the evidence. But yes, a coordinated social media campaign, twitter bots, hacked email.

You don't think Manafort handing over polling data to Russian agents is a red flag? Do understand the significance of that? With information like that you can target swing votes and manipulate people by playing to their fears.

Remember the caravan of immigrants/criminals/rapists heading to the border just before the midterms? You don't hear about that much anymore now that the election is over.

Shut off the memes and start reading. Dig deeper.

you're looking more foolish with each post

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Yes, I have. Thanks for making my point. It's a great way to get into mind and manipulate a group of people who don't know any better -- who won't bother to fact check -- but enjoy the extreme imagery and rhetoric.

Have you ever repeated a message you found in a meme to someone while engaging in political discourse? You might be parroting Russian propaganda designed to divide American citizens. United we stand, divided we fall.

From the article you shared:
"After the election, the group organized both pro- and anti-Trump rallies, including a "Trump is NOT my President" rally in New York the week after the election and one in Charlotte, North Carolina, the following week, the indictment said."

Sounds like sowing division to me.

you should be jumping all over this at Dimes

Wed 1/20 11 D.Trump is impeached in his first term +255
12:01AM 12 D.Trump not impeached in his first term -365

Nov 23, 2004
Your hero wasn't the least bit concerned...

Until Trump won. Then all of a sudden it was "Russia! Russia! Russia!" and we need a special council with unchecked unlimited powers to get to the bottom of it!!

Russia subverted our democracy!!!

Yeah, totally believable! face)(*^%

Rigging != Influencing an election. On top of that, as the President, those are the things you are supposed to say publicly in order to maintain the integrity of our elections.

Behind the scenes, the reporting is that Obama attempted to reach out to Congress about Russian interference ahead of the election and that McConnell threatened to make it a big partisan issue if Obama went public about it.

Of course, McConnell denies this and I don't know if there is any way to get to the truth of the matter.

I wonder if the 3.5million he received in campaign donations from a Russian firm influenced that decision.

Blavatnik emigrated to the United States with his family in the late 1970s and returned to Russia in the late ’80s as the Soviet Union began to collapse. His U.S.-based holding companies — Access Industries Inc. and AI-Altep Holdings Inc. — are conduits for his largest political contributions, according to Federal Election Commission records.

In 2015-16, Blavatnik’s contributions went to GOP PACs and top Republican leaders, including McConnell, according to FEC records.

In that cycle, his companies contributed over $6.3 million, with $2.5 million going to McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund. In 2017, Blavatnik donated another $1 million to the committee, records show, bringing the total to $3.5 million.

While Blavatnik certainly donated a lot of money to McConnell’s committee, he is nowhere near the majority leader’s highest contributor. In the 2017-18 cycle alone, at least two other donors, Sheldon D. Adelson and Miriam Adelson, gave $25 million (a piece) to his leadership fund.

Nov 23, 2004
your definition of traitors is a lot different then mine.. perjury traps don't quite add up to being a traitor in my book....good luck with this foolish narrative. we're not buying .. Warner just doesn't want to concede. that's fine

Perjury trap?! LOL Just tell the truth!!!

You know why people lie? Consciousness of guilt.

Nov 23, 2004
you're looking more foolish with each post

All this information is freely available from IC testimony and published reports. Unlike the president, I trust the opinions of our Intelligence Community -- even the ones headed up by Trump appointees.

Coates, Wray, Haspel all publicly testified about ISIS, China, NK, etc in direct contradiction to the president. If you don't believe me, go find their testimony archived on

I just fucking LOVE that Trump is saying ISIS is 100% defeated. Because no way that comes back to bite him in the ass.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
All this information is freely available from IC testimony and published reports. Unlike the president, I trust the opinions of our Intelligence Community -- even the ones headed up by Trump appointees.

Coates, Wray, Haspel all publicly testified about ISIS, China, NK, etc in direct contradiction to the president. If you don't believe me, go find their testimony archived on

I just fucking LOVE that Trump is saying ISIS is 100% defeated. Because no way that comes back to bite him in the ass.

kinda like calling them the JV squad right ? troops aren't far away in Iraq to deal with them if necessary. We take care of the situation now , not ignore it like the fool did

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Name calling. Choice.

I will accept your facts of those text messages.

Good. You'll never guess who hired Strzok? That's right, your boy Mueller! What a stand up guy! :ohno:

Answer me this: If the FBI was conspiring to stop Trump from getting elected, how do you explain the Comey letter to Congress just before the election? Most people would argue that Comey's timing was suspect and that it clearly benefited Trump. It's a bit of a contradiction from 'the FBI is out to get Trump' don't you think?

And again, to your point, if those people committed a crime then they should be investigated, charged and sentenced for those crimes. The law is the law. As the president, Trump can order the FBI (typically via the AG) to open an investigation to anyone he wants. He could do this and hopefully he has. There are plenty of Democrats, including some in my own state, that I would love to see investigated.

In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton?s personal email
server. Due to recent developments, 1 am writing to supplement my previous testimony.

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence ol?emails that
appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team
briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take investigative
steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain
classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant. and I
cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important
to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.

What do you mean? Hillary should have been indicted for destroying evidence alone. They purposely botched the investigation, so Comey had to finesse himself out of a pickle. Strzok didn't even take notes interviewing Hillary! (Oh yeah, that guy again!) So Comey massaged the language and manipulated the law to soften the blow to Hillary - from "grossly negligent" (criminal) to "extremely careless" (gosh darn it, she really didn't mean it!). I thought you're this "nobody is above law!" kinda guy? I thought you hated this type of conspiracy and corruption within our government?? These are all proven FACTS.

The only reason we have this sham Russia investigation is because Trump fired Comey - perfectly within a president's authority. Mueller is best buddies with Comey, and this is Comey's revenge play on Trump. If you don't believe me, read Comey's petty vindictive statements, interviews and 'tweets' since he was fired - worse than anything Strzok ever texted.

From Obama, Comey and now Mueller - this is an FBI/DOJ intelligence operation and fishing expedition out to cover up the REAL criminals and remove a duly elected president. That is the REAL conspiracy.

McCabe says DOJ talked 25th Amendment, Rosenstein offer to wear wire around Trump was serious: report

And this doesn't trouble you???


Nov 23, 2004
didn't think you would get it

I didn't think you'd get it either.

Transcript from lyin' Michael Flynn during sentencing...

THE COURT: Do you wish to challenge the circumstances on which you were interviewed by the FBI?
THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Do you understand that by maintaining your guilty plea and continuing with sentencing, you will give up your right forever to challenge the circumstances under which you were interviewed?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Do you have any concerns that you entered your guilty plea before you or your attorneys were able to review information that could have been helpful to your defense?
THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.
THE COURT: At the time of your January 24th, 2017 interview with the FBI, were you not aware that lying to FBI investigators was a federal crime?
THE DEFENDANT: I was not -- I was aware.
THE COURT: You were aware?

Tell me more about your perjury traps :think2:

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
didn't think you would get it

Knew or "should have known", that's the crime Scooter Libby was guilty of. He should have known who Valerie Plame was two weeks before he admitted knowing who she was, during an investigation into a crime that never happened since she wasn't covert. You just can't make this shit up

Was Martha Stewart convicted of insider trading? That what the fucking idiots still believe, she was convicted of talking to her broker and not recalling the conversation. she was never charged with insider trading, she was charged in yet another perjury trap

Michael Flynn? The agents that interviewed him with his phone transcripts in their hands testified he answered truthfully. Mueller, who wasn't there for the interview, took those same answers and found some sort of crime

Mueller's a piece of shit who's cases have been overturned by the SC because of his prosecutorial overreach, it's his MO

"Just tell the truth", can't get more simpleton then that

Nov 23, 2004
kinda like calling them the JV squad right ? troops aren't far away in Iraq to deal with them if necessary. We take care of the situation now , not ignore it like the fool did

I voted for Obama, there is plenty about his presidency I didn't agree with and that was one of them. I never said he was some perfect, anointed, savior of the country. When I vote for a politician I continue to hold them to task and take no issue with doling out criticism where criticism is due.

Most Trump supports I have talked to will defend-away every last bit of criticism. There is an excuse for EVERYTHING. It must be exhausting.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I voted for Obama, there is plenty about his presidency I didn't agree with and that was one of them. I never said he was some perfect, anointed, savior of the country. When I vote for a politician I continue to hold them to task and take no issue with doling out criticism where criticism is due.

Most Trump supports I have talked to will defend-away every last bit of criticism. There is an excuse for EVERYTHING. It must be exhausting.

we're concentrating on the winning. the rest of the BS is for you fools ...

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I didn't think you'd get it either.

Transcript from lyin' Michael Flynn during sentencing...

THE COURT: Do you wish to challenge the circumstances on which you were interviewed by the FBI?
THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Do you understand that by maintaining your guilty plea and continuing with sentencing, you will give up your right forever to challenge the circumstances under which you were interviewed?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Do you have any concerns that you entered your guilty plea before you or your attorneys were able to review information that could have been helpful to your defense?
THE DEFENDANT: No, Your Honor.
THE COURT: At the time of your January 24th, 2017 interview with the FBI, were you not aware that lying to FBI investigators was a federal crime?
THE DEFENDANT: I was not -- I was aware.
THE COURT: You were aware?

Tell me more about your perjury traps :think2:

pretty much have to take the plea going against a rogue prosecutor.. especially when they go after your family.. but in your world , the family were traitors to I can

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I voted for Obama, there is plenty about his presidency I didn't agree with and that was one of them. I never said he was some perfect, anointed, savior of the country. When I vote for a politician I continue to hold them to task and take no issue with doling out criticism where criticism is due.

Most Trump supports I have talked to will defend-away every last bit of criticism. There is an excuse for EVERYTHING. It must be exhausting.

You voted for the MOST corrupt president in history, who single-handedly politicized and destroyed the DOJ/FBI and our intelligence agencies beyond repair - rogue unchecked agencies that were SPYING on and targeting innocent Americans long before Trump arrived on the scene.

Even worse, while your boy was making public statements mocking "Russian meddling" he was secretly and illegally spying on politicians and campaigns that were not politically in-sync with his views: the REAL enemies in his eyes.

Let that sink in.


What did the President know and when did he know it?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
You voted for the MOST corrupt president in history, who single-handedly politicized and destroyed the DOJ/FBI and our intelligence agencies beyond repair - rogue unchecked agencies that were SPYING on and targeting innocent Americans long before Trump arrived on the scene.

Even worse, while your boy was making public statements mocking "Russian meddling" he was secretly and illegally spying on politicians and campaigns that were not politically in-sync with his views: the REAL enemies in his eyes.

Let that sink in.


What did the President know and when did he know it?

BOOM ! Sherriff comes in ! close the

Apr 14, 2006
Singer may be as dumb as GoofyBalls

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