A professional player may have or do..
A degree based in accounting, business,etc..or just be strong naturally in math
A background in putting pen-to-pad to amass their roll, knowledge/skill, & contacts
Two computers(one for DBS 24/7), 8 tvs, 2 satelites(big & small), and two or more phones lines
Middlers/Movers, Syndicates, Pros, NYC & others on their speed dial
Golf or play Poker all day
Has overhead(cappers, clerks, runners, Managers) to pay off the top before taking profit from their bankroll
May never get out of their robe or house for days at a time
May have been been served wire-tap notices or been prosecuted under the RICO Act before
Live on a diet of roughly 2/3rds Dogs..like a Chinaman
Relies solely on winnings from games of chance on their taxes, or their winnings out-perform their day jobs in earnings. These are guys that have wives that dress great, drives luxury sleds, and actually tolerate their man's job demand hours, as opposed to the public's wives that leave their man over their losing, wild financial fluctuations, or small winnings from massive homework demands(thus not worthwile pursuit)
As Rail notes..so true!...D2, the "best of the best" have had to find a backer at some juncture(BW, Bob Martin,etc..)
Has 15 to 30 up front outs, and can reach most any other out with a single call..even if the outs don't know it!
As Fez notes, considers winning small or breaking even to a year the equivalent of losing
Doesn't chase often..well understands the concept "live to play another day"
Takes good care of employees with bonuses, puts their kids through college, and generally suggest to anyone that they could've been just as prosperous in most any other endeavors, if put in the same demands that being a pro sports gambler requires & their inherit smarts to work elsewhere
Knows what they are looking for before the numbers appear, shops early & late & all between..while losing their vision staring at the DB screen
A dying breed
And most importantly as Dobie, LVisdead, Nicky, Wil, Fez, Fish, etc..note, any guy looking to bet more than 2 dimes, let alone 10 to 20K per game, according to Corporate Vegas with it's Stepford Lines and Ivy League yuppie braintrust running the show now
[This message was edited by Horseshoe on June 08, 2004 at 02:10 AM.]