This needs its own thread....
Feel Free to add to the list as the Right Wing Wackos Continue to make outrageous claims and fabricate lies about Obama...
ok.. Who is credible here??
According to Sekrah and mistermj Tocco and Basehead.. Let me get this straight
Obama is a racist muslim arab terrorist
who was born in kenya (even though he has a birth certificate)
who wants to take over the WhiteHouse and enslave all white people ,
who had a gay affair with some guy named Larry,
who Smoked Crack,
and his dad was a pedophile,
and he wants to take everyones money
and he had cheated on his wife and had an affair bc it says so in the National Enquirer,
and he is responsible for the housng fiasco,
and he is responsible for the stock market slump too...
oh yeah lets not forget that hes going to jail too bc of Rezko...
the right wingers are leading in the polls too.. Mccain is a Shoe-in <----LOL!
and he wants to DENY intercity children an edumactation...
and he "now as a community organizer intimidated Banks into giving loans to people with Bad credit"
Doing all this while aspiring to be President of the United States...
Feel Free to add to the list as the Right Wing Wackos Continue to make outrageous claims and fabricate lies about Obama...
ok.. Who is credible here??
According to Sekrah and mistermj Tocco and Basehead.. Let me get this straight
Obama is a racist muslim arab terrorist
who was born in kenya (even though he has a birth certificate)
who wants to take over the WhiteHouse and enslave all white people ,
who had a gay affair with some guy named Larry,
who Smoked Crack,
and his dad was a pedophile,
and he wants to take everyones money
and he had cheated on his wife and had an affair bc it says so in the National Enquirer,
and he is responsible for the housng fiasco,
and he is responsible for the stock market slump too...
oh yeah lets not forget that hes going to jail too bc of Rezko...
the right wingers are leading in the polls too.. Mccain is a Shoe-in <----LOL!
and he wants to DENY intercity children an edumactation...
and he "now as a community organizer intimidated Banks into giving loans to people with Bad credit"
Doing all this while aspiring to be President of the United States...